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1、Supply Chain Management,Slide 1,Slide 2,Globalization全球化 Developed transportation交通 Computer technology电脑技术 Digital communication/transmission通讯 Deregulation解除管制 Increasing Customer need. 141客户需求 Product life cycle. Innovation and Tech-nology depreciation产品生命周期 Increasing competition竞争环境恶化 Sustainab

2、ility可持续发展,Supply Chain Management,一次新经济,对一个国家和民族,就是一次机遇。我们中华民族已丧失了三次新经济的机遇,同发达国家的差距越拉越大。 第一次:18世纪,在蒸汽机革命和古典经济理论的推动下,世界开始从农业经济转向工业经济时代,我们还正陶醉于康乾盛世,完全不知。 第二次:19世纪末20世纪初,在电气技术革命和新古典经济学的推动下,世界经济进入电气时代,我们又正处于清朝末年。 第三次:二战以后,在电子技术革命和现代市场经济理论的推动下,世界经济再次进入一个新的黄金时代,我们却因连年的以阶级斗争为纲,把这个大好的机遇又错过了。于是,我们同发达国家的差距越拉

3、越大。200年前的1800年,中国经济量大约战全球33%,当时欧洲为28%,美国0.8%100年后的1900年,中国跌至6.2%再过100年,2000年更跌到3.2%,而美国却上升到27%,Slide 5,影响中国企业的 10大管理实践,全球化 驾驭电子商务 客户关系管理 供应链管理 知识管理 精益生产 开发服务业务 公司治理结构 发展领导力 管理变革,核心竞争力 战略联盟 品牌 收购和兼并 创新 业务流程重组 渠道建设 客户满意度 全面质量管理 信息技术改变管理,影响企业未来的 10大管理理念,Slide 6,1990s:Shareholder value 所有者价值 Cost reduct

4、ion 降低成本 Re-focusing 重新专注业务 Outsourcing 外包 Re-engineering 重组 Delayering 减少层次,2000+ New sources of compet- itive advantage 新的竞争优势 More reconciliation between: Short-long term effectiveness 短期效益与长期利益的平衡 Cost efficiency and innovation 成本效益性;创新 Global integration andlocal responsive 全球整合并且地区响应,Top manag

5、ement thinking,Slide 7,Horizontal integration 横向一体化 occurs when a business merges with or acquires another businessVertical integration Ownership and control over successive stages of the value chain for its product.,供应链的兴起,Slide 8,Whats Push?Whats Pull?Whats 141, customization?Competition focus?专注点

6、 1960s: Cost 1970s: Quality 1990s: Time-based基于时间的竞争 2000+: Agility敏捷,供应链的兴起,Slide 9,最主要的弱点是什么?推的生产方式,以库存应付不确定性。需求的不确定性急剧增加,甚至使企业无法生存。对需求趋势的反应迟缓。剧烈的竞争,使竞争优势可能很快丧失。传统的模式下,战略的柔性不够的企业,承受更大的风险。 ,供应链的兴起,Slide 10,Slide 11,供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对物流,信息流,资金流的控制,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、最终客户连成一起的链网状结构。 这是一个高度一体化的企业结构,强调企业间的战略

7、合作关系。通过顾客需求的驱动,供应链以最优的价值增值流程,满足客户需求。通过与最优秀的(核心能力)企业建立伙伴关系,提高核心企业的竞争力,并使链的所有企业受益。关键词:战略伙伴关系。快速反应。柔性。系统动力学。成本-效益。,What is Supply Chain,Slide 12,网络、连接、物流型定义 流程中各种要素的连接。 信息型定义 供应链管理是实际商品调达而使用的手段信息流,对供应链全体绩效是极其重要的。 整合型定义: 不是对现有组织的再造,而是事业流程再设计的必然结果。 未来发展型定义: 较之交易要素,它更重视的是关系 供应链管理这个概念更应该用无缝隙性需求整合来取代(seamle

8、ss demand pipeline)。,What is Supply Chain,Slide 13,What is Supply Chain,Profitability 供应链的基本目标是:实现最大价值增值,或者说最大的供应链获利能力。Source of Revenue: only one收入来源Source of Cost: flows of information, product, funds generate costs within the chain to maximize total profitability.成本来源由此可以得出,供应链管理的定义或基本内容。,Slide 1

9、4,Processes and flows,Slide 15,Processes and flows,Process view of a supply chainCycle View循环周期划分 Customer order cycle完成周期 Replenishment cycle Manufacturing cycle Procurement cyclePull/Push view of process以推拉分 Depending on the timing of the execution relative to customer demand.The push/pull boundar

10、y in a supply chain se-parates push processes from pull processes.,Slide 16,Supply Chain Decisions,Design/Strategy Location, capacity of Facilities Products at various locations Modes of transportation Type of informationPlanning Location with markets. Buildup of inventory Replenish & inventory poli

11、cies Marketing promotionsOperation decisions regarding Individual customer order-implementation in best possible manner,Configuration -constraintsParameters -limitsOperations -performance,Slide 17,Execute Competitive Strategy,Strategic Fit means both the competitive and supply chain strategies have

12、the same goal. 战略匹配 Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and help reach competitive strategy goal.,Slide 18,Supply Chain Management,Slide 19,Slide 20,Strategic Fit,Step 1: Understanding the Customer (demand).Quantity of the product needed in each lot Response time that c

13、ustomers are willing to tolerate Variety of products needed Service level required: availability Price of the product Desired rate of innovation in the product Key measure capturing variation for all the attributes: Implied Demand Uncertainty隐含的不确定因素 resulting uncertainty given the portion of demand

14、 that the chain must handle and the attributes the customer desires.,Slide 21,Strategic Fit,Slide 22,Strategic Fit,Understand customer by mapping their demand on the implied demand uncertainty spectrum. 了解客户:隐含的不确定因素程度如何?,Step 2: Understanding the Supply ChainMapping the Chain on the responsiveness

15、spectrum 了解供应链:反应导向与效率导向的界线,成本导向,Slide 24,Achieving Strategic Fit,Slide 25,Strategic Scope,战略吻合的设计立足点、战略范围,Slide 26,Strategic Scope,Expanding Scope of Strategic FitIntracompany intraoperational scope:Minimize-local-cost viewIntracompany intrafunctional scope:Minimize functional cost viewIntracompany

16、 interfunctional scope:Maximize company profit viewIntercompany interfunctional scope:Maximize supply chain surplus view,Slide 27,Supply Chain Drivers and Obstacles Drivers of Supply Chain Performance,Slide 28,Littles Law: Inventory I = RT Throughput & process Flow TimeComponents of Information deci

17、sion Push vs Pull: push requires elaborate MRP system to roll MPS back and creating schedules for suppliers with details. Pull requires in-formation on actual demand transmitted quickly throughout chain Coordination and information sharing Forecasting and Aggregate Planning How to use the aggregate planning both at managers stage in the chain and throughout the whole chain Enabling technologies,


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