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1、Unit 12 My favorite subject is science Section B(4),Days of the week,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日,一.根据句意填入合适的词。 The first day of a week is _ . The sixth day of a week is _ . The third day of a week is _ . The _ day of a week is Monday. The _ da

2、y of a week is Wednesday. The fifth day of a week is _ . The second day of a week is _ .,Sunday,Friday,Tuesday,second,fourth,Thursday,Monday,Read the following letter. Underline the things Lin Mei likes. Circle the things she doesnt like.,3a,Its Tuesday , November 11 . Im really busy! At 8:00 I have

3、 math. I dont like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Its difficult , but interesting. Next, at 10:00 , I have history. Its boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. Thats my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like music teacher, Mr Cooper. Hes fun. My las

4、t class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class. Then I have Chinese history club. Its really interesting!,Dear Jane,Love ,Lin Mei,Explain,1. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class. (P75) 我们的老

5、师非常严格,下课后我通常很疲劳。 strict是形容词,意为“严格的”;“严厉的”,通常与be动词连用,表示“对某人严厉”,用be strict with sb结构。如: Mr. White is very strict with his son. 怀特先生对他儿子要求很严格。 We should be strict with ourselves. 我们应该对自己要求严格。 表示“对某事要求严格”,用be strict in sth结构。Our boss is strict in our work. 我们的老板对我们的工作要求严格。,2.Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢

6、数学? Because its interesting. (P72) 因为它很有趣。 1)疑问词why意为“为什么”,用来提问原因,其问句常常用because引导的句子来回答。如: Why are you late for school? 为什么你上学迟到 Because it is raining. 因为在下雨。 2)because是连词,意为“因为”,其后接句子,用来说明原因。在汉语中,表示因果关系一般用“因为所以”,但在英语中,because (因为)与so(所以) 只能用一个,在同一个句子中两者不能同时出现。 试译:因为我太忙,所以我不能同你出去。 误:Because I am ver

7、y busy, so I cant go out with you. 正:Because I am very busy, I cant go out with you. 正:I am very busy, so I cant go out with you.,3. After class I have volleyball for two hours. (P75)下课后我打两个小时的排球。 句中的for为介词,可以在后面接表示一段时间的词,“for + 一段时间”表示“持续多长时间”。如: He stays here for an hour every day. 他每天都在这儿待一个小时。 I

8、 do some reading for twenty minutes every morning. 每天早上我朗读二十分钟。,4. “What is your favorite subject?” Miss Wang asks me. (P76) 王老师问我:“你最喜欢的科目是什么?” ask为动词,意为“问”,“提问”,后接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语结构。如: She is asking my name. 她在问我的姓名。 He likes to ask the teacher questions. 他喜欢向老师提问题。 ask还可作“要求”;“请求”,常用于ask sb to do

9、sth结构中。如: Ask him to sit down. 请他坐下。 Why dont you ask my brother to come here too? 为什么不叫我弟弟也到这里来呢?,5. I like to play with my dog, Nick. (P76)我喜欢与我的狗尼克一起玩。 句中的play with意为“和一起玩”。如: Can you come out to play with me? 你可以出来和我一起玩吗? play with还可以解作“玩弄”;“玩耍”。如: The boy is playing with his toy car. 那个男孩在玩他的玩具

10、汽车。 Dont play with fire. 不要玩火。,6. But his “subject” is only running around with me. (P76) 但是他的“课程”仅是围着我跑。 1)句中around用作副词,意为“在附近”,“到处”。如: He is looking around. 他在环顾四周。 Dont run around, or youll be lost. 不要乱跑,否则你会迷路。 2)around还可以用作介词,意为“大约”;“在周围”。如: I usually get up at around six fifteen. 我通常在大约6:15起床。

11、 The students play around the school. 学生们在学校各处玩耍。,Tuesday,Chinese History Club,music,lunch,P.E.,history,science,math,volleyball,3b,A: Whats your favorite day, Dave ? B: My favorite day is Monday A: Why? B: Because I have art.,Survey,Dave,Monday,Because I have art.,Report:,Daves favorite day is Monda

12、y because he has art. He likes art.,4,二.根据句义和首字母提示,写出下列各单词。 1.Whats your f _ subject ? 2. Her favorite subject is s _ . 3.Why does he like P.E ? B _ it is fun. 4.My sister has Chinese on M _ . 5.Whats your favorite day ? W _ . 6. W _ does she like science ? 7.What d _ Jane like ? 8.When do you have

13、m_ ? 9.He isnt at school at noon. He goes for l_ . 10.What do you like to e _ ? Apple.,avorite,cience,ecause,ath,ednesday,hy,oes,ath,unch,at,because , at, dont, favorite, get,go, have, lunch, on, teacher,I_ up at 7:00 and I _ to school at 8:00 I _ science at 9:00 and then I have math Class at 10:00.

14、 Math is my _ subject . I Like math _ it is interesting . Mr Tan is My math_ .I eat _ at 12:00 and Then. I have music at 1:00. I have history Class_ 2:00. I _ like history ,I Think it is boring. But I really like my art class. I have art class _ Wednesday at 2:00.,get,go,have,favorite,because,teacher,lunch,at,dont,on,


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