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1、Unit 12,Whats the best radio station?,Period1,1,radio(cn) 收音机 radios 无线电;无线广播无线电台 radio station Bus / power / TV / police station eg:What is the best radio station? 2,comfortable(adj)舒适的,安逸的 more / most a comfortable bed 一张舒适的床 a comfortable job 一份轻松的工作 comfortably(adv) uncomfortable不舒服的 eg:It has t

2、he most comfortable seats.,3,seat(cn)座位 Please book seats in the theater. Our classroom has seats for fifty-seven a comfortable seat take / have a seat =sit down 坐下 take ones seat 就坐 4,screen (cn)屏;幕;荧光屏 big screens 5,close (adj)近的,接近的 closer -closest 反义词为far 近义词为near (be) close to =next to / near t

3、o.离近The post office is close to my home.The radio station is closer to my home.The park is the closest to my home.,Please keep the window closed. (v)关,关闭, 反义词为openclose the door / window 6,service(un)服务,招待 friendly service The restaurant has friendly service. Serve sb. with sth. “为某人提供服务” Service un

4、. “服务” / cn. “服务行为” eg:He spent a life of service to others He got a good service in the restaurant. Science serves the people The company serves the city with gas.,n.+ly=adv. Lovelovely livelivelylonelonely friendfriendlybe friendly to sb. = be kind to sb. “对某人好”be friendly with sb. “和某人关系好” 7,qual

5、ity(cn) qualities eg:It has good quality clothes. 人的品质,物品的质量 good / poor / high /fine 人的品质用 cn. 物的质量用 un. eg:He has all the qualities of a successful businessman The goods are of poor quality. 8,theater(cn)剧院;戏院 movie theaters 电影院,eg:Whats the best movie theater? 9,cinema(cn)电影院 at the cinema,形容词的比较

6、级和最高级A. 大多数形容词有三个级。 (1)原级: 常用结构as .as. 像一样 Zhang Hong is as tall as Tom. 张红和汤姆一样高。 (2)比较级(用于两者之间的比较)常用结构:形容词比较级than . He is taller than I. 他比我高。,(3)最高级(用于三者或三者以上的比较),常用结构: the + 形容词的最高级of / in . He is the tallest of the three. 他是这三个人中最高的。 He is the funniest in his class. 他是他们班最有趣的。,B. 形容词、副词比较级和最高级有

7、规则变化和不规则变化。 (a)规则变化 1)一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级er , 最高级est 如: clevercleverercleverest fewfewerfewest smallsmallersmallest等。,2)以e结尾的词,比较级r,最高级st 即可 如: nicenicernicest cutecutercutest largelargerlargest 3)以辅音字母y结尾的变y为ier或est 如: easyeasiereasiest happyhappierhappiest 再如:early , busy , heavy , dirty , l

8、azy . 也如此。,4)双写最后一个辅音字母er 或 est的词同学要用心去记。 1. fatfatterfattest 2. thinthinnerthinnest 3. hothotterhottest 4. redredderreddest 5. wetwetterwettest 6. bigbiggerbiggest,5)多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前more构成比较级,the most构成最高级。如: beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful 又如: delicious, popular, important, interes

9、ting, expensive, creative等也是如此。 双音节的词如: carefulmore careful the most careful useful more useful the most useful.,少数单音节词也是这样如: pleasedmore pleased the most pleased tiredmore tried the most tired (b)不规则变化: goodbetterbest wellbetter-best badworse worst many, muchmoremost far-fartherfarthest (距离远) farfu

10、rtherfurthest (程度深) oldelder eldest (长幼) oldolderoldest (年龄),Exercise:写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级. !. good _ _ 10. friendly _ _ 2. bad _ _ 11. comfortable _ _ 3. big _ _ 12. athletic _ _ 4. late _ _ 13. important_ _ 5 heavy _ _ 14. outstanding _ _ 6. fun _ _ !5. cheap_ _ 7. thin _ _ 16. talented _ _ 8. new _ _

11、17. serious _ _ 9. popular _ _ 18.interesting _ _,In Hangzhou ,I like going to a movie theater called “West Lake Cinema”.,It has comfortable seats.,It has big screens.,It has friendly service.,West Lake Cinema,What kind of cinema do you like to go to?,first,second,third,has a big screen.,The second

12、cinema,The third cinema,has a bigger screen.,has the biggest screen.,The first cinema,¥30,¥25,¥20,is cheap.,is cheaper.,is the cheapest.,cheap,The first cinema,The second cinema,The third cinema,has comfortable seats.,has more comfortable seats.,has the most comfortable seats.,comfortable,The first

13、cinema,The second cinema,The third cinema,has friendly service.,has friendlier service.,has the friendliest service.,friendly,The first cinema,The second cinema,The third cinema,is popular.,is more popular.,is the most popular.,popular,1a How do you choose what movie theater to go to? Write the thin

14、gs in the box under “important” or “Not important”.,comfortable seats big screens friendly service cheap new movies close to home in a fun part of town popular,舒适的座位,离家近,在城镇的繁华地段,Section A,1b Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. Write in the names of the theaters.,Town Cinema Scr

15、een city Movie Palace,都市影院,影视城,影市宫,Town Cinema,Town Cinema,Movie Palace,Screen city,Screen city,Town Cinema,B1: Do you want to G: Sure. B2: Ill go too. B1: OK, great. Whats to go to? B2: Town cinema. Its G: Yes, but they dont show new movies there. B2: Maybe not, but its B1: I think Movie Palace has G: I like the Screen City because it has,


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