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1、Maximizing Growth Performance Managing the Pigs Environment 提高生长性能,管理好猪的环境Mike Ellis 麦克艾利斯博士 Department of Animal Sciences University of Illinois 伊利诺大学动物科学系 商业性能和性能潜力Effect of rearing environment on growth and carcass characteristics (40 to 120 kg liveweight) 饲养环境对生长和胴体性状的影响(40120千克活重)拥挤 宽敞 个体日采食(千克

2、)日增重(克 ) 增重/耗料背膘厚(毫米)眼肌厚度(毫米)预测瘦肉率(%)Growth Performance on Commercial Units in US Midwest 美国中西部商品猪场内的生长性能Median平均PhaseApprox. weight range (kg)ADG (kg)ADFI (kg)G:F ratioNursery5 to 204300.620.70Grow- Finish30 to 11581026000.33Wean-to- Finish5 to 11566017600.37阶段 体重范围(千克) 日增重 日采食 增重/耗料保育期生长肥育期断奶-肥育Wh

3、y focus on increasing growth rate?为 何注重增加生长速度Throughput is economically important 生产效率在经济上重要Lightweight pigs cost money 体重轻的猪使成本增加 Particularly in All-In/All-Out systems 特别是全进-全出体系(under weights cost $10 to $35 per pig) (体重低于标准每头猪降价10-35美分)Increasing growth rate will reduce the number of light-weigh

4、t pigs when barn is emptied 加快生长率可以减少清空猪舍时的体重较轻猪只数Within a genetic line variation in growth rate due to environmental factors may result largely differences in feed intake and not feed efficiency? 同品种内由环境因素引起的生长率差异可能造成显著的采食量出差异,而且饲 料效益上的差异呢? Increasing growth rate will increase output with either no

5、 effect or a small positive effect on feed efficiency? 加快生长速度将扩大产量,而且对饲料效益不会或极少 对饲料效益产生负面影响 猪场动力网Maximizing total facility output 提高设备的总利用率 Key index of facility output is:设备产出量的关键指标 Live weight of pigs produced/unit of floor space kg / square meter单位面积所产猪的活重(千克/平方米)A better index of performance tha

6、n growth rate? 比生长率更好的性能指标 Not calculated by many producers许多养猪者都不计 算 Compromise between individual animal performance and total building output个体性能和设备总产量的折中Reduced Growth Rate 生长率降低 Causes include:原因包括 Genetics遗传 Disease疾病 Gender性别 Birth weight初生重 Diet饲粮 Stocking density: floor and feeder space, gr

7、oup size 饲养密度:每猪占地面积和采食槽位,群体大小 Effective environment: temperature, humidity, and air quality 有效环境:温度,速度和空气质量 Social environment 群居环境 猪场动力网Temperature effect on performance in growing pigs温度对生长猪性能的影响 A total of 256 Yorkshire x Hampshire or purebred Duroc pigs (initial weight 34.7 kg) for 4 weeks (Hyu

8、n et al., 1998)Thermoneutral (24oC)Cycling/High (28-34oC)Thermoneutral (24oC)Cycling/High (28-34oC)ADG, kgADFI, kgGain:Feed, kg/kgRestricted space allowance effect on performance in growing pigs圈栏面积对生长猪性 能的影响A total of 256 Yorkshire x Hampshire or purebred Duroc pigs (initial weight 34.7 kg) for 4 w

9、eeks (Hyun et al., 1998)Normal space (0.56 m2)Restricted space (0.25 m2)ADG, kgADFI, kgGain:Feed, kg/kgNormal space (0.56 m2)Restricted space (0.25 m2) 猪场动力网Mixing stress effect on performance in growing pigs混群应激对生 长猪的影响A total of 256 Yorkshire x Hampshire or purebred Duroc pigs (initial weight 34.7

10、 kg) for 4 weeks (Hyun et al., 1998)ADG, kgADFI, kgGain:Feed, kg/kgStaticMixedStaticM 猪场动力网Effects of number of stressors on performance: (a) average daily gain; (b) daily feed intake; (c) gain:feed.应激对日增重日采食量和料肉比的影响High environmental temperature高温环境High respiratory rate and blood flow 呼吸率增高 血流加快Red

11、ucedfeed intake 采食减少Reduced thyroid hormone 甲状腺激素减少Reduced protein synthesis and growth rate 蛋白质合成减少,生长缓慢Reduced blood glucose 血中葡萄糖减少Increased catecholamines 儿茶酚胺增加Increase energy Expenditure 增加能量消耗Reduced IGF-1 in circulation 血中生长激素减少Reduced insulin production 胰岛素产量减少Increased heat loss 增加散热Decrea

12、sed heat production产热增加Body temperature regulation 体温调节 猪场动力网Temperature Effects on Growth 温度对生长的影响 Comfort zone 适温区 Range of temperatures within which animal needs to neither increase heat production or increase heat loss to maintain a stable body temperature动物既不需要增加产热也不需要增 加散热就能保持稳定体温的温度范围Floor Ty

13、pe: Straw 垫草Solid 水泥Fully全漏缝 地板类型Bedded Concrete Slatted oC oC oCPiglets Pre-weaning (Age)哺乳仔猪 Day 1 30 31 32 Day 3 28 30 29 Day 5 24 2627 Day 17 22 24 25 Pigs Post Weaning (Weight)断奶猪 6 kg (d of weaning) 27 28 30 6 kg (once started eating) 26 27 29 8 kg 24 26 28 10 kg 21 23 25 15 kg 19 20 23 20 kg

14、15 17 21 30 kg 13 15 19 45 kg 10 1217 60 kg 9 11 16 90 kg 81015 MEAT AND LIVESTOCK COMMISSION, 1999Critical Temperatures关键 温度 猪场动力网Floor Type: Straw 垫草Solid水泥 Fully全漏缝 地板类型Bedded Concrete Slatted oC oC oCDry Sows (in groups) 空怀母猪 Service Area 10 12 15 (assumes “Flushing”) Gestation 15 17 20Farrowing

15、 Sows产仔母猪 Day 1 to 3 post farrowing 18 20 23 Day 4 to weaning 16 1820MEAT AND LIVESTOCK COMMISSION, 1999Critical Temperature关键温度 猪场动力网Consequences of Cold Conditions 寒冷的后果 Increased energy intake增加能量摄入 Increased metabolic rate提高代谢率 Increased heat production增加产热 Limited effects on growth performance 对生长性能影响有限 Reduced feed 猪场动力网Consequences of Hot Conditions 炎热的后果 Reduced feed intake减少采食 Reduced activity level降低活动水平 Reduced activit



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