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1、著名企业英语演讲稿著名企业英语演讲稿 篇一:著名英语演讲 目录 第一部分 美国总统演说 亚伯拉罕林肯:葛底斯堡演说 富兰克林罗斯福:第一次就职演说 富兰克林罗斯福:论四大自由 富兰克林罗斯福:向日本宣战 哈里杜鲁门:在日本投降时发表的广播演说 哈里杜鲁门:杜鲁门主义 德怀特艾森豪威尔:告别演说 约翰F旨尼迪:第一次就职演况 约翰F肯尼迪:美国大学毕业典礼演讲 林登贝恩斯约翰逊:我们会战胜 理查德尼克松:告别白宫 罗纳德里根:第一次就职演说 罗纳德里根:怀念挑战者号宇航员 比尔克林顿:告别演说 比尔克林顿:XX 民主党全国大会演说 乔治W布什:针对 911 恐怖分子袭击在参众议院 联席会议上发表

2、的演说 乔治W布什:清华大学演讲 乔治W布什:纪念哥伦比亚号宇航员 乔治W布什:XX 大选获胜时的演讲 乔治W布什:第二次就职演说 第二部分 著名人士演说 温德尔威基:忠诚的反对党 德怀特艾森豪威尔:反攻动员令 欧内斯特海明威:接受诺贝尔奖时的演说 乔治C马歇尔:马歇尔计划 威廉福克纳:接受诺贝尔奖时的演说 道格拉斯麦克阿瑟:结束军事生涯之际的演说 阿德莱史蒂文森:接受提名 马丁路德金:我有一个梦 马丁路德金:打破沉默的时候 罗伯特肯尼迪:马丁路德金之死 斯皮罗西奥多阿格纽:电视新闻覆盖率 芭芭拉布什:威尔斯莉学院毕业典礼上的讲话 玛丽费雪:艾滋的低语 柯林鲍威尔:我的美国之旅 查尔顿赫斯顿:

3、赢得文化战争 伊利威塞尔:冷漠的危险 希拉里克林顿:竞选纽约参议员的演讲 史蒂夫马丁及凯瑟琳泽塔-琼斯:第七十三届奥斯 卡颁奖晚会 篇二:领导力英语演讲稿 A good leadership is indispensable for any government, business or organization. Qualities of a Good Leader and Leadership Abilities are essential to actuate others and achieve the desired goals. Different strategies and l

4、eadership styles are used to achieve the goals of organization. A leader or executive directs and guides its subordinates to achieve the goals. Leaders are an essential and most significant part of any organization, which have responsibilities to set organizational goals, develop visions of future,

5、motivate and influence subordinates and organization members to attain the goals. Leadership is one of the most important functions of any organization which is essential for maximization of efficiency and attainment of organizational goals. A leaders job is not an easy and facile job. it is one of

6、the most challenging jobs with huge responsibilities, and without specific leadership skills and qualities, it is hard to attain the desired goals. Organizations with highly enthusiastic, esteemed and skillful leaders get their goals efficiently and touch the skies of success. a leader has a set of

7、challenging responsibilities like initiation, guidance, motivation ,building confidence and morale, building a sense of coordination and proper working environment. An effective leadership with sufficient managerial capabilities and leadership skills is an asset and key to success for any organizati

8、on. To be a successful leader some leadership qualities requisites are really essential. Some qualities of a good leader are described below. : A honest leader is a precious asset to any organization. A leader must be honest with his organization and organizational workers as well. Honesty is one of

9、 the most essential qualities of a good leader. A good leader never compromise on organizational interests and never loose his integrity. and sincerity: A dedicated leader is always respected by others due to his professional approach. a good leader is always an inspirational source for his workers,

10、 due to his dedication and sincerity. and focus: A good leader always has a vision of future and possible circumstances of future. Visionary approach is also one of the most indispensable qualities of a good leader. a leader with visionary approach is able to look beyond common sight. And then he ta

11、kes appropriate decisions according to possible circumstances of future. Future risk management is also related to this aspect of leadership qualities. a good leader must have an ability to visualize different situations. a proper focus on work and organizational goals, is of equal importance along

12、with the vision of future. interpersonal communication skills: Communication skills are one of the most essential qualities of a good leader. As a leader has to communicate with others frequently, when you a have good communication skills and able to express what you want, then you can achieve the b

13、est. effective communication is necessary to develop good working relations, which are a requisite to attain the desired goals of an organization. capabilities: A good leader has an ability to motivate and incite his subordinates and workers to get the desired results or desired quality and quantity

14、 of the work. Motivation capabilities are one of the key qualities of a good leader. a good leader continues to motivate and influence his subordinates. This is very essential and effective to create a good working environment and attainment of good results. A good leader prefers the safety of worke

15、rs and motivates workers adopt safety measures. He actuates them to work better improve the quality of work. he announces incentives and bonuses for hardworking workers. a good leader also announces awards and proper rewards for his subordinates in case of hard work and quality of work. These incent

16、ives and rewards are a true source of motivation for his workers. : Consistency is one of the qualities of a good leader which have crucial importance. A good leader must be consistent in his approach as well as decisions. a good leader has some specific style of leadership. He must be consistent to maintain his specific style. Inconsistency leads to failures. A good leader must avoid different approaches or modifications. a sensible leader



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