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1、12017201720182018 学年度第一学期学年度第一学期人教版英语四年级上册备课执教教师 于涵2教学进度表内容内容月份月份日期日期备注备注1 120172017 年年 9 9 月月09.01Unit 1 In China2 209.0409.08Unit 1 In China3 309.1109.15Unit 2 Around the World4 409.1809.22Unit 2 Around the World5 509.2509.29Unit 3 Animal World6 61010 月月10.0110.07国庆国庆7 710.0910.13Unit 3 Animal Wor

2、ld8 810.1610.20Revision 19 910.2310.27Unit 4 Feelings10101111 月月10.3011.03Unit 4 Feelings111111.0611.10Unit 5 Famous People121211.1311.17Unit 5 Famous People131311.2011.24Unit 6 Winter Vacation14141212 月月11.2712.01Unit 6 Winter Vacation151512.0412.08Revision 2161612.1112.15Revision171712.1812.22Revi

3、sion181812.2512.29Revision191920182018 年年 1 1 月月01.0101.05202001.0801.123Unit 1 In China 单元教学目标单元教学目标 知识目标: 1)学习表示方向的词汇 east, south, west, north; 2)我国著名景点和事物的英文表达方式。 能力目标: 能够用自己学过的语言,对祖国的一个著名地方进行简单描述; 情感目标: 使学生进一步了解祖国,激发热国的情感。 单元教学重点单元教学重点 1学习表示方向的词汇 east, south, west, north; 2我国著名景点和事物的英文表达方式。 3能够用

4、自己学过的语言,对祖国的一个著名地方进行简单描述; 教学难点教学难点 1表示方向词的音义。可能出现的问题有: 1)不能很好的辨别词义; 2)不知道方向。 2如何正确表达方向。 3复杂的背景知识。 各省市在中国的位置,各省市的著名的景点和事物等。 4综合运用语言的能力 第一课时第一课时 Lesson 1 一、教学内容 1、本课学习名胜景点和表示方位的词汇:the Potala Palace, the Shaolin Temple, Yellow Mountain, the Stone Forest, Elephant Trunk Hill, north, south, west, east 2、

5、本课围绕名胜景点进行表达方位用于的学习。Where is? Its in province. Its in the south /north/west/east of China. 二、教学目标 1、能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。 2、能够围绕本课句型进行交际和表达。 三、教学重点和难点 1、本课的教学重点是:方位的表达方式。 2、本课的教学难点是:对所谈论地方的所在方位和省份的知识储备。 四、教学手段 1、教学录音磁带; 2、教学挂图; 3、学生和教师用单词卡片; 4、教师自制相关教具(如:自制课件、小奖品等) 。 五、教学方法 教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法、TPR 六、教学

6、步骤: 1Show some pictures: The Potala Palace, the shaolin Temple, Yellow Mountain, The Stone Forest, Elephant Trunk Hill.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures, say them in pairs.( Do you know them? Where are they ?)The teacher show the words; in the northsoutheastwest of .42.Ask the Ss to listen to the t

7、ape 2 times and stick. 3Ask the Ss try to check the answers in pairs. 4Ask the Ss to listen to the tape for the third time, and check the answers in class. Meanwhile, learn the new words: 5.practise : 1) Read the words.2) Look at a part of the pictures and say the words.3) guessing game 6Listen to p

8、art(B) and repeat it. 7Make a new dialogue according to part(B) 8Act the dialogue. 9. Do a survey. ( ask and report) 9Homework 1) Copy the new words 2) write a short passage 第二课时第二课时 Lesson 2 一、教学内容 1.本课学习名胜景点的词汇:snow-capped mountains, silk, Chinese tea, Mount Tai, The Mogao Caves, Mount Emei. 2.本课学

9、习表达各地著名的事物的句型: What is famous for/Its famous for 二、教学目标 1.能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。 2.能够围绕本课句型进行交际和表达。 三、教学重点和难点 1.本课的教学重点是:表达各地著名的事物。 2.本课的教学难点是:在课本基础上进行扩展。 四、教学手段 1教学录音磁带; 2教学挂图; 3学生和教师用单词卡片; 五、教学方法 教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法 六、教学步骤:11)Show the cards to let the Ss read them. 2)sort game 3)guessing game2. Show t

10、he pictures of Get Ready. Let the Ss read the words in pairs and try to say where they are. 3. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and point to the pictures. 4. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and write down the numbers. 5. Let the Ss check the answers in pairs. 6. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and check

11、 the answers in class. The teacher show the flash cards, the Ss read them. 7.practise: 1)read the cards2)show some letters of the words, let the Ss say the words3)say the direction and province of the famous places, let the Ss say the famous 5places there. 8.Listen to part(B) and answer the question

12、s: ( where is Ben from? What famous city did you hear? What is it famous for?) 9.make a new dialogue with other places 10.let the Ss show their small cards and describe them.( province, in the , famous for) Homework: copy the words第二十课时第二十课时 Lesson 20 一、教学内容 综合复习 1、2 单元中所学有关国家、大洲、景点名称和方位的词汇。 综合复习 1、

13、2 单元所学有关询问旅行安排以及介绍旅游目的地的交际用语,如:Where would you like to go this vacation? Where is What isfamous for? 等 二、教学目标 1.能够熟练运用 1、2 单元中的交际用语进行交际。 2.能够仿照范例写几句话,做到标点符号使用正确,书写格式规范。 三、教学重点和难点 1本课的教学重点是: 综合复习 1、2 单元中所学有关国家、大洲、景点名称和方位的词汇。 综合复习 1、2 单元所学有关询问旅行安排以及介绍旅游目的地的交际用语,如:Where would you like to go this vacati

14、on? Where is What isfamous for? 等 2本课的教学难点是:综合运用第 1、2 单元所学的语言准确灵活地询问及回答旅行安排,并简单介 绍旅游目的地的情况。 四、教学手段 教学录音磁带; 五、教学方法 情境教学法、听说法、翻译法、语言交际法 六、教学步骤:1Ask the Ss to show and introduce the places where the Ss have been to. Or show a students photo then others can ask that students some questions, such as, “Wh

15、ere did you go?” “How did you go there?” “What did you do there?” “Did you have fun there?”. 2. Review the words in U1 and U2. T: You visited so many beautiful places. Do you know the following places? Say some about a place, or play a guessing game. 3. Ask the Ss to look at the pictures of Part A.W

16、hat can you see in these pictures? Where are these places? 4. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and stick. 5. Let the Ss check the answers in pairs. 6. Check the answers in class. 7. Ask the students to make a dialogue like Part B in pairs. 8.Act the dialogue out. 9.Ask the students to read the passage of Part C carefully. 10. Ask some of Ss, “Winter vacation is coming. Where



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