初中人教版新目标英语九年级Unit11 Section A1

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1、Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Unit 11,Section A Period One,Objectives,To learn to understand and use indirect questionsTo listen and speak about how to ask for information politely,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,restroom shampoo drugstore cafe

2、 departmentdepartment store escalator magic,n. 公共厕所;休息室 n. 洗发剂;香波 n. 杂货店;药店 n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆 n. (行政、企业等机构的)部;局;部门 n.百货商店;百货公司 n. 电动扶梯;自动扶梯 n. 魔术;魔力 adj. 魔术的;有魔力的,Im traveling in the USA. I want to go to a small town but I dont know the way now. I want to ask the way. How can I ask?,Hi! Where is the East T

3、own?,Sorry. I cant help you.,Excuse me. Could you please tell me where the East Town is?,Sure. Take No. 23 Bus and you will get there.,Could you please tell me where ?,Ask for information politely,Do you know where/if ?,Can you tell me how I can get to ?,Can you tell me which is the way to ?,Have yo

4、u ever asked for the information about these things?,buy shampoo,get/magazine,get dictionary,get information about the town,save money,buy writing paper,buy stamps,Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible.,1a,c,d/e,a/d,a/c,a/e,e,d,b,Click to it.,1b,Yes. There

5、s a _ on _.,1b,Listen and complete the conversations.,Could you tell me where I can _?,buy some stamps,post office,Center Street,Excuse me. Do you know where I can _?,Sure. Theres a _ on _.,save money,bank,Main Street,Make conversations using the pictures given.,1c,Pairwork,A: Excuse me. Could you p

6、lease tell me where I can _ ?,B: Sure. Theres a _ on River Road.,directions,Turn left.,Turn right.,Go / Walk straight on until,Go past,directions,supermarket,Could you tell me where the supermarket is?,on Bridge Street,Bank,beside the banknext to the bank,Bridge Street,supermarket,Bank,Hotel,between

7、 the hotel and the bank,Library,in front of the library,Park,across from the park,supermarket,supermarket,径直走 在银行旁边 在交通灯处 向右转 向左转 在和之间 在你的左边 在你的右边 在的对面,Translate the following phrases,go straight ahead,next to the bank,at the traffic lights,turn right,turn left,between .and,on your left,on your righ

8、t,across from,How does he walk to the drugstore?,2a,Listen. You will hear some of directions below. Number the directions in the order that you hear them.,2,4,3,2b,Listen again and show how the boy walks to the drugstore. Draw a line on the picture above.,2c,Pairwork,Pairwork,Language points,Could y

9、ou please tell me where the restrooms are? 【经典习题】选择填空:Could you please _ the window? Its hot now.A. close B. to close C. open D. to open,2) - Excuse me, could you tell me _?- Theres a bank on the second floor. You can make it there. A. where I can change money B. how I can get to the bankC. if there

10、s a bank near here D. where the bank is 【要点点拨】could you please ?意为“请你好吗?”是表示礼貌请求的交际用语,后接动词原形或宾语从句(从句要用陈述句语序)。,【拓展延伸】表示礼貌请求的句式还有:Would you please do ? / Would you like to do ? / Would you mind doing ? 如: Would you please shut the door? Its too cold outside. Would you like to come to my birthday party

11、 this Saturday? Would you mind turning down the music?,Review,课时重点回顾,buy some shampoo, a drug store, on the second floor, let me think, take the escalator to the second floor, turn left, go past the bank, the drug store, between the furniture store and the bookstore, get shampoo,根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。This

12、kind of new s_ can keep your hair clean and bright. 2. Liu Qian decided to learn m_ at the age of seven. 3. You can take the e_ to the fourth floor. 4. He was ill, so he had to buy some medicine in the d_. 5. We can put the vegetables into the fridge to keep them f_.,scalator,rugstore,resh,hampoo,ag

13、ic,用适当的介词填空。 1. There is a bookstore _ River Road. 2. The hospital is _ the fruit store and the bookstore. 3. The bank is _ the second floor. Take the lift _ the second floor and turn right. It is _ your left.,on,between,on,to,on,4. We decided to talk _ some students _ why they go there. 5. I like t

14、o go _ the music store, and listen _ CDs.,to,about,in,to,Preview,To preview the article Theyre all at the mall.Where do you usually hang out with friends?,Homework,Review the new words and expressions. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字)。,restroom, shampoo, caf, drugstore, department, escalator, magic,Thank you.,



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