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1、StarbucksGoing Global Fast,国际经济与贸易(1)班陈冬曼 史小琳 王宝瑜 徐银花 叶辛,过渡页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦),What are the major sources of risk facing the company? Discuss potential solutions.,Identify the controllable and uncontrollable elements that Starbucks has encountered in entering global markets.,Critique Starbucks overa

2、ll corporate strategy,How might Starbucks improve profitability in Japan?,Question 1: Identify the controllable and uncontrollable elements that Starbucks has encountered in entering global markets.,The Controllable Elements,The Controllable Elements,The Uncontrollable Elements,The Uncontrollable El

3、ements,Question 2:What are the major sources of risk facing the company?Discuss potential solutions.,全球扩张。global expansion poses huge risks for Starbucks. For one thing, it makes less money on each overseas store because most of them are operated with local partners. While that makes it easier to st

4、art up on foreign turf, it reduces the companys share of the profits to only 20 percent to 50 percent. 对策:1.对扩张目的进行合理科学的定位2.对扩张的策略和方式精心选择3.明确企业扩张后的发展的方向问题未来的挑战。Moreover, Starbucks must cope with some predictable challenges of becoming a mature company in the United States. Not only are the activists

5、 among them turned off by the power and image of the well-known brand, but many others say that Starbucks latte-sipping sophisticates and piped-in Kenny G music are a real turnoff. They dont feel wanted in a place that sells designer coffee at $3 a cup. 对策:1.努力提高品牌含金量2.塑造独特的消费氛围,员工。As it expands, St

6、arbucks faces another big risk: that of becoming a far less special place for its employees. For a company modeled around enthusiastic service, that could have direct consequences for both image and sales. Its perks are no longer enough to keep all the workers happy. Starbucks pay doesnt come close

7、to matching the workload it requires, complain some staff. 对策:1.完善津贴机制2.做好人才储备工作。3.合同或协议约束。文化差异。As Starbucks spreads out, Schultz will have to be increasingly sensitive to those cultural challenges. Now, Starbucks is waking up to the grande challenges faced by any corporation bent on becoming a glob

8、al powerhouse. 对策:1.文化整合2.跨文化培训3.塑造共同愿景,建设学习型组织,Question 3:Critique Starbucks overall corporate strategy,一 文化冲突和利润低下,文化冲突以中国为例,“小咖啡”模式的星巴克,在中国市场的日子并不好过,以上岛模式为代表的“大咖啡”模式正在对星巴克形成围剿,并已成为咖啡连锁的主流。利润低下星巴克全球有超过1万家连锁店,但是相对巨大的咖啡市场,星巴克只分得金字塔顶上的一小杯羹。以中国市场为例。根据Eurom onitor In-ternational提供的数据,2009年星巴克作为行业龙头在中国市

9、场的份额达到70%,中国门店的营业收入为3500万元,这一数字较 2004年的1100万元增长了超过两倍。,二 大规模的扩张与企业服务背离,急速扩张的全球战略因为重视企业文化而崛起的星巴克越来越力不从心。 星巴克的伙伴们再也没有精力照顾那么多客人了,之前,星巴克对伙伴的要求是记住顾客的名字和爱好,能够不等顾客开口就知道他需要什么咖啡,甚至能够记住顾客习惯打包带回家的品类。这一切在目前都变得那么不可能。星巴克的伙伴们应接不暇地处理着定单,很难有机会和顾客谈心,而与顾客交流是星巴克与顾客建立情感联系的最有效出口,顾客和星巴克之间少了很多亲密,星巴克由独特的“生活方式”退化为一种商品。,星巴克另一个

10、引以自豪的优势员工优势也渐渐与企业初衷脱离。星巴克曾经有一个老传统,固定周期(每月或每周)闭店两个小时培训员工,但现在只有极少数的店坚持,甚至有很多店已经不知道还有这个传统。曾经所有在星巴克工作的员工,无论你来自哪个国家,在商店开张之前都要集体到西雅图(星巴克总部)接受三个月的培训。顾客写给星巴克的E-mail,一般在24小时内都会 得到答复。现如今,在15万员工面前,这一切都变得力不从心。,更为致命的是星巴克的产品质量也因扩张而下降。以中国为例,星巴克中国门店提供牛奶的供货商已从雀巢换成了蒙牛。目前北京航空食品有限公司成为北京星巴克三明治提供商,其他糕点供应商则为东莞黑玫瑰食品有限公司,就连

11、最具星巴克特色的咖啡杯,也由美国进口改成国产。,Question 4: How might Starbucks improve profitability in Japan?,Starbucks strategy to improve profitability in Japan,Since starbucks in Japan has a huge competition factor, they should start to reconsider their pricing strategy. A lot of people tend to think Starbucks overpri

12、ces their coffee so choose a competitor instead. After cutting the ribbon on its first Japan store in 1996, the company began opening stores at a furious pace and it now has 570.,Starbucks strategy to improve profitability in Japan,New shops attracted large crowds, but the effect wore off as the mar

13、ket became saturated. Japan was a success when they first opened new stores; - They need to research their customers and market to find out the sudden change - By being more aware of their customers and their likes and dislikes - They will be able to find out what adjustments are needed to become more successful.,结束页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦),bye,



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