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1、英国 1. Geoffrey Chaucer, 1343-1400 乔叟Mediaeval Realism (Narrative Poetry) 2. William Shakespeare, 1564-1616 莎士比亚Tudor Lyric Poetry 3. John Donne, 1572-1631 约翰 多恩Metaphysical Poetry ?4. John Milton, 1608-1674 约翰 米尔顿Epic in English ?5. Daniel Defoe, 1661-1731 丹尼尔 笛福Rise of English Realism ?6. Oliver Go

2、ldsmith, 1728-1774 奥利弗 哥德史密斯Sentimentalism ?7. William Wordsworth, 1770-1850 华兹华斯Romanism in English Poetry ?8. Charles Dickens, 1812-1870 狄更斯Victorian Critical Realism ?9. Thomas Hardy, 1840-1948 托马斯 哈代Critical / Pessimistic Realism ?10. E.S. Eliot, 1888-1965 艾略特Naturalism ?11. Oscar Wilde 1854-190

3、0 王尔德Aesthetic Movement but circumstances may rouse it to activity. ”霍桑认为,人人内心都有邪恶, 这种邪恶也许一生都潜藏在内心,但在一定的条件下就表现出来。 (IV) W alt Whitman 华尔特 .惠特曼 As Whitman saw it, poetry could play a vital part in the process of creating a new nation.惠特曼认为, 诗歌可以塑造一个新的民族精神。 Whitman s poetic style is marked, first of al

4、l, by the use of the poetic “ I ”.他的诗总用第一人称。 (V) Herman Melville 赫尔曼 .麦尔维尔 Moby-Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic. 白鲸是美国第一部散文体史诗。 It turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe, a spiritual exploration into man s deep reality and

5、psychology. 白鲸不仅仅是海上生活的生动描 述,而且也象征追求宇宙真理的心路历程。 英美文学美国部分 现实主义时期 Chapter 2 The Realistic Period 现实主义时期 1 The three dominant figures of the period are William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James.这一时期的三个代表作家是豪威尔斯,亨利.詹姆斯和马克 .吐温。 2 Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the wa

6、y they lived, while Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories.豪威尔斯讨论上升 的中产阶级及其生活方式,而马克.吐温则喜欢把他自己家乡的人放在故事的最前沿。 (I) Mark Twain 马克 .吐温 Mark Twain is considered as “ the true father of American national literature.”马克 .吐温被认为是“ 我 们真正的民族文学之父” 。 Two of the best books

7、 during this period are The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The former is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys, while the latter, being a boy s book specially written for the adults, is Twain s most representative wo

8、rk, describing a journey down the Mississippi undertaken by two fugitives, Huck and Jim. 这一期间他最伟大的作品是汤姆 .索亚历险记 和 哈克贝里 .芬历险记。 前者是就儿童的恐惧和高兴的事儿写的一部儿童经典。而后者虽然是儿童故事,却为大人而写。 这是马克 .吐温最有代表性的小说,描写两个流浪儿童哈克和吉姆沿密西西比河而下历险的旅 程。 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and, especially, its sequence Adventures of Huckleberry F

9、inn proved themselves to be the mile stone in American literature. 汤姆 .索亚历险记,尤其是哈克贝里. 芬历险记是美国文学的里程碑。 Hemingway once described the novel the one book from which “ all modern American literature comes. ” The profound portrait of Huckleberry Finn is another great contribution of the book to the legacy

10、of American literature. 哈克贝里 .芬历险记 - 海明威曾把该书看作是” 所有现代美国文 学之源 ”.。哈克贝里的深刻形象是该书给美国文学做出的又一贡献。 The climax arises with Huck s inner struggle on the Mississippi, when Huck is polarized by the two opposing and the laws of the society against those who help slaves escapes 哈克在密西西比河的内心 争斗室小说的高潮。哈克在理想与现实,对吉姆的感情

11、与社会反对奴隶逃跑的法律之间被抛到 了巅峰。 Twain is also known as a local colorist, who preferred to present social life through portraits of local characters of his regions, including people living in that area, the landscape, and other peculiarities like the customs, dialects, costumes and so on. 马克.吐温善于描绘地方风物,包括地方任务

12、, 风光, 风俗,方言和服饰等等。 Another fact that made Twain unique is his magic power with language, his use of vernacular. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentence structures are simple, even ungrammatical, which is typical of the spoken language.马克 .吐温独特的另一个方面是他乡土气息 的语言风格。他的用词口

13、语化,具体可感,直率有力。句子结构简单,不合语法。 Adventures of Huckleberry: “ Huck” , a typical American can Boy whom its creator described as a boy with “ a sound heart and a deformed conscience” . Through the eyes of Huck, the innocent and reluctant rebel, we see the pre-Civil War American society fully exposed and at t

14、he same time we are deeply impressed by Mark Twain s thematic contrasts between innocence and experience, nature and culture, wilderness and civilization. 哈克贝里 .芬历险记 -该小说最精彩的形象是哈克,他是被作者 称为一个 “ 有正常心理和畸形良知” 的美国男孩。通过天真又叛逆的哈克的眼睛,我们看到内战 的美国社会的真正面目,同时,通过马克.吐温对比性的描写,我们还看到了率真与世故,自然 与文化,野蛮与文明的对立。 (II )Henry

15、James亨利.詹姆斯 In the first period of his, James took great interest in international themes. James treated with great care the clashes between two different cultures and the emotional and moral problems of Americans in Europe, or Europeans in America. The works include “ The American ” , “ Daisy mille

16、r” , “ The Europeans ” , “ The Portrait of Lady”.在詹姆斯的早期作品中,他对国际主题很感兴趣。这一时期几 乎他的每一部小说都有关欧美在文化,情感和道德方面的冲突,每篇作品都处理了重要的问题。 著作有美国人 , 黛西 .米勒 , 欧洲人, 贵妇人的画像 。 (III). Emily Dickinson艾米莉 .狄金森 Within her little lyrics Dickinson addresses those issues that concern the whole human beings, which include religion, death, immortality, love, and nature. In some of her poems she wrote about her double and belief about religious subjects. 在她的短篇抒情诗里所涉及到的问题却是有关人类的, 包



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