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1、词汇精题精炼,制作人:MR.Cao,阶段复习精选题(冠词数词代词名词),1 (教学检测)According to news reports personal _ of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble. A. wealth B. possessionC. matter D. problem 2(黄冈质检)At the school opening ceremony, our headmaster required us students to raise our competitive _in modern society. A. spirit B

2、. intentionC. awareness D.ambition 3(郑州质量预测)The little girl had a lucky _ when the earthquake happened. A. chance B. surprise C. hope D. escape,1B 2C 3D,4(烟台检测)As is wellknown, the brain performs a very important _, which controls the nerve system of the body. A. motion B. action C. function D. fact

3、 5.(福建质检)-Paul has gone abroad to try his luck. In my _, his decision is not wise. A. word B. view C. sight D. way 6(黄冈质检)The couple got into a(n) _ about where to celebrate New Years Eve: at home or in a restaurant. A. comment B. argument C. debate D. quarrel,4C 5B 6B,7(西城质检)The manager of the comp

4、any told all of us that very little _ was made of the waste material in the past. A. smell B. value C. use D. matter 8(济南质检)Be sure to read the _ carefully before you take the medicine so that it can function better. A. directions B. composition C. prescriptions D. presentation 9.(湖北八校)The Seventeen

5、th Peoples Congress is an important historical _ in Chinese history. A. event B. matter C. affair D. incident,7C 8A 9A,10(皖南八校)He spoke for quite a long time, but he threw no _ on the main point. A. excuse B. doubt C. light D. detail 11(宁波一模)The people living in the apartment have free _ to that swi

6、mming pool. A. access B. time C. charge D. way 12(南京调研)The financial crisis and the suffering _ has caused have a great influence on the whole world. A. they B. which C. it D. what,10C 11A 12C,13(扬州调研)James Cook was a strict captain, but _ all the sailors on the ship showed respect for. A. that B. t

7、he one C. who D. one 14(宁波教学检测)Do you have _ for the party, Mary? No, we still have to get another five chairs and some fresh flowers. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 15(西城区抽样)The man had expected to see all his relatives when in hospital, but _ came to see him while many of his fr

8、iends offered him their help. A. none B. no one C. someone D. anyone,13.D14.B15A,16(金丽衢十二校联考)Lei Feng is a hero, _, I think, who will be remembered by Chinese forever. A. who B. it C. which D. one 17(东北三校)Its a little surprising that a house made of wood or bamboo may stay up in an earthquake while

9、_ made of steel and concrete may fall down. A. one B. that C. it D. what 18(贵阳考试)Are there any tickets left? Sorry. There are _ if _. A. few ;any B. a few; some C. some ;few D. any; some,16.D 17.A 18.A,19(山东诊测二)I went shopping for the perfect dress, _ would make me look younger. A. one in which B. t

10、he one that C. the one in which D. one that 20(南昌调研)_ Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, _ distance from Marathon to Athens. A. The; the B. /; a C. An; a D. /; the 21(南京调研)Jacques Rogge, _ president of the IOC, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of _ Beijing Olympic Games on Aug. 8,

11、 2008. A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; /,19.B20.A21.A,22(安徽蚌埠二中)What I am looking for is _ book that contains _ ABC of computer. A. a; 不填 B. a; the C. the; an D. the; 不填 23.The airport is _ from my hometown. A. two hours ride B. two hours ride C. two hour ride D. two hours ride 24. Do you enjoy skating? Yes, skating on real ice is _. A. great funny B. a great fun C. of great fun D. great funs,22.B 23.B 24.C,Bye-Bye,


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