新版PEP小学六年级英语下册Unit 3 Where did you go教案

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1、1Unit 3 Where did you go ?教学目标教学目标知识与能知识与能力目标力目标能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go ? Did you ? Yes, we did . No, we didnt. How did you go there ? 能够在情景中运用句型:Where did you go ? Did you ? Yes, we did. No, we didnt. How did you go there ? 询问并回答别人在过去的时间里去了哪里, 乘坐什么交通工具。能够听、说、读、写单词: rode a horse, rode a bike, w

2、ent camping, went fishing, hurt my foot, took pictures, went swimming, ate fresh food, bought gifts.能够正确使用上述词组谈论和描述人物在过去做的事情了解新疆的风土人情。课时安排课时安排6 课时2第一课时第一课时教学内容教学内容 A. Lets try Lets talk课课 型型 对话教学教学目标教学目标 学生能够听、说、读、写句子:What happened ? Are you all right ? Im OK now. Where did you go ? It looks like a

3、mule ! Did you go to Turpan ? Yes, we did. 能够独立完成 Lets try 中的听力练习。 教育学生懂得与他人分享旅行中的经历。教学重点难点在实际情景中灵活运用句型:Where did you go ? I went to? 来与他人进行交流。教学准备教学准备课件、图片教学步骤:教学步骤: StepStep 1.1. Warm-upWarm-up1.利用图片和学生一起唱歌谣,要求一边唱一边做动作。如:What can you do ? I can sing.What can you do ? I can dance.What can you do ?

4、I can climb a mountain.What can you do ? I can take a pictures.What can you do ? I can speak Chinese. 2.用多媒体课件展示自己外出旅游的照片,并做相关介绍。如:Last summer holiday, I went to hainan. It was so beautiful. I went swimming in the sea. And picked some seashells on the beach. StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentationLet

5、s talk(从呈现完整对话到处理局部语言) 1. 整体感知对话并回答问题。 (1)通过提问要求学生猜测:Did yougo to Johns home ? What happened toJohn? What did they talk about later?请学生带着问题观看动画或阅读文本,了解 John 脚受伤的原因:He fell of hisbike,利用图片帮助学生理解并教授 fell.同时,通过观看动画或阅读文本获得4对话的主旨:They talked about Johns Labout Day holiday.(2)结合日历,让学生理解 Labour Day holiday

6、 概念。提问:Look at the calendar. What date is it ? Its May 1st . On May 1st ,we usually have three days off. We call it Labour Day holiday.(3)继续提问学生:Where did John go on his Labour Day holiday ? What did he do there ? 要求学生带着问题观看动画或阅读文本获取信息,并用思维导图板书对 话关键信息。 Johns Labour Day holidayWhere did he go ? What

7、did he do ? ?(4).结合思维导图,描述 Johns Labour Day holiday,然后让学生提问:What else do you want to know about Johns Labour Day hlokday ? 鼓励学生对 John 的假期提出问题:Who did John go with ? Was he happy ? What did people wear there ? Could they dance well ? 等等。结合学生的问题,利用图片或视频介绍新疆 风土人情,并让学生对此进行适当的对话拓展。(5).呈现 Lets talk 的插图,提问

8、学生:Look at Johns pictures. Where is it ? Mr. Tianshan or Turpan ? Can you guess ? 让学生把插图与思维导图中的地点 进行匹配,并在此过程中向学生介绍 Mt. Tianshan 和 Turpan 的风土人情,教读 mule, Turpan, could 和 till.(6).根据文本内容引出句型并帮助学生理解句型。教师提问:Lets have a look at Johns Labour Day hlokday gaain. Where did he go over his holiday ? What did he

9、 do ? 引导学生回答:He went to He根据思维导图中的句子解释 Where did he go? What did he do ?的用法。2.巩固与拓展(1)两人小组活动。学生两人一组,每人长纸条上写两个过去时的句子,然后把句 子在单词间的空隙处剪开。学生交换剪下来的单词,看谁能最先把同(2)组织学生分角色朗读对话,请学生给对话配音。(3)让学生复述 John 的五一假期。(4)四人小组活动。StepStep 3.3. PracticePracticeLets try1.放录音,学生完成第一、二题。2.追问学生 Why was John at home ?引导学生进行猜测。再次放

10、录音,学生根据录音 完成第三题,验证之前的预测。StepStep 4.4. ConsolidationConsolidation andand extensionextension1.学生背诵本课时的四会句子。 2.做同步精练的相关练习。5Unit 3 Where did you go ?What happened ?Are you all right ? Im OK now.Where did you go ?It looks like a mule.Did you go to Turpan ? Yes, we did.教学反思教学反思本课以说唱歌谣的形式来导入新课,一方面激发了学生的学习兴

11、趣,另一方面让学生了解本课所要学习的内容,为后面新的知识的学习做了铺垫。新课教学阶段,教师以师生的会话的形式展开教学,学生在轻松的谈话氛围中学习知识,同时还进行了相关知识的拓展,有利于学生融入到真实的语言环境中,将所学的重点单词和句型运用到以后的对话交流中去。在巩固新知阶段,教师以教学内容为中心,充分考虑到教学实际,特地设计了“采访”游戏这一环节,使学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中巩固新知识。第二课时第二课时教学内容教学内容A. Lets learn , Listen,answer and write课课 型型单词教学教学目标教学目标 能听、说、读、写以下动词短语: rode a horse, rod

12、e a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing. 能运用一般过去时来询问别人在假日里去了哪里、干了什么并作答。 培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感。 教育学生要锻炼身体,多参加户外活动。教学重点教学重点运用五个动词短语来进行句型替换练习教学难点教学难点掌握三个动词短语过去式的读音和拼写教学准备教学准备图片、照片与课件教学过程教学过程 :StepStep 1 1 : : Warm-upWarm-up1.师生进行连锁问答练习,如:6T: I went to Xinjiang on my holiday .Where did you go on you

13、r holiday?S1: I went to Where did you go on your holiday?S2: I went to Where did you go on your holiday?S3: I went to Where did you go on your holiday?StepStep 2 2 : : PresentationPresentationLets learn利用教材中的情景展开词汇教学1.利用图片整体呈现本部分单词并教授。教师利用挂图呈现 A.Lets learn 板块的插图,提问:T: Look, this is Johns blog. When

14、did he send pictures and writeon the blog ? It was May 1st , the Labour Day holiday. What did he do on Labour Day holiday ? 然后要求学生看图,说出 John 五一假期所做的事情:S: He rode a horse. He went camping . He went fishing. 教师根据学生的回答继续追问:T: Where did he ride a horse ? What was the weather like there on Labour Day hol

15、iday ? Who did he ride a horse with ? How did he feel ? 引导学生根据自己对新疆的了解,结合图片,发挥想象,针对 John 在新疆旅游的细节进行对话。教师教授 rode a horse, went camping, went fishing 的时候,注意 rode 和 a 之间的连续。2.教师提问学生T: John had a good time in Xinjiang on Labour Day holiday. Last weekend, he also had two Days off. Where did he go last Sa

16、turday ? What did he do there ?引导学生猜测 John 上周末去的地方和做的事情,然后听课文录音,获取信息后,验证之前的猜测,再教授 rode a bike.3.围绕课文插图 John 五月十二日微博的内容,教师继续与学生一起讨论 John 上周末的活动。教师提问:T: What else did he do last Saturday? Who rode a bike with him ? Was it fun to ride a bike in 7the forest park ? What happened to him later? If you were John, what would you do ? 引导学生谈论并回答,教师教授 hurt my fo



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