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1、半开放与开放性作文点击 阜宁中学 曹刚,作业检查:目前,有不少中学生利用寒暑假期间打工赚钱去年暑假期间,你曾在一家饭店打工当服务员打工之余,你有如下感受: 过去常常向父母要钱,现在你用自己赚的钱,心里很激动 你明白了金钱的价值,也学会了一些与他人相处的方法 积累了一些工作经验和社会经验,为以后步入社会作了些准备 总之,你度过了一个愉快的假期 要求:不要逐字逐句翻译,词数左右,典型错误:1.词: the valuable of money ;many student ; a English corner ;the important of protecting;at March 12th 2.句

2、子: (1) I fell/was exciting (2)The job was very tired(3) I getted many experiences (4) I was worked in a restaurant(5) I think it will good for my future (6) Its not easily for my parents to own money (7) I could buy something what I want with my own money (8) I hope use the experiences in our job wh

3、en I leave school (9) I used to use money which from my parents,One possible version:Nowadays it is usual for us students to find part-time jobs in the holidays. Last summer, I worked as a waiter in a restaurant, and I learned a lot.Firstly, it was the first time for me to earn money on my own, so I

4、 felt extremely excited. Now I can buy what I want without asking my parents for money as before. Secondly, during the period I learned not only the value of money but also the way to get along with others. Thirdly, I gained some working experience as well as social experience, which I found a good

5、preparation for the world outside school. It was good to my future work.In a word, I had a wonderful vacation.,作业检查:假设你是李华.今天(2004年9月20日,星期一),你代表你校学生就学生的课外活动向来访的美国学生进行了介绍,并且你们进行了交流.请根据下面图画内容提示,用英语写一篇日记. 主意:1.日记的格式和开头已给出; 2.词数:100左右; 3.参考词汇:代表on behalf of Monday Sept.20,2004 SundayToday Im very pleas

6、ed to have met the visiting American students. _.,典型病句: 1.Everyone have a good time that day 2.I was on behalf of school met them 3.I talked something about English corner 4. Many students active take part in English corner 5. There are a lot of students attend/take part in it 6.The American visitor

7、s was very pleased to see it. 7. The students life are very colorful 8. It teached us to learn lots of things.,One possible version:,Monday September 20,2004 SunnyToday Im very pleased to have met the visiting American students.,This morning we had a friendly talk with them. On behalf of all the stu

8、dents, I told them about our after-class activities: Our school holds the English Corner every week so that the students can practise their spoken English. In March, our school usually organizes a tree-planting activity in the countryside. On New Years Eve we have a New Year party. Recently many stu

9、dents have taken part in the English Speech Contest. All these activities are well received.,After that , I showed them around our school. Although I was tired, I was very happy.,书面表达中学生常见错误类型 一 散乱型不着边际胡乱写; 二 逻辑混乱型多出现在语句或情节描绘中; 三 语法不通型一般出现在语句中; 四 误用词语型语句中用词错误 五 粗心大意型不认真阅读提示,或错写内容或丢三落四 六 喧宾夺主型不分主次信马由

10、缰丢掉主要内容而将非主要内容大写或特写,写作要领 1 细读提示明白写什么,日记、信函、报导或叙事描写 2 写全要点了解核心内容,非重要情节,图画作文应认真分析判断才能分清主次。表格类原则上一个不能少 3 卷面干净事先打草稿然后誊改是使文章通畅的关键,4 书写认真不求文字隽秀力保规范工整,这是留下好印象的起码条件 5 层次分明为使短文令人感到赏心悦目分成2甚至3段为好 6 承上启下简而言之是连接词、过渡句他们是组成文章粘和剂,上下沟通的纽带,7 繁简有度文章总有详写与略写,尤其是 图画类短文,学会筛选是非常必要的,如其不然,事无巨细全部点到,不仅使文章成了流水帐,而且空耗了时间还使文章显得冗赘若

11、再因超长而被扣分岂不得不偿失?! 8 亮点突出较高级词汇和较 复杂的语法结构的合理适时使用,这最能影响或打动改卷教师,是求得高档次及该档次高端分 值的保证,2004年全国高考英语书面表达分类 图画型京、渝、湘、粤、辽 京-图表两幅,描绘课余活动所占比例,另两幅画谈100圆和10圆的去向; 渝-图画四幅,妈妈提水洗衣我帮忙,同学来约,我不去妈妈夸奖,我深思; 湘-画两幅,城市与农村,城市生活的不足,去农村度假的原因; 粤-看电视与学习的两幅画,描绘交涉过程; 辽-4幅画,公园内一老者机智地用雨伞将一抢包犯绊倒从而将其抓获.,表格型津、苏、浙、闽、鄂1).津-关于中学生应如何使用零花钱的主题班会;

12、 2).苏-写信向加拿大笔友介绍家乡江城所取得的成就及存在的问题,并对发展谈看法; 3).浙-写信给加拿大朋友推介英汉词典与新华词典的特色价格与收词; 4).闽-写信向美国朋友介绍你校的规划目的及内容; 5).鄂-英语学习的讨论,题目为学习英语要不要从儿童时起,观点不同,未取得一致意见,文字型全国四份及上海 1.全1- 北京电视台举办外国人学中文唱中国歌,建议你的外国朋友参加并能提供帮助; 2. 全2- 外国朋友暑期来华,一人住你家,写信表示欢迎并介绍安排; 3. 全3- 美国教授的美国史讲座不能参加,请假并询问是否有录音; 4. 全4- 外国朋友来华学汉语,介绍汉语班的开办日期程度教师资质等

13、; 5. 沪- 一篇日记,内容为老师要求你负责班级墙报工作并征求你的意见,写出你的决定并谈谈想法,文长120至150词,练习一:下面几幅图反映的是我们日常生活中常见的浪费现象请写一篇英语短文,描述这些现象,并就此谈谈你的看法 词数:个左右,One possible version: A lot of things are wasted in our daily life. Some people buy more than they can eat and throw away the leftovers, which can be kept for another meal. Some do

14、nt bother to turn taps off after using running water. Lights are sometimes left on even in the daytime and people ignore this as if they didnt see it at all. I hope everyone realize that its no easy job for parents to earn enough money to support us and that our country is not a very rich one and ma

15、ny people are still suffering poverty (or:are still very poor) .We should not waste! Save on things we use for the sake of our parents and our country.,练习二:假如你正在参加一场英语辩论赛,你是正方辩论者,请你写一篇词数为本左右的文章主题为”Shall a senior school student take a part-time job in holidays ?” 注意:开头已为你写好 Dear friends,Here are my points. _ _ _,



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