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1、镍矿外贸销售合同镍矿外贸销售合同篇一:镍矿合同中英文SALES 如果水分低于%,则对应低于%的每%个水分含量,结算单价增加美元。水含量精确到小数点后两位。5. Total amount 货物总值: USD +/-10%6. Packing 包装: In Bulk.散装 7. Origin 原产地: Philippines 菲律宾 8. Laycan Date 装期: On or before 20th Aug., XXXX 年 8 月 20 日前9. Port of loading 装运口岸:Any port, Philippines 菲律宾任意装港 10. Port of the desti

2、nation 目的港: Tianjin port, China 中国天津港 11. Insurance 保险:To be effected and paid by the Seller covering all risks. 由卖方投保一切险,保险费由卖方负担。 12. Terms of Shipment, loading and discharging 装卸条款 Cargo is to be discharged at the rate of 12,000 Metric tons per weather working days of 24 consecutive hours. The Bu

3、yer is in full responsibility for discharging the cargo and vessel damage and demurrage/dispatch payment. Demurrage rate is as per charter party, dispatch rate as half of demurrage. Demurrage/dispatch to be calculated as per SOF by ship owner, the demurrage/dispatch should be shown in the final invo

4、ice.货物卸率为每 24 小时晴天工作日 12,000 吨。买方对卸货、船舶伤害及发生的滞期/速谴费全面负责, 滞期费率由租船合约定,速谴费率为滞期费率的一半。滞期费/速遣费以船东根据 SOF 计算为准, 滞期费/速遣费将体现在尾款发票中。13. Inspection 检验 At loading port, on sellers charge, the seller shall appoint Intertek to inspect the cargos quality and quantity and issue the certification of quality which sha

5、ll be the basis for final the loading port, the B/L Weight shall be the basis for final weight.在装港由卖方委托 Intertek 进行质量的检验并由Intertek 出具装港检验证书,作为最终结算指标。重量以装港提单量为准。14. Payment 付款条件 Within 2 working days after the contract is signed the buyer should remit advance payment with amount to USD700,000 to the

6、sellers account by T/T as advance payment.合同签订后 2 个工作日内买方 T/T 支付 70 万美金现汇至卖方账户作为合同预付款。 In the event of none implementation of the contract or partial non-performance of this contract, the seller reserves the right to confiscate the advance payment.如买方未按合同要求履约或不能全部履约,卖方有权没收全额预付款。Within 5 working days

7、 after the vessel nominated sailing from loading port the buyer should remit balance of 100% provisional payment according to the copy of following documents to the sellers account by T/T. 船舶离开装港后 5 个工作日内买方根据卖方提供的下列单据的复印件支付卖方剩余首款货款,支付方式为 T/T。a)Signed Commercial Invoice for 100% of total CIF cargo va

8、lue deducting the advance payment in three originals, based on the wet weight shown on the B/L and loading port result shown on Certificate of Quality issued by Seller.商业发票正本 3 份,重量按提单湿重吨, 按卖方出具的装港品质证明为准承付 CIF 货值 100%货款扣除预付款部分的货值。b) Full set (3/3) of “Clean on Board” ocean Bill of Lading made out to

9、 order, marked “Freight Payable as per Charter Party” .全套海运清洁提单(3 正 3 副) ,凭指令,注明“运费根据租船合约支付” 。c) Certificate of Quality issued by Seller in 1 original and 1 copy.卖方出具的质量证正本 1 份副本 1 份。d) Certificate of Weight issued by Seller in 1 original and 1 copy.卖方出具的重量证正本 1 份副本 1 份。e) Certificate of Origin issu

10、ed by Seller in one original and three copies.卖方出具的原产地证书 1 正 3 副。The seller shall send the original documents listed above with Insurance Certification to the buyer within 21 days after B/L date on condition that the seller receives 100% of total CIF cargo value.在卖方收到买方 100%首付款前提下,卖方在提单日后21 天内邮寄以上所列

11、单据正本及保单至买方。Final settlement together with demurrage less desptach if any to be settled should be paid against the following documents presented by the Seller by T/T by the owning party to the other partys nominated account within 3 working days. 最终结算以及该船货物可能需要支付的滞期费(扣除速遣费) ,凭卖方出具的以下单据 3 个工作日内 T/T 支付

12、。a) Sellers signed Final Commercial Invoice,based on final quality result issued by INTERTEK PHILIPPINES.卖方最终发票 1 正 2 副,以 INTERTEK PHILIPPINES 出具的最终结算指标为结算依据 b) Photocopy of certificate of quality issued by Intertek PHILIPPINES.由 INTERTEK 出具的装货港品质证书副本。15. The Entry Into Force of Contract 合同生效 This c

13、ontract comes into effect after being signed Bonus/Penalty 价格调整; 奖惩 The prices of Ni content stipulated in Clause 3 shall be adjusted by the following bonuses and penalties:应按照本条规定对条款 3 规定的镍矿价格做相应增加或扣减.If the Ni content is higher than %, the bonus is USD /Wet MT for each % Ni content higher, prorata

14、.如镍含量超过 %,每高%的镍含量,价格增加美元/湿公吨。If the Ni content is % Basis; the price remains the same.如镍含量为,价格保持不变。If the Ni content is lower than % but higher than %, the penalty is USD /Wet MT for each % Ni content lower, pro rata.如镍含量低于%而高于%,每低%的镍含量,价格扣减美元/湿公吨。Moisture adjustment Bonus/Penalty 水分之数量质奖惩调整 The inv

15、oice quantity shall be based on moisture 32% Basis,如果水分高于 32.If Total Moisture is more than 32% and less than 35 %( including 35%), the Buyer will charge the Seller a penalty of USD / WMT for every 1% of the moisture above 32%, fraction pro rata. 如果水分高于 32,低于 35%时,水分含量每多 1%,价格扣减美元/ 湿公吨。If moisture i

16、s below 32%, the Buyer will pay to the Seller as bonus of USD /WMT for every 1% of the moisture below 32%, fraction pro rata.如果水分低于 32时,水分含量每少 1%,价格增加美元/ 湿公吨。Goods Rejection 拒收货物 Percent), (not include %) the Buyer has the to reject the cargo or choice to negotiate a new price with seller to accept the goods.如果含水量高于 35 % (含 35%),买方有权拒绝接受货物或是与买主重新议订一个新的价格以接收货物。If the Ni content is below %, the Buyer has the right to reject the cargo or choice to negotiate a new price with



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