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1、1,上外网院英语专业学位论文 补答辩要求简介,2010年11月10日,2,简介提纲,重新提交选题或开题报告 英语专业学位论文补答辩的时间节点 学位论文的基本写作过程与要求 学位论文写作须知 学位论文的评价标准 学位论文的选题和范围 学位论文的撰写规范,3,重新提交选题或开题报告,可以择用上一次的论文选题 也可以重新选题、开题 学院根据选题重新安排指导教师,4,学位论文补答辩的时间节点,定题目: 11-10 指派导师: 11-12 (与导师联系第一次见面,提交“开题报告”及“论文指导记录”) 交初稿: 12-3 (同时递交电子稿及“论文独创性声明”) 反复修改 定终稿: 12-23 (同时递交电

2、子稿及“论文评阅书”) 答 辩: 12-25/26 (论文通过者参加),5,学位论文的基本写作过程与要求,过 程(查资料、选方向、定题目、拟提纲、写初稿、反复改、定终稿) 选 题(文学、语言学、语言与文化、翻译、教学法) 格 式(标题、摘要、引言、正文、结尾、参考书目、字体、行距) 引 文(正文中、参考书目、标点符号) 字 数: 5000 (1316 pages),6,学位论文写作须知,专业水平(对选题的熟悉程度) 写作能力(英文表述能力) 资料来源(纸质、网络、多媒体) 时间节点(6周:11-1012-24) 避免剽窃,7,学位论文的评价标准,选题恰当,符合专业 论题明确,论证充分 观点正确

3、,逻辑性强 叙述清楚,层次清晰 词句达意,拼写无误 结构格式,符合规范,8,学位论文的选题和范围,文 学(小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文、流派风格等) 语言学(语法、句法、词汇、比较等) 语言与文化(习俗礼仪、饮食起居、影视传媒、禁忌避讳等) 翻 译(词句、语篇、谚语、习语、色彩、广告等) 教学法(幼、小、中、高、大学、政策制度、理念特色等),9,文 学,小说(长篇、短篇、科幻等) 诗歌(律诗、自由诗等) 戏剧(歌剧、音乐剧等) 散文(essay) 风格流派(浪漫主义、现实主义、 现代主义、意识流、黑色幽默、女性文学等)- 作品人物、心理、关系评析- 写作手法、技巧评论- 作品文本、单个/多个作家比较

4、/评论,10,语 言 学 语言与文化,语法(grammar) 句法(syntax) 词汇(idioms, proverbs, slangs, prepositions, euphemism, net language, etc.) 比较(languages),习俗礼仪 饮食起居 成语谚语 比喻联想 影视传媒 禁忌避讳,11,翻 译 教学法,理论实践 原则标准 方法技巧 译本研究 语言比较,体制传统 理论流派 目标培养 教学实践 技能训练 案例分析,12,示 例:,文 学-简爱Jane Eyre-了不起的盖茨比The Great Gatsby 语言与文化- 中美家庭教育对比 A Comparis

5、on between Chinese and American Family Education,13,简 爱 Jane Eyre,通读原著数遍(版本) 做好笔记- 故事情节、事件顺序- 主要人物表(特征、彼此关系)- 酝酿主题、论点 查阅相关评论,记录出处、页码 拟写大纲,为初稿做准备,14,Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte,Plot: (4 turning points)- From Reeds home to Brocklehursts Lowood School- From School to Thornfield- From Rochester to Mar

6、sh End- From St. John Rivers to Rochester Character list:- Conflicts between Jane & Mrs. Reed, Brocklehurst, Blanche, Rochester, Bertha, St. John Rivers- Relationship between Jane & Bessie, Helen, Maria, Adle, Diana and Mary Rivers Theme(s):- Desire for family, freedom & attitudes to love, independe

7、nce- Religious figures: Brocklehurst, Helen Burns, & St. John Rivers- Feminist characters: Jane, Helen, Maria, Diana and Mary - Symbols: red room, Thornfield fire, Bertha, & other names,15,Jane Eyre - An Outline (I),In Pursuit of Dignified Love: A Brief Analysis of Jane Eyres Ideal Love Thesis state

8、ment: Jane Eyres financial independence is essential to her return to Rochester. I. Introduction (23 pages)A. Charlotte Bronte & Jane EyreB. The plot II. Four flights (34 pages)A. Flight from Reeds home to Lowood School (for freedom)B. Flight from school to Thornfield (for independence)C. Flight fro

9、m Rochester to Marsh End (for dignity)D. Flight from St. John to Rochester (for love),16,Jane Eyre - An Outline (I) (contd),III. Two marriage refusals (23 pages)A. Janes refusal to marry Rochester1. Because of Bertha2. Because of Rochesters dominance in loveB. Janes refusal to marry St. John Rivers1

10、. Because of Rivers ambition and extreme self-importance2. The marriage is not based on love IV. Jane Eyres eventual return to Rochester (23 pages)A. When Jane is financially independenceB. When Rochester is no longer dominantC. The marriage is based on “equal-footing” V. Conclusion (1 page),17,Jane

11、 Eyre - An Outline (II),A Feminists Attitude towards Love, Dignity & Religion - A Brief Analysis of Major Characters as Depicted in Jane Eyre Thesis statement: Charlotte Brondes depiction of major characters in Jane Eyre reflects a feminist attitude towards love, dignity and religion. I. Introductio

12、n (23 pages)A. Charlotte Bronte & Jane EyreB. The plot II. Four flights (34 pages)A. Flight from Reeds home to Lowood School (for freedom)B. Flight from school to Thornfield (for independence)C. Flight from Rochester to Marsh End (for dignity)D. Flight from St. John to Rochester (for love),18,Jane E

13、yre - An Outline (II) (contd),III. Feminists as depicted in Jane Eyre (23 pages)A. Character analysis of Jane, Helen, Maria, Diana & MaryB. Character analysis of Mrs. Reed, Blanche & Bertha IV. Religions as depicted in Jane Eyre (23 pages)A. Character analysis of BrocklehurstB. Character analysis of

14、 Helen BurnsC. Character analysis of St. John Rivers V. Analysis of symbols as used in Jane Eyre (12 pages)A. The red roomB. Thornfield fireC. Bertha VI. Conclusion (1 page),19,The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald,Who Killed Gatsby? - A Tentative Analysis of the Death of Gatsby Thesis statement:

15、Gatsby is killed by the social norm and his unrealistic dream of reunion of Daisys love. I. Introduction (34 pages)A. Fitzgerald and The Great GatsbyB. The decline of the American dream in the 1920sC. The plot II. Analysis of Gatsby (24 pages)A. His ambitionB. His unrealistic love for DaisyC. His la

16、vish life and parties,20,The Great Gatsby (contd),III. The causes of Gatsbys death (34 pages)A. Daisy BuchananB. Tom BuchananC. George Wilson D. The role of Nick Carraway IV. The moral lesson of The Great Gatsby (23 pages) V. Conclusion (12 pages),21,A Comparison between American and Chinese Family

17、Education,While American families stress an all-round personality development, Chinese families strive for academic excellence in their childrens family education. I. Introduction (23 pages)A. Define “family education”B. Trends in family education in America and China II. A comparison of FE in America & China (78 pages)A. Aims of FE1. Independence vs. dependence2. Interests & processes vs. academic performance & resultsB. Learning strategies1. Learning by exploring vs. rote learning with correct answer2. Encourage creation, innovation vs. imitation3. Teaming vs. self-based,



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