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1、,无题,李商隐,著名诗人。擅长诗歌写作,骈文文学价值也很高,他是晚唐最出色的诗人之一,和杜牧合称“小李杜”,与温庭筠合称为“温李”,因诗文与同时期的段成式、温庭筠风格相近,且三人都在家族里排行第十六,故并称为“三十六体”。其诗构思新奇,风格秾丽,尤其是一些爱情诗和无题诗写得缠绵悱恻,优美动人,广为人传诵。但部分诗歌过于隐晦迷离,难于索解,至有“诗家总爱西昆好,独恨无人作郑笺”之说。因处于牛李党争的夹缝之中,一生很不得志。死后葬于家乡沁阳(今沁阳与博爱县交界之处)。作品收录为李义山诗集。,Chief introduction of the poet,无题 李商隐 相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。

2、 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。 蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。,The content of the poem,There are three different kinds of translation and one analysis of the poem 1、Lin Jianmins translation 2、Zhuo Zhenyings translation 3、Xu Yuanchongs translation 4、Our own analysis,林健民先生译为: AN UNTITLED POEM Lee Shang Wun Tis e

3、xcitedly unbearable to meet as well as to depart, Easterly wind weakens while all kinds of flowers faded; Spring silkworm died after it ended fibre productions, A candle turns to ashes when shedding of tears dries up; Looking at morning mirror I worry my temple is changed. Humming verse at night moo

4、nlight appeared to be chilly; As the legendary Mount Penglai isnt far from my place, I asked the blue bird to convey you my kindest regards.,卓振英先生译为: A Titleless Poem Li Shangyin Tis hard for us to meet,but separations harder still. When breezes languish,fall and wither all the flowers will. The sil

5、kworm ceases not to spin her thread before shes dead; Unless burnt to ashes endless tears a candlell shed. At dawn the mirror may betray your dread of aging hair; Reciting poems at night I feel the moons chill in the air. As Mount Penglai is not very long a distance away, The Blackbird may be kind e

6、nough to you frequent,I pray!,许渊冲先生译为: TO ONE UNNAMED Li Shangyin Its difficult for us to meet and hard to part; The east wind is too weak to revive flowers dead. Spring silkworm till its death spins silk from lovesick heart, And candles but when burned up have no tears to shed. At dawn Im grieved t

7、o think your mirrored hair turns grey; At night you would feel cold while I croon by moonlight. To the three fairy mountains its not a long way. Would the blue bird oft fly to see you no the height!,相 见 时 难 别 亦 难, Its difficult for us to meet and hard to part, 东 风 无 力 百 花 残。 The east wind is too wea

8、k to revive(使复苏) flowers dead. 春 蚕 到 死 丝 方 尽, Spring silkworm till its death spins(纺) silk from lovesick heart, 蜡 炬 成 灰 泪 始 干。 And candles but when burned up have no tears to shed(流干). 晓 镜 但 愁 云 鬓 改, At dawn Im grieved to think your mirrored hair turns grey; 夜 吟 应 觉 月 光 寒。 At night you would feel co

9、ld while I croon(吟唱)by moonlight. 蓬 山 此 去 无 多 路, To the three fairy mountains its not a long way. 青 鸟 殷 勤 为 探 看。 Would the blue bird oft fly to see you no the height!,无题 TO ONE UNNAMED 李商隐 Li Shangyin,New words: east wind:spring wind. 东风:春风 revive:使复苏;使苏醒 spring silkworm:春蚕 spin:纺织 burn up:烧尽 shed:流

10、干 croon:吟唱,Main idea of the poem 大意 It is a love poem,which implys that both to meet and to separate are difficult for the lovers who love each other deeply. The east wind bring chill to the air,which makes the lovers lose their vitality(活力)because their lingering(缠绵). The 3rd and 4th sentences mean

11、s the lovers loyal commitment. However,hard to meet and the chilly air are so indifferent that make them feel disappointed and cold,which make them grow old as time flys. The last two sentences means that the lovers hope a blue bird to bring their miss. 这是诗人以“无题”为题目的许多诗歌中最有名的一首寄情诗。整首诗的内容围绕着第一句,尤其是“别亦难”三字展开。“东风”句点了时节,但更是对人的相思情状的比喻。因情的缠绵悱恻,人就像春末凋谢的春花那样没了生气。三、四句是相互忠贞不渝、海誓山盟的写照。五、六句则分别描述两人因不能相见而惆怅、怨虑,倍感清冷以至衰颜的情状。唯一可以盼望的是七、八两 句中的设想:但愿青鸟频频传递相思情。,Thanks for your applause,


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