人教版七年级英语下册Unit 9 period3 导学案

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1、Period 3 预习案,Unit 9 What does he look like?,目录,contents,学习重点,学习目标,预习检测,思考探究,学习重点,目录,contents,单词 :artist,put,each,way,describe,differently, another,end,real 短语:a very interesting job,talk to, on television,预习检测,目录,contents,一、请根据中文意思写出下列单词。(这些都是黑体单词,要好好记住哦。) 1.真正的;真实的 adj._ 2.艺术家n. _ 3.放v. _ 4.每个;各自ad

2、j.& pron. _ 5.不同地adv. _ 6.结尾;尽头n. _ 7.方式;路线n. _ 8.另一;又一adj.& pron. _ 9.描述v. _,real,artist,end,differently,each,put,way,another,describe,二、请认真阅读课本,找出以下短语。 10.穿牛仔裤 _ 11.在电视上 _ 12.首先 _ 13.擅长做某事_ _ 14.画一张罪犯的画像 _ _,wear jeans,on television/TV,first of all,be good at doing sth./ do well in doing sth.,draw

3、 a picture of the criminal,三、阅读2b短文,找出下列短语。 15.一份非常有趣的工作 _ 16.和某人交谈 _ 17.一张的照片 _ 18.记得牢 _ 19.同一种方式 _ 20.最后 _ 21.通过报纸和电视 _,a very interesting job,talk to/ with sb.,a picture of,remember well,in the end,in the same way,in newspapers and on television,目录,contents,思考探究,remember v.记得remember to do sth.记得

4、去做某事(还未做)remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做) 1.请记得完成你们的作业。 Please remember (finish) your homework. 2.我记得曾经在哪里见过你。 I remember (meet) you somewhere. in the end 最后,相当于at last/finally。 _,he finished it. 最后,他完成了它。 拓展: at the end of指地点,“在的末尾”;,meeting,to finish,In the end,指时间,“在末”。 4.There is a post office the

5、road.邮局在路的尽头。 5.They will finish the work this month.这个月末他们将完成工作。 each 和 every的区别 两者都有“每一个”之意,它们都可接可数的单数名词,此时意思相近。 6.Each student has a dictionary.每个学生都有一部字典。(同义句)each 常指两者或者两者以上中的每一个,强调个体。,at the end of,at the end of,Every student has a dictionary.,7.There are many trees on (each/every)side of the

6、road.路的两旁都有许多树。 every 指三者或三者以上中的每一个,强调整体。 8. (Every/Each) worker is here.每一个工人都在这儿。 each 可与of搭配使用,而every不能。如: Each of them tells a story.他们每一个人都讲一个故事。 _student is in the classroom andof them is doing his/her homework. (each /every)每个学生都在教室里,他们每个 都在做作业。,Every,each,Every,each,谢 谢 观 看 !,Period 3 训练案,Un

7、it 9 What does he look like?,【成效追踪】 一、根据所给单词的中文意思或其他适当形式完成句子。 1.Can you give me (另一,又一) book? 2.Who can (描述) the picture for us? 3. (每个) of the students should do homework on time. 4.We can answer the question _(different). 5.The boy (put) a book on the desk and went away.,another,differently,put,de

8、scribe,each,二、完成句子。 6.最后,我们赢得了这场比赛。,we won the game. 7.我们以不同的方式看待事物。 We see things in . 8.她留着一头棕色的长卷发。 She has hair.,different ways,long curly brown,In the end,三、请认真阅读2b短文,完成下列题目。 ( )9.What does Joe do?A.A doctor. B.A worker. C.A police artist. D.A singer. ( )10.The police put the picture of the cri

9、minal .A.in newspapers B.in magazines C.on television D.both A and C ( )11.Sometime it is to draw a good picture of criminals because people describe things in different ways.A.easy B.difficult C.interesting D.boring,C,D,B,( )12.Whats the Chinese meaning of the word “way” in the second paragraph?A.道

10、路 B.方式 C.路程 D.指路 ( )13.In the end, the criminal is .A.short and heavy B.40 years old C.of medium height D.tall and thin,B,A,四、根据2b内容完成短文填空,每空一词。 Joe Brown has a very interesting 14. .He is a police.Some people 15. _ crimes and then talk to Joe.They tell him what the criminal 16._ like. Then Joe draw

11、s a 17. of the criminal,and the police 18. it in newspapers and on television to find him.He wants to draw a good picture of 19. _ criminal,but this job is sometimes difficult. Many people dont always see,job,see,picture,put,each,looks,things the same 20. so they may the same person 22. .Also,they d

12、ont always 23. well.,way,describe,remember,能力阶梯 五、阅读理解。 Mrs.Brown is very fat. “Dont eat meat and cakes any more.” Her doctor says to her. “I m going to stop her from eating them, doctor.” Her husband says. The next morning,Mrs.Brown makes a nice cake,and her husband eats half of it.After he goes ou

13、t,Mrs.Brown cuts a very small piece of the cake and eats it.Its very good.She cuts a bigger(更大的) piece and eats it. In a few,minutes she finishes the cake.“My husband is going to be very angry.” She says,“What am I going to do?” She makes another cake very quickly,eats half of that,and leaves half on the table. Her husband comes back later.He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very glad.,


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