人教版八年级英语下册导学课件:Unit 7-Section A

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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,英语 八年级 下册 配人教(新目标)版,Section A,一、重点单词1. _ 平方;正方形2. _ 米;公尺3. _ 深的;纵深的 4. _ 沙漠5. _ 人口;人口数量6. _ 亚洲 7. _ 旅行;旅游8. _旅行者;观光者,square,meter/metre,deep,desert,population,Asia,tour,tourist,课前预习,9. _ 墙 10. _ 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊叹)的 11. _ 古代的;古老的 12. _ 保护;防护 13. _ 宽的;宽阔的

2、 14. _ 成就;成绩 15. _ 西南的;西南方向的_ 厚的;浓的 _ 包括;包含 18. _ 极冷的;冰冻的,amazing,wall,ancient,protect,wide,achievement,southwestern,thick,include,freezing,19. _ 条件;状况 20. _ 实现目标;成功 21. _ 挑战;考验 22. _ 达到;完成;成功 23. _ 力;力量 24. _ 自然界;大自然 25. _ 大海;海洋,condition,succeed,challenge,achieve,force,nature,ocean,二、重点短语 1. _ _ 在

3、尺寸上 2. _ other其他的 ;其他任何一个 3. _ all在所有当中 4. _ _ as 与一样大 5. _ _ / _ bigger更大得多 6. _ of the 最之一 7. feel _ to do (可以) 随便 (做某事) 8. _ _ _ I know 就我所知,in,size,any,of,the,same,a,lot,much,one,free,as,far,as,9. run _ 跨越 10. take _ 吸入;吞入(体内) 11. _ ones _ 冒着生命危险 12. in the _ _ 面对(问题、困难等) 13. _ one s dream 实现某人的

4、梦想 14. even _ 即使;虽然 15. the _ Ocean太平洋 16. protect _ 保护使免于,along,in,risk,life,face,of,realize / achieve,though/if,Pacific,from,【1】Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain in the world. 珠穆朗玛峰比世界上任何山都要高。 【知识点】any other的用法。【讲解】any other意为“其他任何一个/一些”,后接可数名词单数或复数形式,用以指“(在同一范围内)除了某人或某物以外的其他任何人或物”,通常用于

5、比较级,也可用最高级形式改写。any 可表示“任何一个”, 指不在同一范围内。如:,名师点津,Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.Shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China. Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海比中国其他任何城市都要大。Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan. 上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。(上海不属于日本这一范围),【学以致用】 ( )1. Everyone knows

6、 Canada is the second largest country in the world.That is, it is larger than_ country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other D. another ( )2. My favorite swimmer is Sun Yang. He swims faster than_ in China. A. the other swimmer B. any other swimmerC. other swimmer D. any swimmers,A,B,【2】Its a lot bi

7、gger than the population of the US. (中国)人口比美国多得多。 【知识点】a lot和population的用法。 【讲解1】a lot比较级,意为“得多”,相当于much, even, far。a lot也可表示“很多;大量;非常”。如: He always eats a lot, so hes a lot heavier than me. 他总是吃很多,因此他比我重得多。,【讲解2】 population n.意为“人口;人口数量”;表示人口多少,通常用large和small;询问人口多少,通常用句型“Whats the population of?”。

8、population作主语时,表整体人口,谓语动词用单数;population前有百分比或分数修饰时,谓语动词用复数。 如: What is the population of Canada? 加拿大有多少人口?60% of the population in China are farmers. 中国60%的人口是农民。,【学以致用】 ( )1. He drinks _. Hes got _ money but not friends. A. a lot; plenty of; muchB. lots of; a lot of; many C. a lot; lots of; manyD.

9、a lot of; a lot; a lot of,C,( )2. _ the population of China?About 1.37 billion. Everyone knows China hasthe _ population in the world.A. What are; mostB. What is; largestC. How many are; mostD. How many are; largest ( )3. The population of Liupanshui _ over 3 million. (2015广西)A. is B. are C. has D.

10、have,B,A,【3】The main reason was to protect their part of the country. 主要的原因是为了保卫自己的国家。 【知识点】protect的用法。 【讲解】protect v. 意为“保护”。protect from (doing) ,意为“保护不受伤害”。如We should protect the environment from pollution. 我们应该保护环境以免受污染。,【学以致用】 ( )It is believed that the Great Wall was built to _parts of the cou

11、ntry from the enemies during the Zhou Dynasty. (2016青岛)A. prevent B. promise C. protect D. prepare,C,【4】As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this. 据我所知,再没有像它这样大的人造物体了。 【知识点】as far as I know的用法。【讲解】as far as I know意为“据我所知”。as far as意为“就来说;至于” , 引导状语从句,强调范围或程度,常与动词know, see等连用,可放在

12、句首或句中。如:As far as I know, she cares for everyone. 据我所知,她关爱所有人。 【熟记】as far as I can remember 据我所记得的as far as I can see 依我所见,【学以致用】 ( )_ I know, more and more people in theworld are learning Chinese. A. As well as B. As often asC. As soon as D. As far as,D,【5】It is also very hard to take in air as you

13、 get near the top. 并且越接近顶部呼吸越困难。 【知识点】take in的用法。take in意为“吸入; 吞入(体内)”。如:These workers fell ill because they took in too much dust. 因为吸入了太多灰尘,这些工人病了。,【学以致用】 ( )Why have you got so much water here?For the trail walkers(毅行者). After they finish thetough hike,they need to _ lots of water. A. keep off B.

14、 give outC. take in D. put up,C,口语无忧,本单元我们学习如何使用数词、单位词、比较级和最高级谈论地理和自然。世间万物皆为大地之子,我们生活在五彩缤纷的大自然中,世间各地的奇山异水、飞禽走兽给我们的生活带来无尽的精彩。那么,现在,我们一起就“如何使用数词、单位词、比较级和最高级谈论地理和自然”这一中考热门话题展开口语练习吧!,话题七 如何使用数词、单位词、 比较级和最高级谈论地理和自然 【1】相关词组 (请大声朗读以下词汇, 看谁读得更标准地道)in your hometown, the highest mountain, the longest river, how high, how long, whats the population of, its over 1,800 meters high, its higher than any other mountain in, its 653 kilometers long, its longer than any other river in, it has a large population, its about 8 million,


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