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1、It is never too old to learn.。活到老学到老。 1 Unit 6 Pets -Reading Head to head Period 1(阅读、词汇课) 【学习目标】 1.认读和理解单词chocolate, reason, cute, feed, according to, sofa, noisy, nearly, stranger, common, choice和短语 care for, have no choice but to do; 认识单词 dolphin, click; 了 解短语 head to head. 2.运用略读、预测策略,初步了解主阅读篇章的

2、体裁和内容。 3.根据上下文语境猜测词义。 【前置作业】 1. 小组合作预习拼读本课出现的新单词和短语。 We can read. Verbs_ Nouns_ Adjectives_ Others_ We can t read_ 2. 小组活动,讨论以下问题,准备Daily report. 1) What kinds of animals are kept as pets? 2) Do you like pets? What is your favourite pet? 3) Do you have a pet at home? What is it? 4) How long have you

3、 had it? How do you look after it? 3. 独立完成课本第82 和 84 页课内练习,注意运用略读、预测策略。 【课中导学】 一、前置作业学习情况交流 1. Give a daily report. 2. 词汇预习情况检查及答疑。 3. 小组长检查组员课内练习完成情况并反馈。 二、Warm up 观察教材第 81 页的卡通图,阅读Hi 和 Lo 的对话,回答问题。 三、Lead in 观看动画片 HEAD TO HEAD两遍, 了解阅读篇章内容,注意新单词和短语的读音、词 义。 四、Group work (Make a discussion ) It is ne

4、ver too old to learn.。活到老学到老。 2 1. What do you know about.? 2. Before you read. 3. Vocabulary 五、Practice 完成 Book B P97 Vocabulary练习。 六、Pair work In pairs, discuss whether it is a good idea to keep a pet. Give some reasons. 七、学后质疑 通过学习,你需要老师或组长帮助的有: _ 八、自我评价表 1. 新单词的读音掌握情况。A. 很好B. 一般C. 一点都没学到 2. 阅读技巧

5、的掌握情况。A. 很好B. 一般C. 一点都没学到 3. 课文的内容,故事的前因后果掌握情况A. 很好B. 一般C. 一点都没学到 It is never too old to learn.。活到老学到老。 3 Unit 6 Pets -Reading Head to head Period 2(阅读课) 【学习目标】 1. 通过进一步阅读,深入理解并学习文本内容。 2. 运用适当的论据和论证方法支持自己的观点。 3. 掌握区分事实和观点的阅读策略。 【前置作业】 一、各小组就“养宠物狗是否是个好主意”这一话题,口头交流各自的观点。 二、你知道如何运用适当的论据和论证方法支持自己的观点吗? 三

6、、小组合作任务:请根据Emma 的观点完成表格。 Emma Opinion (论点) Reasons (论据) Supporting details (事实、事例、解释) Conclusion (总结) _ is a good idea. Dogs are _. It s nice _. It s wonderful_. I think _ _ _. We can learn _ _. We have to _ _. Young people can learn _ _. A dog will _ _ _. 不用填 小组合作任务:请根据Matt 观点完成表格。 Matt Opinion Rea

7、sons Supporting details Conclusion _ to keep pet dogs Dogs are _. They _ on the floor, on beds and on sofas. They need _often _ is not a good idea. Dogs are _. Nearly all dogs _strangers. A few dogs bark at night and this _people _ any sleep. Dogs need _ air and large open places to _. But many peop

8、le live in flats so their dogs _in small spaces. 不用填 It is never too old to learn.。活到老学到老。 4 Owing dogs can be _. 不用填 四、在课本第 83 页找到下列词组,并在文中用颜色笔标记出来后填在表格上。 1. 根据( 所说) 2. 照顾;照料 3. 更为重要的是 4. 除了别无选择 5. 四处自由走动 6. 把抱住 7. 长大;成长 8. 从学习 9. 和一起玩 10. 对着吠 11. 一小部分 五、在课本第 83 页找到下列句子,用下划线笔标记出来并加以理解。 1. HEAD TO H

9、EAD. 2. It s nice to hold them in our arms, and it s wonderful to see them grow up. 3. So I think it s a good idea to keep pet dogs. 4. Nearly all dogs bark at strangers. 5. A few dogs bark all night. 6. Not all dogs are friendly. 7. A small number of pet dogs even attack people. 8. They have no cho

10、ice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. 9. Finally, owning dogs can be expensive. 【课中导学】 一、前置作业学习情况交流 1. 汇报“养宠物狗是否是个好主意”这一话题的个人观点。 2. 小组展示合作任务。 3. 小组长检查组员前置作业完成情况并反馈。 二、Scanning 1. 阅读主阅读篇章,深入理解并学习文本内容。 2. 完成 Comprehension部分的练习 D2. 三、Language points 同学们!请你对文本内容的知识点提出疑问,让我们一起来解决! 四、Strategy 1. 引入

11、Strategy 部分的内容。完成Comprehension部分的练习 D1,掌握区分事实和观 点的阅读策略。 It is never too old to learn.。活到老学到老。 5 2. 拓展:请判断下列广告中哪些是事实,哪些是观点。 This handsome gadget (小器具) offers two of your most amazing tools-a clock and a calculator-in a smart design. 五、More practice 阅读短文,判断划线部分是事实还是观点。 Some people say that (1) parents

12、 should plan their children s leisure time carefully. Take me for example. (2) My parents were very strict with me during my children. (3) My leisure time was divided into several parts: reading, writing, playing and so on. However, others think that (4) children should decide for themselves how to

13、spend their free time. The result is that (5) some children don t spend their free time in a planned way. They play just as they like without any plan at all. So far as I am concerned, there is good reason for parents to help plan their children s leisure time. However, it is important that they do it properly. (6) Some parents force their children to study all day long while others let their children play too much. It is not an easy thing for the parents to achieve a balance. (7) But I think, with love and understanding, nothing can be hard. Facts: _ Opinions: _ 六、学后质疑 通过学习,你需要老师或组长帮助的有: _ _


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