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1、约翰: None of these attractions are ready yetbut the park will open with the basic tour you re about to takeand then other rides will come on-line six or twelve months after that. 这些项目还没有完工 但是公园会先开放你将会参观的基本游程其它项目会在 6 到 12 个月以后陆续开放。Absolutely spectacular designs.Spared no expense. 绝对壮观,不惜成本。唐纳德: And we

2、 can charge anything we want2,000 a day,10,000 a dayAnd people will pay it.and then there s the merchandise.I can personally价钱我们说的算,每天 2 千或 1 万块人们都愿意付,还可以卖周边,我个人认为 约翰: This park was not built to cater only for the super rich.everyone in the world has the right to enjoy there animals. 这个公园不仅是给富翁建的。世界

3、上所有人都有权享受这些。唐纳德: Sure.They will.What,we ll have a coupon day or something 那是,他们会的。我们可以有优惠日之类的马尔科姆 :Gee,the lack of humility before natureThat s being displayed here staggers me. 太可怕了,对大自然缺乏敬畏这里看到的一切让我吃惊。唐纳德:Thank you,Dr.Malcolm,but I think things are a little bit different than you and I had feared.

4、 谢谢,马尔科姆博士,但是我认为事情跟你我所担心的不一样。马尔科姆 :-Yeah,I know.They re a lot worse. 是,我知道,更可怕。唐纳德: Now,wait a second.We haven t even the park yet.-I mean 等等,我们甚至还没有去看看公园。我的意思是约翰: -No,Donald,let him talk.There s no reason.I want to hear every viewpoint.-I really do. 别,唐纳德,让他说。没别的,我想听所有意见。-真的想听。马尔科姆 :-Don t you see

5、the danger John,inherent in what you re doing here?Genetic power s the most awesome force the planet s ever seen,but you wield it like a kid that s found his dad s gun. 你没看到危险吗?约翰, 事实上你们是在干啥?遗传力是地球上最令敬畏的力量,但是你们摆弄它就像小孩玩大人的枪。唐纳德: It s hardly appropriate to start 这样说不太恰当。马尔科姆 :Just a second,If I may.I

6、ll tell you the problem with the scientific power you re using here.It didn t require any discipline to attain it. 容我就一句。 我来说说在此你使用的科学力量问题。问题在于取得它没有任何约束。You read what others had done and you took the next step.You didn t earn the knowledge for yourselves,so you don t take any responsibility for it.

7、你们看了看前人所做就做下一步。没有任何属于自己的知识, 所以不用负任何责任。You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had 你们站在天才的肩膀上, 甚至在未知结果如何之前就尽可能快的完成它。You patented it,and packaged itand slapped it on a plastic lunch box. And now you re selling it.You wand t

8、o sell it.Well申请专利,打包装,在塑料午餐盒上发广告。然后就卖钱。你想出售它,于是就 约翰: I don t think you re giving us our due credit.Our scientists have done things which nobody s ever done before. 我不认为你给了我们应得的信任。 我们科学家做了前人从未做过的事情。马尔科姆 :But your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they couldthey didn t stop to think

9、if they should. 但是你的科学家只执着于他们能不能做到,而不是考虑他们应不应该做。约翰:Condors! Condors are on the verge of extinction.If I was to create a flock of condors on this island,you wouldn t have anything to say. 秃鹰!秃鹰处在灭绝的边缘。如果我在这个岛上造一群秃鹰,你就没啥好说的了吧。马尔科姆 :Hold on.This isn t some species that was obliterated by deforestation

10、or the building of a dam.Dinosaurs has their shotand nature selected them for extinction. 稍等。这不是什么因为滥伐森林或修建水坝而灭绝的物种。恐龙有过机会,是自然选择让它们灭绝。约翰: I simply don t understand this Luddite attitude,especially from a scientist.How can we stand in the light of discovery and not act? 我不懂这种因噎废食的想法, 尤其还是个科学家。 我们怎么能站

11、在发明面前却无所作为?马尔科姆 :What s so great about discovery?It s a violent,penetrative act that scars what it explores.What you call discovery I call the rape of the natural world. 发明有什么好的?那是暴力, 那是狂扎乱捅的行为到处留疤。你所谓的发明。我称之为对自然世界的强奸。塞特勒博士 :The question is,how can you know anything about an extinct ecosystem?And th

12、erefore,how could you ever assume that you can control it? 问题是,你怎么了解一种已灭绝的生态系统?因此,你又怎能设想你可以控制它?You have plants in this building that are poisonous.You picked them because they look good but these are aggressive living things that have no ideawhat century they re in,and they ll defend themselves viol

13、ently,it necessary. 你这座楼里摆了有毒的植物。 你选择它们仅仅是因为它们好看但它们都是些有侵略性的生物, 我们不知道它们何时存在, 如有必要会用何种暴力手段保护自己。约翰: Dr.Grant,it there s one person here who could appreciate what I trying to do如果在这有人能理解我的工作,我想就只有你了吧,博士。葛兰博士: The world has just changed so radicallyand we re all running to catch up.I don t want to jump t

14、o any conclusions. 世界的改变是如此迅速 ,现在我们都在拼命追赶。我不想立马下结论。But look.Dinosaurs and mantwo species separated by 65 million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together.How can we possibly have the slightest idea of what to expect? 但是,恐龙和人类,两个在进化史上相隔了6500 万年的物种,在同一时空交汇了。我们根本无法预测到底会发生什么事情。约翰: I don t believe it. I don t believe it. 真不敢相信,真不敢相信。You re meant to come down here and defend me against these characters,and the only one I ve got on my side is the bloodsucking lawyer. 你们本来是来为我辩护的, 但现在站在我这边的只有你这个吸血的律师。唐纳德: Thank you. 谢谢。


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