外研版九年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 2课件

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1、Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.,soccer英式足球,football美式足球,橄榄球规则:队员带球至对方球门前的得分区触地得6分;还可以再踢一次定位球,如踢出的定位球越过对方球门横木,还可以再得1分,其它情况射门均得3分;持球队员被守方挤出端线,守方得2分。当带球队员4次被对方摔倒而未能前进10码时,改由对方并列开球。,阶段/时期 n.,period,relative,亲戚 n.,ham,火腿 n.,relationship,关系 n.,spirit,精神 n.,be surprised at,对.感到惊

2、奇,Words and expressions,袋鼠 n.,kangaroo,ride,骑马/乘车 n.,lazy,懒惰的 adj.,riding,骑马(运动) n.,surf,冲浪 v.,grape,葡萄 n.,salad,色拉 n.,Reading and vocabulary,Look at the pictures and describe them. Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter.,The Aborigines are the earliest people that lived in Australia. 土著人

3、是早期居住在澳大利亚的居民。,Kangaroo is a kind of special animal in Australia. 袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的动物。,Surfing is popular in Australia. 冲浪在澳大利亚很有名。,There are lots of sheep in the fields. 田野里遍布羊群。,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4,Way of life Language Weather Famous place,Fast reading,3. Read the letter in Ac

4、tivity 2 again and find:,1. five colours: purple, red 2. three animals:3. four kinds of food:4. four sports:,sheep; kangaroo; horse,ham; beef; salad; grapes,Australian football; swimming; surfing; lying in the beach,Scenery,Food,Sports,weather,Language,文章导读,Careful reading,central,348meters,a centre

5、 of _culture,Colour,purple,in _Australia,3.6kilometers,aboriginal,_long; _ high,red,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,1.The food that most Australians like aregrapes, lamb and ham .,2.The games that they love the most arebasketball.,Check ()the true statements.,football,Paragraphs 3-4,The sunshine is very _.

6、The countryside is very _. The sheep are in _ and on _. 4.The middle of the country just has_and _. 5.Australians _ English, when they say“Gday!”, it means “_”.,bright,green,the fields,the hills,rocks,sand,Fill in the blanks.,Hello!,speak,4. Complete the table.,3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres hig

7、h,The people that have lived in Austria from the earliest times.,The food that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits. They love all sports, but the game that they like most is Australia football. They also love going to the beach for swimmi

8、ng and surfing or just lying in the sun.,Although it is December, it is summer over here.,English,2.Read the letter and find out what the pictures show.,Dear Mum and Dad, I am writing this letter to you from the centre of Australia. At the moment, we are staying near Ayers Rock. On the first day, we

9、 took a plane tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was: 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high. During different periods of the day, the colours of the rock turn dark blue, purple, yellow and red. Ayers Rock is a centre of Aboriginal culture. The Aborigines are the people that have

10、 lived in Australia from the earliest times, and their ancient stories describe the spirits that created the world.,The Australians have a close relationship with the British. Many have British relatives, and they are like us in many ways. The foods that Australians like most are ham and beef with l

11、ots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits. They love all sports, but the game that they like most is Australian football. Because most Australians live near the coast, they also love to the beach for swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun.,Although it is December, it is summer over

12、 here. The sun is very bright, and near the coast the countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but the middle of the country has no trees or grass, just rocks and sand And kangaroos! Australians speak English, but in their own way. For example, when they say

13、 “Gday!” and “No worries.”, they mean “Hello!” and “Dont worry about it. Its not a problem!”,On the second day, we went horse riding. The horse that I rode was lazy, so I was left far behind the others. But I enjoyed the slow and relaxing riding. Later this evening, we are taking the plane back to S

14、ydney and coming home. It has been a wonderful trip. Love, Tony,5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,grape, ham, lie, period, relationship, relative, salad, spirit,We can eat _ or drink their juice. 2. _ is made of cold vegetables that you do not need to cook. 3.

15、_is made from pork. 4. I have some _ in Australia my mothers brother and his family live there.,grapes,Salad,Ham,relatives,5. The Aborigines have many stories about the _that created the world. 6. The Aborigines lived in Australia for a long_of time before the Europeans arrived. 7. We were _ on the

16、beach in the sun yesterdayafternoon. 8. The close _between the two countrieshas a long history.,spirits,period,lying,relationship,grape, ham, lie, period, relationship, relative, salad, spirit,Learning to learn,Increase your writing vocabulary by noting down example sentences with the words you want to use in your compositions. Then try to write your own sentences after the examples.,



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