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1、金钱能买来幸福吗?2015-11-18 LucyChen 英文悦读金钱与幸福感的关系一直是一个古老的命题,无疑, 更多的财富会带来幸福感,但幸福感真的只与金钱的多少有关吗?“不患寡而患不均”,看完本文后你可能会有新的认识。7:07 Money and Happiness 来自英文悦读Free exchange 自由兑换Keeping up with the Karumes 跟上卡鲁姆的步伐A new study shows that money can buy you happiness but only fleetingly, at others expense 一项新研究表明,金钱只能让人

2、在相互攀比中获得稍纵即逝的幸福Oct 31st 2015 | From the print edition “WHEN you open the window, both fresh air and flies come in,” said Deng Xiaoping, describing the good and bad consequences of the opening of China s economy. Most people see economic growth and rising incomes as desirable, but they have their dis

3、advantages. Families break apart, as young people move to the cities. Jobs become more insecure if the labour market is liberalised. Rising inequality may upset even those who are becoming richer. Small wonder, perhaps, that the satisfaction ordinary Chinese expressed with their lot fell at the star

4、t of the economic boom sparked by Dengs reforms, before rising again as growth accelerated. So, at any rate, concluded a study published in 2012 by Richard Easterlin of the University of Southern California and colleagues. 邓小平在阐述中国对外开放这把双刃剑时说道:“打开窗户,新鲜空气会进来,苍蝇也会飞进来。 ”大多数人都渴望经济增长,收入提高,事实上,这些经济状况也有劣势。

5、当年轻人迁移到城市去寻找工作时,身后的家庭变得支离破碎。劳动力市场自由化,工作也会愈加缺少安全性。即使是对于那些正在走向富裕的人群,越来越多的社会不公也会让他们感到不安。这就难怪普通中国老百姓在邓小平改革初期带动市场繁荣时对自己生活的满意度直线下降;直到后期经济增长加速时,满意度才有所回升。所以,不管怎么说,美国南加州大学理查德伊斯特林 (Richard Easterlin)和他的同事们于2012 年发表的一项研究也印证了相似的结论。Mr Easterlin is best known for a hotly contested paper published in 1974, which a

6、rgued that rising incomes do not make people happier. Ever since, in spite of the obvious benefits, economists have debated whether getting richer is all its cracked up to be. The most comprehensive study, published in 2012, looked at a range of countries over time, and concluded that there is a pos

7、itive relationship between income growth and satisfaction. 伊斯特林先生最著名的研究发表于1974 年;该论文中所持的 “高收入并不会使人们更快乐”的观点,在当时引起了激烈的争论。从那时起,即使明白当富人具有诸多明显好处,经济学家仍在讨论做富人是否真的像说的那么好。其中最为全面的报告发表于2012 年;该报告调查了一段时期内不同国家的情况得出了“收入增长和满意度成正比关系”的结论。That study did not make clear, however, whether money leads to happiness or hap

8、piness to money. Andrew Oswald, Eugenio Proto and Daniel Sgroi of the University of Warwick have posited that happiness comes first. Depressed workers are less productive, after all, and so earn less. In addition, high incomes and happiness may have a common cause. Those with a big network of friend

9、s are both more satisfied in life and better at finding well-paid jobs. 然而该研究并没有表明,到底是金钱带来幸福还是幸福创造了财富。来自英国华威大学 (the University of Warwick ) 的 安 德 鲁 奥 斯 瓦 德 ( Andrew Oswald) , 埃 乌 杰 尼 奥 普 罗 托(EugenioProto )和丹尼尔斯格罗伊(Daniel Sgroi)假定是幸福创造了财富。毕竟心情沮丧的工人们工作效率更低,收入也会随之减少。除此之外, 高收入和幸福感有着一个共同的原因。有着庞大朋友圈的人们不仅在

10、生活中感到更加满足,并且也更容易找到高薪酬的工作。One way to answer questions about causality is to look at evidence from randomised trials. Lotteries randomly allocate extra wealth, and so could serve as a focus of study, but in most countries only a small proportion of people buy tickets. The behaviour of those having a f

11、lutter may not be typical of people in general, skewing the results. The solution would be for economists to run their own experiments, doling out big jackpots at random among the population. In rich countries it is too expensive to mimic a lottery. But in poorer places some charities already do. 随机

12、试验所提供的证据可以用来回答关于因果关系的问题。彩票对额外的财富进行随机分配,所以可以被用来当作研究的重点,但是在大多数国家,只有一小部分的人会选择购买彩票。这些彩票购买者心情焦躁,并不能代表大众心理,进而会导致调查结果出现偏差。经济学家应自己做实验,在人群中随机发放几笔巨额奖金。在富有国家, 模拟彩票发放的成本实在太高。但是在更为贫穷的地方,已经有慈善机构做过这样的实验。The Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics in Nairobi, Kenya, runs experiments with participants from slums and

13、 rural areas. Its researchers looked at the results of a lottery-like scheme in rural Kenya, in which a random sample of 503 households spread over 120 villages was chosen to receive cash transfers of up to $1,525. The average transfer, $357, was almost enough to double the wealth of a typical villa

14、ger. The researchers measured the well-being of villagers before and after the transfer, using a range of different methods: questionnaires about peoples life satisfaction, screening for clinical depression and saliva tests for cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. 位于肯尼亚,内罗毕的布萨洛行为经济学中心(The Bus

15、ara Centre forBehavioural Economics)在贫民窟和乡村地区进行了试验。研究人员在120 个肯尼亚偏远村庄中随机抽取了503 个家庭发放现金,最高金额为1525 美元。平均金额为357 美元,这已经足够将一位普通村民的财富翻上一番。 通过人民生活满意度的调查问卷,筛查临床忧郁症,在唾液中检测皮质醇一种与压力直接相关的荷尔蒙等等一系列方法,研究者对现金发放前后村民的幸福感进行了评估。 因为并不是所有村民都收到了现金,该实验并未阐明当所有人的财富实现相同增值时会产生怎样的后果。但是该实验的确模拟了经济增长情况下财富的不平均分配。果然不出所料, 收到现金的人们在拿到钱后

16、,对其生活表现出了更高的满意度。皮质醇水平和临床抑郁症的发病率也有所下降。Since not all the villagers received a transfer, the experiment sheds no light on what would happen if everyone s wealth increased equally. But the study does mimic the distributional results of economic growth, which tends to allot gains unevenly. As expected, those who received transfers reported greater satisfaction with their lot after the money arrived. Cortisol levels and the incidence of depression fell too. 因为并不是所有村民都收到了现金,该实验并未阐明当所有人的财富实现



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