
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:54047259 上传时间:2018-09-07 格式:PDF 页数:4 大小:130.11KB
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1、eat bee feel feet he me heat sea heal pea it big fill listen feet hill sit hit wit live bed pen beg get set bend tell wet let end lesson and cap black bad cat hat lack band dad sad add ball law bought fought call talk hall block cop hot doll cock ox not food boom fool cool pool school tomb foot full

2、 cook good look pull took could bird church work girl first serve purse banana open about teacher doctor worker car harm farm art garden hard dark star card duck but fun cup monk fund cut us luck bus 二、双元音my kite white light sky high bike night like plane cake rain face table age mate late wait toy

3、coin boy noise voice boil spoil joy fear tear beer ear deer year dear hear shout doubt found town cow brown down house boat goat cold coat tomato potato home go low coal poor tour sure cure lure pure 发音练习air pair bear chair fair hair 三辅音学习speak pea peach pig pie peak pill pack cap tap bird bee beach

4、 bear book big bad bye pill buy tea boat fate neat tear tie time at coat bright bed dad date deer dig deed duck do doom dieback kill come make cap kite pick card steak lake bag girl gap give pig gate sugar lag glass game phone fail fair fat fall fine farm leaf life leave very save have voice serve d

5、ive five face niece save sell sea same sick mouse prize raise zoo zip rise pants baskets pots boats cats friends bags pens beds truck treasure tree driver dress street hair head hand hall hen hate high heat hell free race rain rate red rest rare wait way west wet wide will wall year yes young yet yo

6、u cash ensure share she rush sheep shame sure 发音时舌端抬起,靠近齿龈后部,舌的两侧须贴住上齿的两侧,形成一条狭长的通道,气流通过时摩擦成音。双唇须稍向前突出并稍收圆。浊辅音,发音时声带要振动。发音练习 pleasure usual garage leisure mirage witch cheap chest chew choke watch check chair jeep joke gin jaw jewel bath faith mouth thank thing think thick breath than though they th

7、ere this come game some melon mean gain thin run skin gun sun 发音练习 sing king song thing evening morning flee late play lead lest lie light fly tongue-twisters A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. Bright blows the broom on the brooks bare brown banks. 名词的附复数形式1 .

8、一些特殊词的变化: this-these that-those he/she/it-they is-are 2 .一般性的可数名词变复数时直接加“s”。 bird-birds pear-pears flower-flowers room-rooms brother-brothers 3 不可数名词的单复数形式一样。 milk-milk juice-juice bread-bread rice-rice water-water 4, 以元音字母结尾的名词变复数时加“es”(有生命) tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes 5, 有些成双成对的单词常以复数形式出现. han

9、ds( 手) eyes( 眼睛)gloves( 手套)shoots( 靴子)trousers( 裤子)ears(耳 朵) tooth-teeth( 牙齿) legs(腿) foots(脚)chopsticks( 筷子) socks( 袜子)等 6. 以“y”结尾的名词多变 “y”为“i ”再加“es”但“y”前是元音字母的不需作此变化. butterfly-butterflies family-families 但 boy-boys toy-toys monkey-monkeys key-keys day-days 7, 单词中含有名词 “man ”的要变“man ”中的“a”为“e” pos

10、tman-postmen fireman-firemen milkman-milkmen fisherman-fisher men man-men woman-women policeman-policemen 等. 8 以“ch ” “sh”“x” “s” 结尾的名词变复数时加 “es” peach peaches pencil-box-pencil-boxes class-classes box-boxes watch-watches dish-dishes 10, 以 “f ”或“fe ”结尾的名词变复数时要去掉“f ”或“fe ”再加“ves”leaf-leaves knife-kni

11、ves thief-thieves loaf-loaves wife-wives 11 单词本身以元音字母 “e”结尾的直接加 “s” orange-oranges pie-pies cake-cakes bee-bees uncle-uncles 13,以元音字母开头的名词单数表达时前不是“a”而是“ “an” an orange an egg an apple an elephont an ice-cream 3 以-f 或-fe 结尾的词 变-f 和-fe 为 v 再加-es leaf-leaves, thief-thieves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, w

12、ife-wives 加-s belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, proof-proofs, roof-roofs, gulf-gulfs 4 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词,变y 为 i 加-es party-parties, family-families, story-stories, city-cities piano-pianos, photo-photos, auto-autos, kilo-kilos, solo-solos 7 以元音字母加 -o 结尾的名词加 -s(无生命) radio-radios, bamboo-bamboos, zoo-zoos 8

13、以-th 结尾的名词加 -s truth-truths, mouth-mouths, month-months, path-paths, 2. 不规则名词复数: 英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下: 规则 例词 1 改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式 man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice 2 单复数相同 sheep, deer, series, means, works, fish, species li, yuan, jin, 3 只有复数形式 ashes, trousers, clothes, thanks, goods, glasses, compasses, contents 4 一些集体名词总是用作复数 people, police, cattle, staff 5 部分集体名词既可以作单数(整体)也可以作复数(成员) audience, class, family, crowd, couple, group, committee, government, population,


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