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1、文 件 内 容 : 七言律诗 韩翃 同题仙游观 仙台初见五城楼,风物凄凄宿雨收。 山色遥连秦树晚,砧声近报汉宫秋。 疏松影落空坛静,细草香闲小洞幽。 何用别寻方外去?人间亦自有丹丘。 Seven-character-regular-verse Han Hong INSCRIBED IN THE TEMPLE OF THE WANDERING GENIE I face, high over this enchanted lodge, the Court of the Five Cities of Heaven, And I see a countryside blue and still, af

2、ter the long rain. The distant peaks and trees of Qin merge into twilight, And Had Palace washing-stones make their autumnal echoes. Thin pine-shadows brush the outdoor pulpit, And grasses blow their fragrance into my little cave. .Who need be craving a world beyond this one? Here, among men, are th

3、e Purple Hills - 201 七言律诗 皇甫冉 春思 莺啼燕语报新年,马邑龙堆路几千。 家住层城邻汉苑,心随明月到胡天。 机中锦字论长恨,楼上花枝笑独眠。 为问天戎窦车骑,何时返旆勒燕然。 Seven-character-regular-verse Huangfu Ran SPRING THOUGHTS Finch-notes and swallow-notes tell the new year But so far are the Town of the Horse and the Dragon Mound From this our house, from these wal

4、ls and Han Gardens, That the moon takes my heart to the Tartar sky. I have woven in the frame endless words of my grieving Yet this petal-bough is smiling now on my lonely sleep. Oh, ask General Dou when his flags will come home And his triumph be carved on the rock of Yanran mountain! - 202 七言律诗 卢纶

5、 晚次鄂州 云开远见汉阳城,犹是孤帆一日程。 估客昼眠知浪静,舟人夜语觉潮生。 三湘愁鬓逢秋色,万里归心对月明。 旧业已随征战尽,更堪江上鼓鼙声。 Seven-character-regular-verse Lu Lun A NIGHT-MOORING AT WUCHANG Far off in the clouds stand the walls of Hanyang, Another days journey for my lone sail Though a river-merchant ought to sleep in this calm weather, I listen to t

6、he tide at night and voices of the boatmen. .My thin hair grows wintry, like the triple Xiang streams, Three thousand miles my heart goes, homesick with the moon; But the war has left me nothing of my heritage - And oh, the pang of hearing these drums along the river! - 203 七言律诗 柳宗元 登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史 城

7、上高楼接大荒,海天愁思正茫茫。 惊风乱飐芙蓉水,密雨斜侵薜荔墙。 岭树重遮千里目,江流曲似九回肠。 共来百越文身地,犹自音书滞一乡。 Seven-character-regular-verse Liu Zongyuan FROM THE CITY-TOWER OF LIUZHOU TO MY FOUR FELLOW-OFFICIALS AT ZHANG, DING, FENG, AND LIAN DISTRICTS At this lofty tower where the town ends, wilderness begins; And our longing has as far to

8、go as the ocean or the sky Hibiscus-flowers by the moat heave in a sudden wind, And vines along the wall are whipped with slanting rain. Nothing to see for three hundred miles but a blur of woods and mountain - And the rivers nine loops, twisting in our bowels This is where they have sent us, this l

9、and of tattooed people - And not even letters, to keep us in touch with home. - 204 七言律诗 刘禹锡 西塞山怀古 王浚楼船下益州,金陵王气黯然收。 千寻铁锁沈江底,一片降旛出石头。 人世几回伤往事,山形依旧枕寒流。 从今四海为家日,故垒萧萧芦荻秋。 Seven-character-regular-verse Liu Yuxi THOUGHTS OF OLD TIME AT WEST FORT MOUNTAIN Since Wang Jun brought his towering ships down from

10、 Yizhou, The royal ghost has pined in the city of Nanjing. Ten thousand feet of iron chain were sunk here to the bottom - And then came the flag of surrender on the Wall of Stone Cycles of change have moved into the past, While still this mountain dignity has commanded the cold river; And now comes

11、the day of the Chinese world united, And the old forts fill with ruin and with autumn reeds. - 205 七言律诗 元稹 遣悲怀之一 谢公最小偏怜女,自嫁黔娄百事乖。 顾我无衣搜荩箧,泥他沽酒拔金钗。 野蔬充膳甘长藿,落叶添薪仰古槐。 今日俸钱过十万,与君营奠复营斋。 Seven-character-regular-verse Yuan Zhen AN ELEGY I O youngest, best-loved daughter of Xie, Who unluckily married this p

12、enniless scholar, You patched my clothes from your own wicker basket, And I coaxed off your hairpins of gold, to buy wine with; For dinner we had to pick wild herbs - And to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling. .Today they are paying me a hundred thousand - And all that I can bring to you is a te

13、mple sacrifice. - 206 七言律诗 元稹 遣悲怀之二 昔日戏言身后事,今朝都到眼前来。 衣裳已施行看尽,针线犹存未忍开。 尚想旧情怜婢仆,也曾因梦送钱财。 诚知此恨人人有,贫贱夫妻百事哀。 Seven-character-regular-verse Yuan Zhen AN ElEGY II We joked, long ago, about one of us dying, But suddenly, before my eyes, you are gone. Almost all your clothes have been given away; Your needle

14、work is sealed, I dare not look at it I continue your bounty to our men and our maids - Sometimes, in a dream, I bring you gifts. .This is a sorrow that all mankind must know - But not as those know it who have been poor together. - 207 七言律诗 元稹 遣悲怀之三 闲坐悲君亦自悲,百年都是几多时? 邓攸无子寻知命,潘岳悼亡犹费词。 同穴窅冥何所望?他生缘会更难期。 惟将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。 Seven-character-regular-verse Yuan Zhen AN ELEGY III I sit here alone, mourning for us both. How many years do I lack now of my threescore and ten? There have been better men than


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