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1、Grammatical Hierarchy,The grammar of the English language is organized into five ranks,the sentence the clause the phrase the word the morpheme,The sentence is a grammatical unit that consists of one or more than one clauses. Make sentences like above (the clause, phrase, word, morpheme as subjects)

2、,Morphemes,the minimum or the smallest grammatical unit (definition) Two categories:free morphemes(自由词素) bound morphemes(粘附词素)Give some examples about free morphemes please.,Bound Morphemes,一.屈折词缀(Inflectional Affix)-es, -s,-s, -ing, -ed, -er, -est二. 派生词词缀(Derivational Affix)Prefix(前缀), Suffix(后缀),a

3、typical, disagree, disapprove, impossible, invaluable, counterattack, maltreat, misunderstand, aside, forearm, internet, midsummer, postwar, subway, microwave, multicolor,Words,Classification in terms of word-formation(构词法): simple words, derivatives(派生词) and compounds Classification in terms of gra

4、mmatical function: closed-class and open-class words cardinal numeral(基数词), ordinal numeral(序数词), interjection(感叹词)介于封闭词和开放词之间,closed-class: preposition, pronoun, determiner, conjunction, auxiliary open-class: noun, adjective, adverb, main verb,Phrases,The noun phrase: 大学学生 The verb phrase: 完全消失 The

5、 adjective phrase: 相当漂亮 The adverb phrase: 大声说话 The prepositional phrase: 挨家挨户,Clause (“subject + predicate”),Independent and dependent clauses Simple and complex clauses Main and subordinate clauses Finite and non-finite clauses Verbless clauses,Independent and dependent clauses(独立和从属),Independent

6、Clause (IC) An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence.,Example: Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz.,Dependent Clause (DC) A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a su

7、bject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence. Often a dependent clause is markered by a dependent marker word.,Example: When Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz, .,Dependent Marker Word (DM),A dependent marker word is a word added t

8、o the beginning of an independent clause that makes it into a dependent clause.,Example: When Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz, it was very noisy. (DM) Some common dependent markers are: after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order to, since, th

9、ough, unless, until, whatever, when, whenever, whether, and while.,IC. IC. I went to the store. I didnt buy any bread. IC. IC. I went to the store; I didnt buy any bread. DC, IC. When I went to the store, I didnt buy any bread. IC DC. I didnt buy any bread when I went to the store.,Incorrect: I like

10、 this class, it is very interesting. Correct: I like this class. It is very interesting. (or) I like this class; it is very interesting. (or) I like this class; and it is very interesting. (or) I like this class because it is very interesting. (or) Because it is very interesting, I like this class.,

11、Independent Clauses,The train will arrive at three. I went to the skating rink yesterday. My paper was too long. Go home. (The subject is “you.“),Dependent or Subordinate Clause,when the train arrives . . . After I went skating yesterday,. Because my paper was too long,. .if you go home.,Simple and

12、complex clauses,A simple clause means it contains no more than one subject + verb (SV) combination.eg: The cat sat on the mat.,Simple: John is living in America. Complex: While his family is still in Wales, Johns staying with friends.,Main and subordinate clauses(主句和从句),A main clause is independent.

13、 It is complete on its own. It may be a complete sentence written with a capital letter and full stop (or ?!),A subordinate clause depends on the main clause which it often modifies. Subordinating conjunctions (as, since, because) or relative pronouns (who, which, that) usually introduce dependent c

14、lauses.,Main and subordinate clauses,Example: While I was driving, I noticed the leaves had begun to turn autumn colors. The first clause, “while I was driving”, is a subordinate clause introduced by the subordinate conjunction “while.“ The clause is subordinate because it cannot stand by itself as

15、a complete sentence. The second clause is the main clause. By itself, “I noticed the leaves had begun to turn autumn colors” can be a whole sentence.,A subordinate clause does not express a complete thought, so it does not stand alone. It must always be attached to a main clause that completes the m

16、eaning. It is also called a dependent clause because it “depends“ on a main clause to give meaning. 从属分句: dependent/ subordinate clause,Subordinate clauses are underlined,People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. (contains a relative clause which modifies “people“) That is the school wh

17、ere I attended eleventh and twelfth grades. (contains an adjective clause which modifies “school“),Finite and Non-finite clauses(限定分句和非限定分句),Finite clauses have a finite verb as their head. They may generally be used as complete sentences (once any subordinating words have been removed) Non-finite clauses have a non-finite verb (i.e. an infinitive or a participle) as their head. They are always part of a larger clause,



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