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1、二战德军北非沙漠作战经验In February 1941 when the first group of German army landed in Africa, the German military commanders to develop operational plans to rely on the theaters desert environment of extreme lack of data. Some of the very limited data on initial information provided by Italy. Italys map is inc

2、omplete and unreliable, only better than nothing. As a result, the German military reconnaissance in the beginning from our own access to information. 当 1941 年 2 月第一批德军登陆非洲的时候,德军指挥官们制定作战计划所依赖的战区沙漠环境数据极度缺乏。 一些很有限情报数据最初由意大利提供。意大利人的地图是不完整和不可靠的,仅仅聊胜于无。因此,德军开始从自己侦察中获得信息。German Field Marshal Rommel wrote:

3、 It may be modern warfare has never happened: to prepare such a hasty and inadequate. February 11, the military and Italian commander-in-chief, General Gary Baer Di discuss operational plans. Initially, he told me the plan and in the Sirte Bay defense organizations are not interested. I am very roug

4、h map of Italy to explain my ideas, and more or less how the Tripoli area Tania (Note: Libya is located in the northwest) to combat the idea. Gary Baer Di General did not give me the area on the geographical situation of any valuable information, and suggested that I personally in Tripoli and Sirte

5、Bay (Note: the capital of Libya) between the field observations. He said to me: “You simply do not understand the regions harsh environment.“ At noon, I will take He111 aircraft to inspect the theater. I saw in the east and Tripoli field fortifications and anti-tank trenches. We have over a sand dun

6、e belt, whether tracked or wheeled armored vehicles are difficult to travel above, this is the best defense workers in advance of the natural barriers. Then we flew over the Homs and Taruna between the mountains and the same, it is difficult mechanized units in action here. Perhaps the only road thr

7、ough the trees and shrubs of the uninhabited area. Aircraft via Buerat, the small and medium-sized desert fortress, there are a number of barracks and a field of the runway. Finally, in Sirte circled over, saw the Italian army. Throughout the battle area, did not find any significant defense support

8、 points, such as: Canyon. The reconnaissance flight firmly my own battle plan: in Sirte along the coast and deployed on both sides of the road and armored forces concentrated in the anti-mobile operations in the region so that once the enemy began to attack the German army at the fastest speed can b

9、e Fanchong Ji. 德军元帅隆美尔写道:这可能是现代战争中从来没有发生过的事情:准备如此仓促和不足。2 月 11日,我和意军总司令盖瑞巴尔蒂将军讨论作战计划。最初,他对我的计划和在Sirte 湾组织防御并不感兴趣。 我在极其粗糙意大利地图上解释我的想法,并大致讲述如何在的黎波里塔尼亚地区(注:位于利比亚西北)进行作战的设想。盖瑞巴尔蒂将军并没有给我关于该地区地理状况的任何有价值信息,并建议我亲自在Sirte 湾和的黎波里(注:利比亚首都)之间进行实地观察。他对我说:“ 你根本不了解这一地区的恶劣环境” 。中午,我就搭乘He111 型飞机巡视战区。我看到的黎波里东面有野战工事和反坦克堑

10、壕。 我们飞过一条沙丘带,不管轮式装甲车还是履带式都很难在上面行驶,这是防御工事前最好的自然屏障。然后,我们飞越Taruna 和 Homs 之间的山地,同样,机械化部队很难在这里行动。道路或许是唯一能穿越没有树木和灌木的荒无人烟地区。飞机途经Buerat ,这个沙漠中小堡垒,有一些兵营和野战跑道。最后在Sirte 上空盘旋,看到了意大利军队的位置。在整个作战区域,没有发现任何重要的防御支撑点,比如:峡谷。这次侦察飞行坚定我自己作战计划:在Sirte 和沿海公路两侧布防,并集中装甲力量在防区内做机动作战,一旦敌军开始进攻,德军可以以最快速度反冲击。From the above text can

11、be seen in the initial stage, Rommel theater in person to collect information and the desert terrain characteristics of the region. Subsequently, the geography of the military units involved in the beginning, the German army for the collection and production of extremely useful materials and maps. T

12、hese geographic units attached to the German military Afrika Korps, who arrived in Africa immediately after the start of the war zone to conduct the census, the systematic collection of data and terrain reconnaissance. In addition, the United Kingdom seized from the map also provides a great help. G

13、erman was the last of its military map, including: 1, which the region can access various types of vehicles; 2, which can be an appropriate use of regional or only a small amount of vehicle traffic; 3, the location of steep slopes; 4, Salt Lake, salt marshes, and so can not access the location of th

14、e region; 5, the location of sand dunes; 6, the growth of vegetation; 7, rugged and location; 8, can not access the location of steep slopes; 9, the vehicle can pass through steep slopes to the location; 10, you can access the location of vehicles on the road; 从上述文字可以看出,在最初阶段,隆美尔亲自收集战区地形信息和沙漠地区特性。随后

15、,军事地理单位开始介入,为德军收集和制作极其有用的材料和地图。这些军事地理单位隶属于德军非洲军团,他们在抵达非洲后,立即开始对战区进行普查,系统地收集数据和地形侦察。另外, 从缴获的英国地图也提供了极大的帮助。最后德军获得了自己的军用地图,包括:1 哪些区域可以通行各类车辆;2 哪些区域可以适度通行或仅能少量通行车辆;3 陡坡的位置;4 盐湖,盐沼泽地等不能通行区域的位置;5 沙丘的位置;6 植被生长情况;7 崎岖地位置;8 不可通行陡坡的位置;9 车辆可以穿越陡坡地位置;10 可以通行车辆的道路位置;You can see by, in the desert environment of c

16、ombat, commanders in order to obtain accurate map, we must deploy adequate staff and sufficient technical equipment. Winter 1941, the German army on the use of accurate maps. All of the offensive and defensive deployment of all of these rely on the map. At the same time, the army high command of the German military announced the Department of Geography, “Libya, Egypt and North Africa Military Geography“, which includes some of the desert area of tactical information. The booklet issued to sta


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