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1、商业计划十步法 10 step business planning,Arthur Wei Version 2,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,什么是商业计划十步法 Whats 10 step business planning,是惠普和其他跨国企业使用的制定商业计划的工具 Its a tool adopted by HP and many other MNCs 用逻辑的方式思考商业发展 Logical process to consider aspects of business development 将目标、优先次序和内容协调一致的

2、有效方式 Effective way to synchronize organizational objective, priorities and context 适用于每个计划和所有商业形式 Apply in every planning cycle and for all businesses,三层体系 Three-tier System,业务基础数据表 Business Fundamental Table,深入研讨资源规划,战略规划 Strategic Planning,1-2次/年 Annually or semi-annually,每季度一次 Quarterly,每双周一次 Bi-

3、weekly,制定战略 Strategy,业务优化 增长计划Business optimization Growth/Development plan,日常运营 Daily operation,频度 Frequency,目的 Purpose,Deep Dive Resource Planning,这10步是什么? What are the 10 steps,1.任务 Mission 2.愿景 Vision 3.目标 Objectives 4.SWOT分析法 SWOT analysis 5.成功的主要的因素 Key Successful Factors 6.策略 Strategy 7.行动 Ac

4、tion Item 8.业绩衡量与评判标准 KPI and Measurements 9.预算与费用 Budget and expense 10.回顾与精炼 Review and Refine,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,10步法的原理 Rationale behind the 10 steps,澄清任务和价值贡献 Clarify mission/ Value proposition,确定愿景/美好的目标 Identify vision/ Nice goal,确定即时目标 Identify immediate objectives,

5、SWOT分析 Analyze SWOT of the org.,确认成功要素 Identify KSFs,确定策略 Determine strategies,调整目标和策略 Adjust objectives and strategies,用行动达成策略 Action items to exercise strategy,衡量成功和成就 Measure success and achievement,定期回顾进展 Periodical review to track progress,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,逻辑流程 Logic

6、 flow,目标 Objectives,策略3 Strategy 3,策略2 Strategy 2,策略1 Strategy 1,行动3 Action 3,行动2 Action 2,行动1 Action 1,KPI 1 KPI 2 KPI 3,衡量成功和成就 Measurement &Achievement,回顾与提炼Review and Refine,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,第一步:任务 Step 1: Mission,我们要做什么 What we do 我们的价值贡献 Why we our value proposition

7、s 团队任务构成组织任务并支持组织任务 The teams mission shall align and support the organizations mission 关键词 Key words for example 我们助力 We enable 我们支持 We support 我们管理 We manage,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,第二步:愿景 Step 2: Vision,愿景是一个团队在相对较长段时间(35年)中想要达到的目标 Vision is what the team would like to be in

8、a longer term (3-5 years) 愿景代表了团队最理想的状态 Vision represents the optimal status of the team 愿景是令人兴奋且卓越不凡的 Vision can be excited and remarkable 愿景被大多数人认同 Vision shall be agreed or recognized by majority,第三步:目标 Step 3: Objectives,短期目标和团队使命(6个月或一年)Short term goals to function and perform the teams mission

9、 (6 months or 1 year) 推进愿景完成的步骤 Steps to move the team towards the vision 团队目标构成组织目标Team objectives shall align and enable organizations objectives SMART目标 SMART objectives 精确的目标 Specific 可测量的目标 Measurable 可完成的目标 Achievable 相关的目标 Relevant 实现目标的时间表 Time frame to achieve,第四步:SWOT分析 Step 4: SWOT analys

10、is,内部和外部分析 Analyze internal and external 竞争者实力对比 Strength comparing with competitors 弱势 Weakness 成长机会 Opportunity to grow 对成长或地位的威胁 Threats to our growth or position 将35点按优先次序排列 3-5 points with prioritization 结合商业目标 All round business objectives, targets and goals,第五步:KSF(重要的成功因素) Step 5: KSF (Key s

11、uccessful factors),完成目标的3个最重要因素 Top 3 factors which will impact greatly to your goal achievement KSF会影响你的投资或策略分配T he KSF shall reflect to your investment or allocation strategy 投资时间和精力的3个重要领域 The top 3 areas where you will invest your time and efforts KSF和你的策略相关Your strategy shall align with the KSF

12、s,第六步:策略 Step 6: Strategy,确保完成目标的方法 The way to ensure your goal achievement 善用实力,捕捉机会 Utilize the strength, capture the opportunity 改进弱点,管理威胁 Deal with weakness and manage threats 开发和培养团队 To grow and develop your talents,第七步:实施行动 Step 7: Action item,循序渐进的实施策略 The way to implement your strategies, st

13、ep by step 谁来带领策略实施 Who to lead the strategy implementation 需要做什么 What to do 什么时间完成策略 When to accomplish the strategy,第八步:业绩衡量和评判标准 Step 8: KPI, measurement,平衡分数卡 Balanced score card 如何评测完成情况 How to measure achievement (SMART) 通过执行费用需求实现目标策略 Budget needed to implement your strategy to realize the ob

14、jectives,岗位平衡记分卡,结果与过程并重:,SMART,SMART用于评价目标和个人KPI SMART measurement of objectives and KPIs on each individual精确的目标 Specific 可测量的目标 Measurable (by %, number, etc.) 可完成的目标 Achievable (achievable aggressiveness) 相关的目标 Relevant 实现目标的时间表 Time to accomplish,第九步:预算 Step 9: Budget,制定预算原则 Budget principles 业

15、务增长,则追加预算Grow business, then increase budget 收入增长时做积极的预算,对费用做保守预算Set aggressive budget on revenue growth and conservative budget growth on expense 每月对完成情况做回顾 Review the achievement on monthly basis 当调实际收入和预算出现误差,调整费用预算Adjust expense spending when revenue budget is not being met 人力资源预算 Head count bud

16、get 保守的增加编制,管理者对在位员工有培养发展和助其择业的责任Conservative in adding new HCs as it is management responsibilities to develop, retain and re-deploy employees,第九步:预算 Step 9: Budget,应该申请多少预算How much to apply -5% 原则-5% principle 当业务增长时,以可行的费用预算为基准,降低5预算支出Reduce 5% spending budget based on your available benchmark in

17、 a growing environment 当业务衰退时,降低5%的费用削减 Reduce 5% of your spending cut based on your available benchmark in a declining period “一个好的公司或可以增加利润或可以控制成本;最好的公司是既增加利润又控制成本” “Good company can either grow revenue or reduce cost. Great company does both.” Mark Hurd, HP President and CEO 如何花钱How to spend +- 5% 开支原则+- 5% spending principle,



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