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1、,Production Pacing: Level 1 生产速度: 第一级 Takt Times, Cycle Times, Pitch & Pace 节拍,周期,速度,节距及速度,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,2,Objectives 目标,At the end of this lesson you will be able to 本课程结束后,你将能: Define the concepts used to pace a production line解释生产线速度的各个理念 Understand how to use the conc

2、epts to pace production理解如何运用这些理念来决定生产速度 Apply knowledge by simulating how a line can be paced using target rate and pitch运用所学知识来模拟一个生产线如何用目标速率和节距来定速.,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,3,Level 1: Basic Definitions 第一层: 基本定义,Takt Time 节拍时间 Cycle Time 周期时间 Target Rate 目标工时 Pitch 节距 % Penetrati

3、on 渗透百分比 Replenishment Route 补料路径 Pace 速度,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,4,What is Takt Time?什么是节拍? It is the consistent pace required to meet customer demand over a given amount of time在客户规定的时间内寻求统一的生产速度以达到客 户的要求.How do you Calculate it?如何计算? Calc: Total Available Time / Customer Demand公

4、式: 总的有用时间 / 客户需求量,Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,5,What is Cycle Time?什么是周期?Value Add Time and move time required from good part to good part从一个合格品的产出到下一个合格品产出的增 值时间及搬运的时间 How do you Calculate it?如何计算?Cycle Time = Elemental time required from good part to good part

5、(no waste time added)周期 = 从一个合格产品产出到另一个合格产品产出之间的自然时间(不含浪费的时间),Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,6,What is Target Rate?什么是目标速率? A demonstrated rate that the team has performed; can allow for a percentage of noise经小组实践证明可行的速率, 允许含有一定百分比 的干扰 How do you come up with it?如何提

6、出? Most repeatable rate demonstrated by the production team (usually results in a % of allowable time above cycle time)由生产小组得出的重复最多的速率(通常引起周期时间的允差百分比),Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,7,In most cases are the following True or False and why:在通常情况下, 下列说法是否正确, 为什么? Cycle

7、 Time = Target Rate周期 = 目标速率 Takt Time = Cycle Time节拍 = 周期 Target Rate = Takt Time目标速率 = 节拍,Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,8,Example: Cycle Time / Target Rate / Takt Time 例: 周期 / 目标速率 / 节拍 Takt Time & Target Rate节拍&目标速率Cycle Time周期,Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production

8、Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,9,What is Pitch?什么是节距?Unit of time required to produce one customer standard pack and is used to pace withdraw and replenishment of the line.生产一个客户标准包的单位时间, 并用来确定生 产线产品的提取和补充速度。How do you calculate it?如何计算?Customer Std Pack X Takt Time客户标准包 X 节拍,Basic Definitions 基本定义,

9、Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,10,What is % Penetration?什么是渗透百分比? Total quantity of a part or group of parts, compared to the aggregate of all parts一种零件或一组部件的总量与所有零部件总量的比值How do you calculate it?如何计算? Calc: (Qty required of part A) / (Total qty required)公式: (零件A需要的数量) / (需要的总数量),Basic Def

10、initions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,11,What is the Replenishment Route?何为补充路线? Standard Time used to withdraw and replenish the line 用于提取产品和补充生产线的标准时间 How do you come up with the time required?如何提出所需要的时间? Should do elemental time studies of the route to determine the longest tota

11、l route time required 应该对路线进行自然时间研究, 来确定所需的最长路径时间,Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,12,What is Pace?何为速度? The predetermined frequency at which the line will be measured, insuring pitch is met consistently throughout a given time period.预先确定的生产线的频率, 确保在一个给定的时期内能够始终如一地达到

12、节距 How can Pitch and the Route Time be used together to determine the Pace?节距和路径时间怎样被结合起来决定速度? Example: Pitch = 5 min; Route = 9.5 min; Therefore the route is paced at 10 min (2 pitch pace)例: 节距 = 5分钟, 路径 = 9.5分钟, 因此路径被定为10分钟(2个节距的速度) Example: Pitch = 30 min; Route = 15 minutes; Therefore the route

13、is paced at 15 min (.5 pitch pace)例: 节距 = 30分钟, 路径 = 15分钟, 因此路径被定为15分钟(.5个节距的速度),Basic Definitions 基本定义,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,13,Simulation Time 模拟时间,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,14,Calculation: % Penetration 计算: 渗透百分比,Calculate the % Penetration for each part in thi

14、s example:计算这个例子中的每个零件的渗透百分比,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,15,% Penetration Calculation Answer 渗透百分比计算答案,Answer for part A: 240 / 1200 = 20%零件A 答案: 240/ 1200 =20%,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,16,Calculations: Takt Time 计算: 节拍,Calculate the aggregate Takt Time in seconds for

15、the given example:计算例子的总的节拍时间, 单位:秒,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,17,Takt Time Calculation Answer 节拍计算答案,Answer = Available Time / Cust. Demand答案 = 有效时间 / 客户需求What does the aggregate takt of 21 seconds tell you?你能从总的节拍为21秒了解到什么信息?,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,18,Comparing: T

16、arget Rate & Takt 比较: 目标速率 和节拍,Assume the team had demonstrated that with 5 people it produces a part every 24 seconds: Target Rate = 24 sec.假定小组测试发现5个员工每24秒生产一个零件, 目标工时=24秒Is this a good production plan given a calculated takt of 21sec?对于给定21秒的节拍,这个生产计划周全吗? What would happen if we ran at 24 seconds?如果我们改为24秒, 会有何变化? How many minutes are required to run 1200 parts at 24 sec?每24秒生产1200个零件需要多少分?,Production Pacing_Lvl1_SHW_E_Oct 2003.ppt,



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