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1、语音学音位学,主讲:卢生,PHONETICS,What is the Phonetics?Phonetics studies speech sounds,including the production of speech,that is how speech sounds are actually made,transmitted and received,the discription and classification of speech sounds,words and connected speech,etc.,Three main areas,ARTICULATORY PHONE

2、TICS(发音语言学)is study of the production of speech sounds. ACOUSTIC PHONETICS(声学语言学)is the physical properties of the speech sounds. PERCEPTUAL or AUDITORY PHONETICS(感知,听觉语言学)is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.,The organs of speech,Nasal cavity -鼻腔 Mouth cavity-口腔 Tongue-舌 Lips-唇 Teeth-齿

3、 The teeth ridge-齿龈 The hard palate -硬腭 The soft palate -软腭uvula -小舌 Pharynx -咽头 Larynx- 喉头 The vocal cords- 声带 Windpipe -气管,咽 口 鼻 构成(pharynx,mouth,nose)声道中的三大声腔(vocal tract)。发音以气流(airstream)作为能量来源。器官的顶端是喉,喉部有声带(vocal band),声带的三种状态,分离:声带分离,气流通过,清音或不带声音(voiceless)即辅音【p s t】贴近:声带贴近,气流振动,带声音(voiced),浊音

4、b z d即为带声辅音。紧闭:声带紧闭,气流无法通过,即为声门塞音,The classification of Speech sounds,The organs of speech are capable of making many different kinds of speech sounds. From the practical standpoint, speech sounds are generally divided into Vowels and Consonants.,元音和辅音,Vowels are sounds produced without obstruction

5、of the air stream in the mouth. In producing them there is vibration of the vocal cords, so all vowels are voiced . In English there are twenty vowels in all.Consonants are sounds produced by some form of obstruction of the air passage and be either voiced or voiceless . There are twenty-eight conso

6、nants in English.,辅音,发音方式,指完成发音过程的方法. 塞音(或爆破音)STOP or PLOSIVE 【p b t d k g】 鼻音(NASAL)【m n】 擦音(FRICATIVE)【f v z h】 近音(APPROXIMANT)【w j】 边音(LATERAL)【l】,颤音(TRILL)【r】触音(TAP)【t d n】city 塞擦音(AFFRICATE)【ts dz tr dr】 church【t】,发音部位指辅音的发音位置,辅音可以产生于唇与声带间的任何部位。 在国际音标中区分了11个发音部位。双唇音(BILABIAL)【p b m】pet ,bet 唇齿音

7、(LABIODENTAL)如fire中【f】 齿音(DENTAL)【】 齿龈音(ALVEOLAR)【t d n s r l】 齿龈后音(POSTALVEOLAR)【 】,卷舌音(RETROFLEX) 硬腭音(PALATAL)yes yet中的【j】 软腭音(VELAR) cat get中的【k g】 小舌音(UVULAR)法语中的【r】 咽音(PHARYNGEAL) 声门音(GLOTTAL),元音,English vowels are divided into two large groups:Monophthongs (pure vowels) (单元音)Diphthongs(双元音),Mo

8、nophthongs,There are12 monophthongs . classified according to the following principles: 1)The height of the raised part of the tongue: we distinguish open vowels, half-open vowels, half-close vowels and close vowels. 2)The part of the tongue raised : we distinguish front, back and central vowels. 3)

9、The length of the vowel: we distinguish long vowels and short ones. 4)The position (or shape) of the lips: we distinguish rounded vowels(圆唇元音) and unrounded ones. 5)The degree of tenseness: we distinguish tense(紧张) vowels and lax vowels(宽松).,The Front Vowels,There are 4 front vowels in English:/i:/,

10、 /i/, /e/, / . /i:/ is a long, close front vowel. It is unrounded and tense.【sea leave】/i/ is a short , half-close front vowel. It is unrounded and lax.【ship happy】 /e/ is a short, half-open, unrounded front vowel. It is a lax.【heavy any】 / is a short ,open, unrounded front vowel. It is a lax. 【land

11、 family】,The Back Vowels,There are five back vowels in English:/a:/, /:/ , /, /u:/, /u/. /a:/ is a long, open, unrounded back vowel.【class glass】 /:/ is a long, half-open, rounded back vowel. It is slightly tense.【 door floor 】 / is a short, open, rounded, lax back vowel.【wash what】 /u:/ is a long,

12、close, rounded, tense back vowel.【blue ruler】 /u/ is a short, half-close,rounded, lax back vowel【foot good 】,The central Vowels,There three central vowels in English: / , /:/ , / ./ is a short, half-open, unrounded central vowel. It is a lax one.【couple double】/:/ is a long, half-close and half-open

13、, unrounded , tense central vowel.【 learn early】/ is a short, half-open, unrounded, lax central vowel. It only occurs in unstressed syllables.【away over】,Diphthongs(双元音),There are three centring diphthongs:/i/, /, /u/ /i/ glides from /i/ to /. The lips are spread throughout.【idea here】 / glides from

14、 a point between /e/ and / . The lips are spread.【pear wear】 /u/ 【sure】,The closing Diphthongs合口双元音,There are five closing diphthongs in English./ei/, /ai/ , /i/, /u/ , /au/ /ei/ begins with /e/ and glides smoothly to /i/【stay say】 /ai/ glides from /a/ to /i/ . It is smooth and loudness becomes less

15、 as it progresses.【by shy】 /i/ glides from a position between / and /:/to /i/.【boy toy】 /u/ starts with /:/ and then glides away to /u/ with the lips getting slightly rounded.【boat coat】 /au/ starts with /a/ and then glides away to /u/ with the lips getting slightly rounded.【house mouse 】,音位学( PHONOLOGY),音位学主要研究一个语言中的音位归纳问题及其组合方式和变化。 定义:音位是一个语音系统中能够区别意义的最小语音单位。 功能:区分词义 方法:最小对比对测试 标志符号:/ /,音位变体(ALLOPHONES),定义:一个音位中包含的几个音素,叫这个音位的“音位变体”,同一个音位的不同变异形式是其在特定语音环境中具体体现. 分类: 条件变体. 指需要一定的语言条件才会出现的音位变体.自由变体.指没有环境限制,可以自由替换而不影响意义的音位变体.,终于讲完了! Thanks ,


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