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1、九年级英语中考复习,9A Unit 7 Films,01:12,1,Unit chart,01:12,Task 1,2,Films,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._,Different,western,chosen,falls,actresses,attention,lifetime,career,humour,set,单元结构图,Welcome to the unit,Integrated skills,Reading,Task,01:12,3,Words,01:12,Task 2,4,1.努力 effort 2.误以为 mistake 3.认为

2、 consider 4.法语 French 5.坚持 insist 6.主角 lead 7.工业 industry 8.终身 lifetime 9.西部电影 western 10.也不 neither 11.超越 beyond 12.有吸引力的 attractive 13.魅力 charm 14.丧失 loss 15.大声地 aloud 16.舞蹈者 dancer 17.取消 cancel 18.愚蠢的 stupid 19.故事 tale 20.努力 effort 21.表明 mark 22.以为基础 base,单词识记,01:12,5,词形变化,western,actor,actress,l

3、ose,dancer,industries,attractive,mistook,mistaken,01:12,6,parking,amazing/amazed,silly,finally,appearance,01:12,7,单词考点,考点1 insist vt. & vi. 坚持认为;坚持,点拨 insist 后常接that 引导的从句 (坚持认为;坚持主张);也可接介词on,构成短语insist on(doing) sth,意为“坚持(做)某事”。,典型例题,He insists on _(go) home by bus every day. He insisted that he _(

4、be) right. The doctor insisted that the patient _ _.(应该马上动手术),going,was,should be operated on at once,坚持认为,坚决要求/坚持主张做,01:12,8,考点2 beyond prep. 超出,点拨 beyond表示“范围、限度超出”,常与go组成短语。go beyond意为“超出,超过”。beyond还可用于否定句和疑问句中,表示“除以外”。,典型例题,He didnt say anything _ that.A beyond B. be C. beside D. on As a nurse,

5、her work goes _ (far more than)taking care of the patients.,A,beyond,01:12,9,考点3 enter vt. 进入,加入,点拨 enter相当于come into/go into。,典型例题,根据英文释义写出正确的单词Before you _(come into) a room, youshould knock at the door first.,enter,= Before _ a room, you should knock at the door first.,entering,01:12,10,考点4 consi

6、der v. 认为,搭配 常用短语:consider sb as / to be认为某人是,当作拓展 consider 还有“考虑”的意思。常用短语:consider (doing) sth考虑(做)某事。,典型例题,-For your coming vacation, why not consider_to Guiyang? -Good idea.A. to come B. come C. coming D. came Jackie Chan _ by many people as a superstar.,C,is considered,be considered as = be rega

7、rded as,01:12,11,考点5 Neither do . 我也不。,点拨 Neither do INor do I当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为“Neither/Nor助动词/情态动词/be动词主语”。,典型例题,-I dont like documentaries. -_. (2016 南京) -Good idea.A. So do I B. So I do C. Neither do I D. Either do I,C,考查倒装句。句意:“我不喜欢纪录片。”“我也不喜欢。”Neither do II dont l

8、ike documentaries, either.,01:12,12,根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. She is one of the famous _.(act) 2. The world mourned the _of her death. (lose) 3. At last she won an Oscar _.(success) 4. The event marked the _of her career.(begin) 5. He likes horror films _ Love Boat.(include) 6. Do you still remember her l

9、ast_on TV?(appear),actresses,loss,successfully,beginning,including,appearance,单词实战,01:12,13,7. We can call this kind of movies _films. (west) 8. At the age of 63, Audrey passed away _ in her sleep. (peace) 9. Although Mary is not a beauty, many people say shehas charm and is _(attract). 10. The knoc

10、k on the door broke the _(silent)in the room just now. 11. Gong Li is considered as a _(talent) actress. 12. Edison was well-known because of his special _ (achieve) in science.,western,peacefully,attractive,silence,talented,achievements,01:12,14,01:12,15,Phrases & Sentences,01:12,Task 3,16,1.你做梦 in

11、 your dreams 2.如此以至于 so that / suchthat 3.不同类型的电影 different kinds/types of films 4.进入电影业 enter the film industry 5.适合做某事 be suitable for sth be suitable to do,6.动作片和恐怖片 action films and horror films 7.明天的电视超级明星 tomorrows TV superstar 8.爱情片 romantic film 9.科幻片 science fiction (film) 10.编写激动人心的剧本 writ

12、e exciting scripts 11.如此优秀的讲故事能手 such a good storyteller,词组复习,01:12,17,12.好莱坞史上空前的最伟大的女演员之一13.一位名媛的丧失14.梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员15.吸引某人的注意16.从事模特工作17.能够胜任主角的完美女孩18.根据她的小说改编的剧本,one of Hollywoods all-time greatest actresses,词组复习,the loss of a great beauty,dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer,catch ones

13、attention,work as a model,the perfect girl for the lead role,a play based upon her novel,01:12,18,19.扮演的主角20.标志着的开始21.获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖22.被选中去做某事 23.获得过四个奥斯卡提名奖24.她最后一次露面,play the lead role of,mark the beginning of,win an Oscar for Best Actress,be chosen to do sth,have four more Oscars nominations,make he

14、r final appearance,01:12,19,25.扮演天使的角色26.坚持做某事27. 不仅限于/超出于电影业28.在二十世纪五十年代29.与在一起密切工作30.把某人精力投入到31.因为她在这个领域的努力,play the role of an angel,insist on doing sth,go beyond the film industry,in the 1950s,work closely with,put ones effort into.,because of her efforts in this area,01:12,20,32.致力于/献身于做某事33.患癌症34. 在睡梦中安然去世35. 有魅力的人36.在某人的一生中,devote to doing sth,have cancer,pass away peacefully in her sleep,someone of great charm,during/in ones lifetime,01:12,21,Text,01:12,Task 4,22,


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