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1、how,to,be,a,good,girlhow,to,be,a,good,girl 的英语演讲稿的英语演讲稿篇一:HOW,TO,BE,A,GOOD,GIRL 的英语演讲稿篇一:英语演讲稿 how to make a good impression:how to make a good impression:first impression is always the most important thing when you meet a takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you

2、 when you meet for the first time. in this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance,your manners and even your behaviours that tell them what type of person you are and your, whether they are in your career or social life, its important to k

3、now how to create a good first make a good impression,we have to have deep confidence inhow to be popularmost people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance.

4、 we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. when we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. if we can do this

5、, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.如何才能受人欢迎大部分的人都想受人欢迎,但是并非每个人都能达到目标。受欢迎的秘诀何在事实上是很简单的。步骤一,先改善我们的外表。我们得确保自己很健康,并且穿着体面。当我们既健康又穿戴整齐时,不仅看起来更有精神,自己也会觉得好多了。此外,我们要保持微笑并表现得很友善。毕竟,脸部表情是外观很重要的一环。如果我们能做到这一点,别人会被我们的美好外表所吸引,并对我们的自信印象深刻。另一个重要步骤,就是培养对别人的体贴。永远以他人为重,并把别人的利益放

6、在自己的利益之前。当个好听众也是很重要的;如此一来,别人才能很自在地对我们吐露心事。然而,不管我们做什么事,绝对不要说闲言闲语。最重要的是,要做自己,不要当虚伪的人。只有对人真诚又尊重时,才能赢得他人的尊敬。如果我们能做到以上几点,我相信受人欢迎是指日可待的事。learn how to say noweve all been taught that we should help people. it is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. it may even win us favors in return

7、. however, we must be realistic. we cant say yes to every request. if we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. sometimes we simply dont have the time to help. in this case, we must know how to say no politely.学习如何说不我们都被教导说,我们应该要帮助别人。这是应该做的事,而且这样做会使我们受人欢迎。它甚至会为我们赢得一些回报。但是,我们必须要实际一点。我们不能答应每一个要求。如果我

8、们这么做,我们就一定会失败或发疯。有时候我们确实没有时间去帮忙。既然如此,我们就必须知道如何有礼貌地说不。当我们需要说不的时候,有个办法我们可以试试。首先,我们应该要说实话。假如我们真的办不到某件事,我们就应该说不。第二,我们应该记得要客气地拒绝对方的要求。我们必须清楚地表达,但态度也必须真诚并且表示同情。一个真正的朋友会谅解的。最后,我们不必为了说不而觉得有罪恶感。有时候拒绝别人才是我们应该做的事。它可以替我们自己和别人,都省下许多麻烦。总而言之,我们无法一直取悦每个人。拒绝请求是人生的一部分。 how to sell yourselfby following the advice abov

9、e, you are bound to make a good impression on potential employers. then you will be able to choose the best opportunity for you and take that first step towards success.如何自我推销在这个竞争激烈的社会中,为了得到你想要的工作,知道如何自我推销是很重要的。也就是说,你必须能够销售你最好的特点,并把你最好的一面呈现出来。毕竟,第一印象定江山。 要在面试时表现出好的一面,你可以做几件事情。首先,要看起来像个赢家。穿着保守而体面,会使

10、你看起来像是就要成功了。第二,要能清楚地表达。仔细地考虑每个问题,并据实回答。记得要和对方有目光接触,并保持良好的姿势。你必须看起来专注而自在。第三,态度要积极而有自信。对你的能力有信心,并对你的未来感到乐观是很重要的。最后,要充分准备。递上一份专业的简历,并准备好详细解释每件事。遵照以上的建议,你就一定会给可能成为你老板的那些人,留下好的印象。然后你就可以选择对你而言最好的机会。并踏出迈向成功的第一步。responsibility is a badge of honour for youth(96 年“21 世纪杯全国大学生英语演讲比赛”二等奖获得者,北京外国语大学 徐义成) though

11、it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, i believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years. in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class w

12、ho worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons.the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, i always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy day before the final exam, she cam

13、e up to me and said, could you please explain this to me i want very much to do better this time. i started explaining, and finished in a hurry. pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, i ran off quickly. nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. and two months later, at the b

14、eginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. no one ever knew about the little task i failed to fulfill, but i couldnt forgive myself. i simply couldnt forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, why didnt you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you why didnt

15、you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that i would not have to leave this world in such pain and regreti was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for i began to understand the word responsibility and to learn to alwa

16、ys do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society.later in my life, i continued to experience many failures. but never again did i feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that i have always done everything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best i can.



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