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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 DoDo youyou havehave a a soccersoccer ball?ball?TheThe FirstFirst PeriodPeriodSectionSection A A (1a-2d)(1a-2d).Teaching.Teaching aims:aims:1.Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:do,have,tennis,ball,soccer,volleyball,basketball,let,us,go,we,late,has,ge t(2)Key phrases:soccer ball,lets go,be lat

2、e(3)Important sentences:A:Do you have a ping-pong bat?B:Yes,I do.A:Do you have a ping-pong ball?B:No,I dont.2.Ability aims:Talk about different kinds of balls.3.Emotion aims:Make students fall in love with ball sports.IIII.Important.Important points:points:Train students listening and speaking skill

3、s.IIIIII.Difficult.Difficult points:points:Ask and answer questions using “do” or “does”.IV.TeachingIV.Teaching processprocessStep 1 Warming up1.Show a volleyball to the class.T:Whats this in English?Ss:Its a volleyball.T:Yes,you are right.How do you spell it?Ss:V-O-L-L-E-Y-B-A-L-L,volleyball.Show s

4、tudents other objects,such as basketball,tennis ball,soccer ball ,baseball,ping-pong bat.Teach students new words in the same way. 2.Work on 1a.Please look at the picture in 1a.There are some balls in it.Do you know what 2kind of balls they are?Match the words with the things in the picture.Teacher

5、checks the answers.Look at the key structure.Do you have a ping-pong bat?Yes,I do.Do you have a ping-pong ball?No,I dont.Read the words and dialogue after the teacher and then read it together.Step 2 ListeningWork on 1b,2a,2b.1.Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.2.Play the re

6、cording again and ask students to do 1b,2a,2b.3.Check the answers in 1b,2a,2b.Step 3 PairworkWork on 1c.Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the things in 1a.A: Do you have a ping-pong bat?B: Yes,I do.A: Do you have a ping-pong ball?B: No,I dont.Work on 2c

7、.Ask and answer questions about the people in 2a.A:Does Jane have a tennis ball?B:No,she doesnt.Ask some pairs to act out their conversation.Step 4 Role-playWork on 2d.Let students read the conversation after the teacher,and then practice the conversation with their 3partners.Teacher asks some pairs

8、 to act out the conversation in front of the class.Language points1.1.havehave 的用法的用法(1)have 为实义动词,意为“有” ,常用句型为 sb. have/has +sth.,表示“某人有某物” ,当主语为第三人称单数时,have 用其单三形式 has。(2)have 还有“吃;喝”的意思。如:have breakfast 吃早餐【拓展拓展】常用短语有:have fun/have a good time 玩得高兴have a rest 休息have a look 看一看have to 必须have a cla

9、ss 上课(3)含有 have 的句子变否定句要在 have 前加 dont。含有 has 的句子变否定句要在 has 前加 doesnt,has 变为 have。2.Do2.Do youyou havehave a a pingping-pongpong bat?bat?你有一个乒乓球拍吗?(教材第你有一个乒乓球拍吗?(教材第 2525 页)页)这是一般现在时的一般疑问句,句中的谓语动词 have 是一个实义动词。在英语中,句子的谓语动词如果是实义动词,常借助于助动词来提问,主语是第三人称单数的句子中用 does,其他的情况用 do。do 或 does 在这里没有实际意义,只是用来帮助构成一

10、般疑问句。 其基本句式:“Do/Does+主语+实义动词原形+.?”肯定回答是“Yes,主语(代词)+do/does.”,否定回答是“No,主语(代词)+dont/doesnt.” 。I have a basketball.我有一个篮球。Do you have a basketball?你有一个篮球吗?Yes,I do./No,I dont.是的,我有。/不,我没有。He knows Li Ming.他认识李明。Does he know Li Ming?他认识李明吗?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.是的,他认识。/不,他不认识。43.Were3.Were late!late

11、!我们迟到了!(教材第我们迟到了!(教材第 2626 页)页) late 形容词,意为“迟的;晚的” 。其反义词为 early,意为“早的” 。late 常构成固定短语:be late for.表示“迟到” 。I am never late for school.我上学从来不迟到。【拓展拓展】late 还可作副词,意为“迟地;晚地” ,指比确定的时间或一般情况晚。Today he gets up late.他今天起床晚。Exercise1 1、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1._ you _(have) a ping-pong bat?Yes,I do.2._ Tim and

12、 Jane _(have) erasers?3.Let _(we) go to Shanghai.4._ Jack _(have) a basketball?5.Does she have a TV?No,she _(do not).二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1.Do _ have a ruler?Yes,I do.A.he B.she C.they D.you 2._ they have a computer?No,they _.A.Are;arent B.Do;doesnt C.Do;dont D.Does;dont 3._ she have a pencil box?A.Do B.Is

13、 C.Does D.Are 4.I _ two pens and they _ black.A.have;have B.am;are C.have;are D.am;have 5.Does Helen _ English books?Yes,he does.A.are B.is C.has D.haveHomework51.Copy the new words in 1a-2d.2.Read and recite 2d.板书设计板书设计UnitUnit 5 5 DoDo youyou havehave a a soccersoccer ball?ball?TheThe FirstFirst P

14、eriodPeriodSectionSection A A (1a-2d)(1a-2d)tennis ball ping-pong bat soccer ballvolleyball basketball baseball batDo you have a ping-pong bat?Yes,I do.Do you have a ping-pong ball?No,I dont.教学反思:教学反思: UnitUnit 5 5 DoDo youyou havehave a a soccersoccer ball?ball?TheThe SecondSecond PeriodPeriodSectionSection A A (Grammar(Grammar Focus-3c)Focus-3c).Teaching.Teaching aims:aims:1.Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:great,play,sound(2)Key phrases:play basketball(3)Important sentences:Do you have a baseball?Yes,I


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