chpt 1 Applied Linguistics:介绍

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《chpt 1 Applied Linguistics:介绍》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《chpt 1 Applied Linguistics:介绍(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,May all your New Year dreams come true!,Happy New Year!,Applied Linguistics: An Introductory Course,Lecturer: Ye Liyan TL: 18975095560 QQ: 285764651,Before going to the textbook,Interaction (introduction, vocation, expectation)The Goal of the courseSome Contrasts between Applied Linguistics and oth

2、er termsPlan for the courseRequirements of the course,Lets recall:,We have learned the introductory course of linguistics. What is the course about? Linguistics is the scientific study of language Objects of study: Elements/ levels of language including sound system, word formation, sentence structu

3、re, meaning (without and within contexts),The scope of Linguistics,Branches of Linguistics Phonetics 语音学 Phonology 音系学 Morphology 语素学 Syntax 句法学 Semantics 语义学 Pragmatics 语用学 Interdisciplinary study Applied linguistics Sociolinguistics Psycholinguistics,How do you feel about the course of Linguistics

4、? Boring? Useless? Too theoretical?,Your major?,English Education -Future English teachers 语言教学所涉及的不止是语言本身的问题,它还涉及心理、文化、教育和社会许多方面,显然,单靠记忆单词、学习语法规则以及研究本体语言学是不够的,必须还借助一门边缘学科来进行。应用语言学的研究就承担了这一任务。,The Goal of the course,英语专业英语教育方向的一门理论必修课程。该课程以语言学理论为理论基础,从心理语言学、社会语言学、教育学等学科角度,探讨如何把这些理论及观点运用于外语教学中,指导学生的外

5、语学习和外语教学。本课程除了介绍一定的语言理论知识外,还强调理论联系实际,揭示外语课堂教学过程中等若干问题。,Turn to the contents of the textbook to locate different disciples functioning in language teaching and learning,Some contrasts,Applied Linguistics vs. Pragmatics Applied Linguistics vs. Teaching Methodology Applied Linguistics vs. Second Langua

6、ge Acquisition,Applied Linguistics vs. Pragmatics,应用语言学,语用学 (都跟“用”相关;但分别是一门学科或一门学科的分支) 应用语言学所关心的是如何应用语言学理论、方法和成果来阐释其他应用领域所遇到的跟语言有关的问题。 语用学研究在不同语境中话语意义的恰当地表达和准确地理解,寻找并确立使话语意义得以恰当表达和准确理解的基本原则和准则。,Do the following phenomena concern applied linguistics or Pragmatics?,Case 1: 中国学生常把Jeep 发成【 di:pu】,thank

7、发成sk;还常常出现诸如“There have a lot of books in the room.”, “Though he works hard, he didnt get good mark.”之类的句子 Contrastive analysis,I am sorry to hear about your grandma.,Context,She is dead.,She is in hospital.,As a key term in Pragmatics, “context” provides a broader horizon for linguists to decode me

8、aning from language.,Applied Linguistics vs. Teaching Methodology,(英语)教学法主要是立足于心理学和教育学的理论和成果,关注点在“教”。教学方法是应用语言学很重要的部分,其中包括应用语言学中一切有关教学的知识 除此之外,应用语言学还从语言学角度来看语言教学,如对比分析,错误分析等。,Contents of Teaching Methodology,Lecture 1 What makes a good language teacher Lecture 2 Language and language learning Lectur

9、e 3 Key concepts in language teaching (Program, subject, course, lesson; Method, approach, design, procedure) Lecture 4 Lesson Observation Lecture 5 Lesson planning Lecture 6 A survey of TEFL approaches Lecture 7 Classroom management,Lecture 8 Affective factors in Language teaching Lecture 9-14 How

10、to teach Pronunciation, Grammar, Vocabulary , listening and speaking, reading& writing Lecture 15 How to evaluate and adapt textbooks Lecture 16 Teachers professional development,Applied Linguistics vs. Second Language Acquisition,SLA:研究语言习得过程、习得环境和习得规律以发展第二语言或英语能力的过程,期望由此得出的成果能有助于语言教学。(语言习得的三大基本问题w

11、hat,how , why) SLA是Applied Linguistics的一个小分支。,AL 的出发点是考察怎样把语言学应用到与语言有关的问题 ,它延伸的方向是各种与语言有关的问题( 特别是外语教学的问题)。 而 SLA的出发点是考察怎样进行语言教学( 特别是二语和外语) 的问题 ,其延伸方向是语言教学的各种问题 。,Plan for the course,Chapter 1 What is Applied Linguistics (4 P) Chapter 2 Language, learning and Teaching (2 P) Chapter 4 First Language A

12、cquisition (4 P) Chapter 5 Second Language Acquisition (6 p) Chapter 6. Strategies and styles of Learning (2 P) Chapter 7 Affective Variables of Language Learning (2 P) Chapter 8. Sociocultural Variables of Language Learning (2 P) Chapter 9 Contrastive Analysis (4 P) Chapter 10 Error Analysis (4 p),

13、Requirements of the course,Preview work Attendance Classroom discussion Fulfillment of the assignment Examination,How is your daily performance scored?,Base: 60 Preview work (10): 2 points each time Attendance (10): 5 times checking; 3 times absence fail the course; asking for leave one-point deduct

14、ion Classroom discussion (10): 2 points each time for reporters After-class assignment (10),Chapter One,What Is Applied Linguistics?,Contents,A Brief History Definition and scope The Nature of Applied Linguistics The Task of Applied Linguistics,A Brief History,1). The term “applied linguistics” was

15、first introduced as early as 1871 by the Polish linguist J. Baudouin de Courtenary. 波兰语言学家博杜恩.德.库尔德内最早提出应用语言学这一概念,A Brief History,2). In 1946, applied linguistics was established as an independent discipline at the University of Michigan in the United States. 1946年美国在密歇根大学建立了英语学院,研究如何对外国人讲授英语,并出版著名的

16、杂志语言学习,这个刊物的副题就是应用语言学杂志,标志应用语言学作为一门独立的语言学科出现。,Applied linguistics aimed to solve problems in various fields by applying the knowledge of linguistics.,The birth of applied linguistics as a discipline is closely associated with foreign language teaching. army method or oral-aural method 军方教学法/听说法,听说法的

17、基本内容 (1)教学遵循听说读写的顺序,以听说训练为主; (2)句型是教学的基础,所有语言活动围绕句型展开; (3)教学的重点是反复模仿、练习、记忆和重复; (4)只教语言本身,不教语言文化知识; (5)教学要借助直观的语境来进行。,3). In 1964, the first World Congress of Applied Linguistics (第一届应用语言学大会)was held in Nancy, France, and the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee (国际应用语言学会)was set up. - the recognition of Applied Linguistics as an independent discipline.,


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