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1、The policeman died for the people but his spirits live on. 那位警察为人民而牺牲了,但他的精神永存。 In order to live on, the lions have to leave this grassland for another place. 为了生存下去,这些狮子不得不离开这片草地到另一个地方去。,归纳拓展,The book certainly lived up to his expectations. 这本书无疑符合他的期望。 The old man lives by selling newspapers every

2、 day. 这位老人每天靠卖报纸谋生。 语境串记 Living with growing despair, he finally managed to live through the famine by living on insipid food. 容忍着日益严重的绝望,他最终靠着乏味的食物活过了那次饥荒。,多角度演练 1介、副词填空 Our government took measures to make this custom live . He finds it hard to live his ideals. The old man has lived two world wars

3、. We live in a changing world, therefore we have to learn to live stress.,on,up to,through,with,2单项填空 (2010湖北高考)Had she _ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University. Alooked up to Blived up to Ckept up with Dcome up with 解析:选 。考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果她达到了她许诺的标准,她就已经成功考上耶鲁大学了。look up to“尊敬,敬仰”;live

4、 up to“符合,达到预期标准,不辜负的希望”;keep up with“跟上,赶上”;come up with“提出,想出”。B项符合题意。,B,The firefighters entered the building by means of a ladder. 消防队员们用梯子进入大楼。 He succeeded in his career by means of hard working. 他依靠努力工作而获得事业的成功。,归纳拓展,By all means try the jacket on, but I think it will be too big for you. 当然可以

5、试一下这件夹克衫,但我觉得你穿太大了。 By no means is this a good way to solve the problem. 这决非是解决这一问题的好办法。,辨析比较 means, way, method,多角度演练 1选词填空: means, way, method Children should learn the proper of brushing teeth. The money was not earned by honest . What is the best to make tea?,method,means,way,2用means的相关短语填空 He i

6、nsisted that all of us should be there on time . Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games? . Ours is much stronger than theirs.,by any means,By no means,3单项填空 Every possible means _ to prevent air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. Aare being us

7、ed Bhave been used Chas been used Dhad been used 解析:选 。考查时态、语态和means的用法。means前面有every修饰时,谓语动词用单数形式,排除A、B两项;D项时态错误。,C,A/The majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health. 大多数医生认为吸烟对健康极为有害。 The majority was/were in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议。 The majority of the damage i

8、s easy to repair. 大部分的破坏很容易修复。 自主归纳 (1)the majority作主语时,谓语动词用 ; (2)the/a majority of后跟可数名词复数时,谓语动词用;后接不可数名词时,谓语动词用 。,单复数形式都可以,复数,单数,归纳拓展,He won by a majority of two: the vote was seven to five. 他以多两票的优势获胜:投票结果是7比5。 Among the members of the committee those who favour the changes are in the majority.

9、委员中赞成改革的占大多数。,1介词填空 The party I support has won a majority of 264 votes. They had a large majority the other party at the last election. I majored English at university.,with/by,over,in,多角度演练,2用所给词的适当形式填空 The majority (be) in favour of the proposal at the meeting. The majority of doctors (believe) s

10、moking is harmful to health.,was/were,believe,3单项填空 Many women work in big companies, but in the boardrooms of most big companies, women are in the _. Ascarcity Bminority Cmajority Dpopularity 解析:选 考查名词辨析。句意:很多女性在大公司工作,但是在大多数大公司的董事会里女性占少数。scarcity“缺乏”;minority“少数”;majority“大多数”;popularity“流行”。B项符合语境

11、。in the minority“占少数”。,B,Many young people are going to big cities to make a life for themselves. 许多年轻人去大城市里谋生。 They settled down in Canada and made a life soon. 他们在加拿大定居下来,不久就习惯新的生活方式。,归纳拓展,We should lead/live a low-carbon life to protect our earth. 为保护我们的地球,我们应该过一种低碳生活。 The new teacher really brou

12、ght French to life for us. 新来的老师给我们把法语教得生动活泼。,多角度演练 1用 life 的相关短语填空 Even though they tried their best to escape the bad situation, many of them still . Many young people go to big cities to . But luckily it was not long before he . Cloning will many extinct animals .,lost their lives,make a life,cam

13、e(back) to life,bring,back to life,2单项填空 Your education will equip you to _ in the future. Aearn a good living Bmake a good life Cearn good lives Dmake good lives 解析:选 。考查短语辨析。句意:你受的教育将使你能很好地谋生。表示“谋生”,用make/earn a living,故选A。,A,We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。,归纳拓展,Tom was elect

14、ed to the committee three years ago. 汤姆是三年前入选到委员会的。 Mr. Charles was elected (to be/as) president of the board. 查尔斯先生当选为董事长。 We wonder who will win the next election. 我们都想知道下届选举谁会获胜。,关键一点 在“elect sb.职务”表达中,表示职务的名词不加冠词。这类名词常见的有monitor, mayor, chairman, president, captain, head, dean等。 He was elected chairman of the Labour Party for the 2nd time. 他第二次当选为工党主席。,辨析比较 elect, select, choose,多角度演练 1选词填空: elect, select, choose We have him for the team. She was the first woman to be to the party. There are plenty of restaurants to from. 2单句改错 Mr Turner was elected the mayor of New York City.,



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