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1、现代景观建筑与生态,张超金 10081081,Garden, Chinese Garden 著名的Landscape Architects 有哪些,不论中外古今。4 俞孔坚景观建筑中的Landscape Architecture的概念是什么,哈弗学堂的又是什么?,内容概要,“And the Lord God made a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had made. ” (from: Bbe )A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set a

2、side for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made materials. The most common form today is known as a residential garden, but the term garden has traditionally been a more general one. Zoos, which display wild a

3、nimals in simulated(模拟) natural habitats, were formerly called zoological gardens(动物园). Western gardens are almost universally based on plants, with garden often signifying a shortened form of botanical garden(植物园).The etymology(来源) of the word refers to enclosure: it is from Middle English gardin,

4、from Anglo-French gardin, jardin, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gart, an enclosure.The words yard, court, and Latin hortus (meaning “garden,“ hence horticulture and orchard), are cognatesall referring to an enclosed space. The term “garden“ in British English refers to an enclosed area

5、 of land, usually adjoining a building.This would be referred to as a yard in American English.,Garden,Some traditional types of eastern gardens, such as Zen gardens(宗教花园), use plants such as parsley(香菜). Xeriscape gardens use local native plants that do not require irrigation or extensive use of ot

6、her resources while still providing the benefits of a garden environment. Gardens may exhibit structural enhancements, sometimes called follies, including water features such as fountains, ponds (with or without fish), waterfalls (瀑布)or creeks(小溪), dry creek beds(干的河床), statuary(雕塑), arbors(乔木), tre

7、llises(棚架) and more.Some gardens are for ornamental purposes only, while some gardens also produce food crops, sometimes in separate areas, or sometimes intermixed with the ornamental plants. Food-producing gardens are distinguished from farms by their smaller scale, more labor-intensive methods, an

8、d their purpose (enjoyment of a hobby rather than produce for sale). Flower gardens combine plants of different heights, colors, textures, and fragrances to create interest and delight the senses.from:http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden从上可见:garden最早来源圣经,来源Middle English gardin, Anglo-French gardin, j

9、ardin, of Germanic origin,所描述的对象比较多,总体而言面积不大,是一个为私人或少数人群服务的。,(1)Five phases: a.汉以前(nascent time):royal garden 上林苑、 建章宫,building technique:symbol、imagination; b. 魏晋、南北朝(developing time):Buddhism was spreading,reproduce the nature,private garden、temple garden thrived,building technique:“写意”; C.隋唐(matu

10、re time)the society was stable, the economy was prosperous,the amount of gardens was increasing,the techniques raisedwas affected by poetry and painting(王维,白居易),the first public garden in the world:曲江,building techniques:“园中园”; d.宋(splendid time)was highly affected by the painting;technique: paintin

11、g principle“外师造化,内发心源”. e.明清(climactic time)Royal garden皇家园林园;Private garden-写意园;the only book in antient garden building:计成园冶;,Chinese garden,(2)the distribution of Chinese traditional garden:,The existent gardens were built during Ming,Qing dynasty,most of the famous gardens were damaged by war、fi

12、re and another reason is they were mostly made of an undurable material-wood。,(3)Compare of royal garden and private garden(the basic principles are unanimous) difference in style: a.Layout strict,balanced,extroversion(R)freedom,liveliness,introversion(P) b.Building solid,massy,close(R)void , slende

13、r,open(P) C.Scale big(R)small(P) d.Colour gorgeous(R)simple but elegant(P),From:中外园林史、园林景观专业英语教材、傅娅老师的课件,Garden design has been an important Japanese art for many centuries. Traditional Japanese gardens can be broadly categorized into three types, Tsukiyama Gardens (hill gardens), Karesansui Gardens

14、 (dry gardens) and Chaniwa Gardens (tea gardens).,Tsukiyama (Suizenji Koen, Kumamoto),Karesansui (Nanzenji, Kyoto) Tsukiyama Gardens,From:http:/www.japan- garden,Tsukiyama Gardens Ponds, streams, hills, stones, trees, flowers, bridges and paths are used to create a miniature reproduction of a natura

15、l scenery which is often a famous landscape in China or Japan. The name Tsukiyama refers to the creation of artificial hills. Tsukiyama gardens vary in size and in the way they are viewed. Smaller gardens are usually enjoyed from a single viewpoint, such as the veranda of a temple, while many larger

16、 gardens are best experienced by following a circular scrolling path. Karesansui Gardens Karesansui gardens reproduce natural landscapes in a more abstract way by using stones, gravel, sand and sometimes a few patches of moss for representing mountains, islands, boats, seas and rivers. Karesansui ga

17、rdens are strongly influenced by Zen Buddhism and used for meditation Chaniwa Gardens Chaniwa gardens are built for the tea ceremony. They contain a tea house where the actual ceremony is held and are designed in aesthetic simplicity according to the concepts of sado (tea ceremony). Chaniwa gardens typically feature stepping stones that lead towards the tea house, stone lanterns and a stone basin (tsukubai), where guests purify themselves before participating in the ceremony.,


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