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1、A Course of E-C and C-E Translation,1,HUST-2010,2,Contents,1,6,7,2,2. Ecotourism,19 1.腰包鼓鼓的生态旅游者的到来,带动了野生动物纪念品巿场的毁灭性发展,诸如热带岛屿的珊瑚饰件和亚洲动物产品的销售,滋长了在自然环境的非法采获和偷猎行为。,3,2,短短几十年间,旅游已经成为当今世界一支主要的文化和经济力量。,4,3,对于许多国家而自,生态旅游不只是一项为环境保护提供经济支持的活动,而是国民经济中的重要产业。,5,4.旅游者认识到如果他们带着对环境的敏感性去旅行,不仅有助于环境保护,还会对一个新的栖息她、国家和文化

2、有更深的了解。 5.生态旅游的一个基本主旨是鼓励当地社区的参与,使之能从环境保护、经济发展和教育中获益。 6.生态旅游与研究相结合,可能对森林保护产生多方面的积极影响。可持续发展的问题依然没有解决,因为相对而言,许多基于自然的旅游景点是新的,其长期影响还有待评估。,6,7.生态旅游近年来日益受到关注,因为它不仅是大众旅游之外的另一种选择,而且也是发展经济、保护环境的途径之一。 8,关于“旅游“和“游客“的定义存在着争议,因为给“旅游“一词下简的定义,如“为了享受而旅行“,只会招来更多的疑问。,7,9.发展生态旅游不同于主流的做法,因为除了启动资金之外,它的后续资金大多或者完全来自游客,而非政府

3、或者开发机构。 10.传统旅游业对当地社会造成的消极后果已经广为人知,其中包括过度开发,生态系统恶化,文化同质化,以及经济收益流人外人之手等。,8,24,1. Environmental organizations have generally insisted that ecotourism is nature-based, sustainably managed, conservation supporting, and environmentally educated. 2. Generally speaking, ecotourism focuses on volunteering,

4、personal growth, and learning new ways to live on the planet; typically involving travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions.,9,3. More initiatives should be carried out to improve their awareness, and sensitize them to environmental issues and where

5、 they visit. 4. Ecotourism is a crucial sector for the development in Chinas west and other underdeveloped regions.,10,5. The fast rate at which tourism continues to grow presents both opportunities and threats for biodiversity conservation.6. The impact of ecotourism on local peoples lifestyle and

6、culture should be taken into account in tourism planning.,11,7. Increased human activities, such as logging, clearing land for agriculture, hunting, are degrading both protected areas and the land surrounding them.8. It is often overlooked that ecotourism is a highly consumer-centered activity, and

7、that environmental conservation is only a means to further economic growth.,12,9. Aside from environmental degradation with tourist infrastructure, population pressures from ecotourism also leaves behind garbage and pollution associated with the Western lifestyle.10. As the planets natural, relative

8、ly unaltered ecosystems become increasingly rare, ecotourism allows more people to see our isolated populations of wildlife, while benefiting local economies.,13,27,1. 一份耕転,份收获。 2.我们很快就会到达那里 3.我不喜欢看到动物被关在牢笼里。 4.但愿你上哪儿都不会遇到麻烦! 5 战争一直都在污染着地球。,14,6 我想劝他放弃那个念头,但失败了。 7.的确,阅读远非知识的唯一来源。 8.拜读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻。

9、 9.等他冋来你再下结论吧。 10.每个国家都有权决定自己的政府形式,而不受外来干涉和统治.,15,27,1. Two of a trade can never agree. 2. Every cloud has a silver lining. / Heaven will always leave a door open. 3. Youd better mind your own business. 4. We are short of teachers in our school. 5. We are in complete ignorance of his plan.,16,28,6.

10、I have yet to work out a way to solve the problem. 7. That building is in a state of neglect. 8. I will work hard to live up to my parents expectation. 9. She is too careful not to have noticed it. 10. He admitted that there is a general lack of understanding of China by some countries and their peo




14、;积极推广优质传统农产品和手工艺品。如果能把地中海地区的旅游业和生物多样性合理地结合起来,这将成为该地区的一笔巨大资产。,22,A Workshop on China Ecotourism,While traveling is a lot of fun for the tourists, the development of tourism also brings troubles for the environment, some of which even upset the public order. In view of these problems, the UNEP has put

15、 forward a new strategy with ecotourism at its core. As defined by the International Tourism Society, ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people.,23,Last August, over 20 ecotourism experts, including WWF (World Wildlif

16、e Fund) officials and some related local organizations, attended a workshop aimed at drafting an ecotourism plan for the Zharugou Valley in the Jiuzhaigou World Heritage Site.,24,The 5,290-square-kilometre area in northern Sichuan is home to 140 bird species and a great number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda and golden monkey. A recent investigation by WWF found that mass tourism to Zharugou would have negative impact not only on the region, but also on surrounding nature reserves.,


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