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1、Unit1 Passage1 Valentines Day probably has its origin in the ancient Roman celebration called Lupercalia( 牧神节 ) . It was celebrated on February 15. In the Roman calendar February was in the spring. The celebration honored the gods Lupercus and Faunus as well as the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, t

2、he legendary founders of Rome. As part of the ceremony the priests paired up young man and women. The girls names were placed in a box and each boy drew a girls name. The couple was paired then untilthe next Lupercalia. In 260AD the emperor Claudius II, called Claudius the Cruel, decided that young

3、soldiers would only be distracted by marriage and so ordered that young men may not marry. Valentinus( Valentine), a Christian priest, defied the emperor and got married in secret. He was caught executed(处死),on February 14, the eve of Lupercalia. His name became associated with young love forever af

4、ter. In 496, Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor him as Saint Valentine and it has been St. Valentines Day ever since. In the Middle Ages, some of the customs of the Lupercalia still persisted in spite of the attempts of the Church to put an end to these non-Christian customs and Christiani

5、ze the holiday. Both men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear the names on their sleeves for a week. Today we still sometimes “wear our hearts on our sleeves ” when we cannot conceal our feelings.In the 1600s, it became common to give flowers, partic

6、ularly the rose, as a sign of love as the “language of flowers ”. This came to Europe from Turkey. The color and placement of rose held a special significance- a red rose, for example, meant beauty. Flowers have been part of Valentines Day ever since. 情人节可能起源于古罗马的牧神节庆祝活动被称为(牧神节) 。它是在二月十五 日庆祝。在罗马历二月是

7、春天。 庆祝尊重神卢帕克斯和福纳斯以及孪生兄弟罗穆 卢斯和瑞摩斯, 罗马的传奇缔造者。 作为仪式的祭司配对, 年轻人和妇女的一部 分。女孩的名字被放置在一个盒子里,每个男孩都画上了一个女孩的名字。这对 夫妇配对之后直到下一节。在 260ad 皇帝克劳狄二世,叫做克劳狄斯残酷的年轻士兵,决定只会被婚姻等 命令,年轻人不结婚。瓦伦廷(情人节),一个基督教牧师,违抗皇帝秘密结婚 了。他被处决(处死),二月十四日,牧神节的前夕。他的名字就成了年轻的爱永远在相关。 在 496,教皇格拉西把二月十四日定为情人节纪念他和有情人节以 来。在中世纪,一些的牧神节海关仍坚持在教堂的把这些非基督徒和基督教节日习俗

8、尽管尝试。男女从碗中抽取名字来看看谁会是他们的情人。他们会穿的名字写在 袖子上一个星期。今天我们仍然有时“ 穿我们的心在袖子 ” 当我们无法掩饰自己的 感情。在 17 世纪,它给花变得普遍,特别是玫瑰,是爱的标志为“花语”。这是从土 耳其到欧洲。颜色和位置的玫瑰举行了一个特殊的意义一朵红玫瑰,例如, 意味着美。花已情人节的一部分,自从。Passage2 Having raised eight children of my own, I know the dilemma parents face. In a world increasingly hostile to children, we w

9、ant to show we care by acting on our loving impulse, which usually means spending. But when our kids came home asking for the latest designer wear, my wife andI knew we had to say “no” more often than not. Of course, deciding to have no TV in the house was the first real breakthrough; I doubt we wou

10、ld have won this battle without freeing ourselves from its influence. As a child, I grew up in what I now see was poverty. For the first few years of my life, I ate only the smallest amount. Yet, I would find it hard to imagine a happier childhood. Why? Because my parents gave us children time and a

11、ttention on a daily basis. For instance, no matter how busy they were, they tried to eat breakfast with us before we went off to school each morning. No child should have to live in poverty. But I firmly believe that the happiness of a child does not depend on his or her access to material wealth. A

12、fter all, it is the love we give our children, and not the things, that will remain with them for life. Having worked thirty years as a family counselor, I know that parents really do love their children, and want to do what is best for them. But what does it mean to give a child love? Next time, yo

13、u feel that you have failed your kids, and are tempted to relieve those feelings by bringing home gifts, remember that we cant buy our children s affection. All they really want, and need, is time and attentiveness, a listening ear and an encouraging word. These are things every parent can provide.在

14、抚养了八个自己的孩子之后, 我明白了父母要面对的尴尬境地. 在一个逐渐对孩子充满敌意的世界里, 我们想要通过爱的冲动来对孩子表达我们的关心,通常就意味着要花钱 . 但是当我们的孩子回家找我们要最新设计的衣服时, 我跟我的妻子知道我们大多数情况下要说“不”. 当然 , 我们决定家里不买电视是第一个突破 . 如果我们没能从它的影响中释放出我们自己的感受, 我很怀疑我们到底赢了还是输了这场斗争 . 当我还是孩子的时候 , 我是在一个现在看来很穷的家里长大的. 在我人生的最初几年, 我只能吃最少量的食物 . 然而, 我发现我想象不出一个更幸福的童年. 为什么?因为我的父母每天都给予了我们时间和关系.

15、比如, 不管他们多忙 , 他们都尽量在每天早上我们上学前跟我们一起吃早餐. 没有一个小孩要在贫穷中渡过. 但是我坚信一个孩子的幸福肯定不取决于他(她)所拥有的物质财富 . 毕竟, 是我们给予孩子的爱而不是物质会伴随他们的一生. 当了 30 年的家庭顾问后 , 我知道父母肯定是爱他们的孩子的, 而且都想对他们的孩子最好 . 但是要给予孩子爱意味着什么?下次, 当你觉得你让孩子失望了, 然后试图想通过带点礼物给孩子就消除他们的情绪的话, 请记住我们买不到孩子的感情. 他们真正想要和需要的是时间和关注, 乐于倾听的耳朵和鼓励的话语. 这些是任何一位父母都能给予的. 3 In the 1990seve

16、ryone believed that education was the key to economic SuccessA college degreeeven a post graduate degree ,was essential for everyone who wanted a good job as 0ne of those “symbolic analyst” 在二十世纪九十年代, 每个人都相信教育是经济成功的关键。大学学历, 甚至是 一个在职的研究生学位, 对每个想获得好工作诸如“符号分析师 “人也是必须 的。But computers are proficient at analyzing symbols;it is the messiness of the real world thal thev haye trouble with Therefore ,many of the jobs that once required a college degree have been eliminatedThe ot



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