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1、I、 II 、名词互译 1 Discharge of debts 清偿债务 2 A means of payment支付方式 3 Standard of value价值尺度 4 Conincidence of wants 需求吻合 5 Legal tender法定货币 6 National income国民收入 7 Nominal demand名义需求 8 Human capital 人力资本 9 Consumer Price Index 消费价格指 数 10 Price relatives价格相对数 11 Compound interest复利 12 Comsumption credit消费

2、信贷 13 Treasury note中期债券 14 Commercial paper商业票据 15 Repurchase agreement 回购协议 16 Institutional banking 机构银行业 务 17 Residental mortgage lending住房 抵押贷款18 Consumer installment loan 分期消 费贷款 19 Corporate restructuring公司重组 20 Secured loan抵押贷款 21 Open market operation公开市场 操作 22 Reserve requirement 法定存款准 备金率

3、23 Target rate 目标利率 24 Floating interest rate浮动利率 25 Bid-ask spread买卖差价1.支票清算 check clearing 2.撤资 divestiture 3.助学贷款 student loan 4.消费支出 consumer spending 5.商业银行 commercial bank 6.政策目标 policy goal 7.中央银行 central bank 8.不兑现纸币 fiat money 9.货币基数 monetary base 10. 个人银行业务 individual banking 11. 金融市场 fina

4、ncial market 12. 直接融资 direct financing 13. 长期信贷 long-term credit 14. 银行承兑 banker s acceptance 15. 规模经济 scale economy 16. 国民总产出 national output 17. 实物资本 physical capital 18. 工业产品指数 Producer Price Index 19. 复利 compound interest 20. 收入分配 distribution of income 21. 交换媒介 medium of exchange 22. 银行存款 bank

5、deposits 23. 延迟支付 deferred payment 24. 专业化分工 specialization 25. 物物交换 barter III 、 请简要回答下列问题 (仅供参考 ) 1.what are the major functions of money? Give some examples to show the each function of money. Answer: Standard of value, medium of exchange, store of value and standard of deferred payments. 2.what

6、are the effects of inflation and deflation on business? Answer: The effects of inflation: Profit illusion at initial stage and loss later and maybe recession or depression coming next. The effects of deflation: Less profit immediately. 3.how will the change in money s value redistribute people s inc

7、ome and wealth? Answer: In the situation of inflation, creditors suffer, in the situation of deflation, debtors suffer. 4.what are the attributes of credit instruments? Answer: Yield, liquidity and safety. 5.what is the relationship between yield and safety of credit instruments? Answer: The higher

8、yield means the lower the safety. 6.what is included in banks assets? Answer: Cash; Securities: Loans 7.why are commercial banks relatively safer than other types of financial institutions? Answer: 8.what is individual banking? Give an example in your daily life? Answer: Individual banking encompass

9、es consumer lending, residential mortgage lending, consumer installment loans, credit card financing and so on. 9.what are the major functions of central banks? Answer: Issuing a common currency, clearing payments, regulating banks and acting as a “ lender of last resort” for banks in financial trou

10、ble. 10. what challenge is faced by central banks in the future? Answer: To balance three policy goals, to balance financial innovations and financial stability and so on . IV 、 翻译1.Deposit accounts, together with savings accounts, represent the simplest formof bank account. The customer deposits fu

11、nds and withdraws them as required. Nochequebook is issued on this type of account. 存款账户,和储蓄账户一起,是银行 账户的基本形式,客户按规定存、取款。此种类型的账户不能开支票. 2.Is the market a place? Or a thing? Neither, really. Its a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale, you are producing for the market. You might

12、 sell some to your neighbor and some in your little stand by the roadside and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. 市场是一个地方吗?是一样东西吗?都 不是,真的。市场是一个概念。如果你 在自家的后院种番茄出售,你是在给市 场提供产品。你可以将一些蔬菜卖给邻 居,将

13、一些蔬菜摆在路边的小摊上出售, 将一些蔬菜卖给当地超级市场的经理, 在任何一种情况下,你都是在给市场提 供产品。你的努力都是在市场的引导下 作出的。3. Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money. In China, skin, sheep, corn,

14、 cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money for a long time. Elephant tusks, monkey tails, and salt were used as money in parts of Africa. 现在的大多数货币都是用金属或纸张制作的,但是过去人们使用过各式各样的商品作为货币。最早的一种货币类型是贝壳,贝壳并非是唯一被当成货币使用的东西。在中国古代,兽皮、山羊、玉米、棉布和刀等都充当过货币;在菲律宾群岛,稻谷在很长一段时间里都充当货币;象牙、猴

15、尾巴、盐等在非洲部分地区也充当过货币。4. If you travel outside your native country, you need to change your own countrys money for the money of the country you are visiting. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency. Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international fina

16、nce. 如果你到国外去旅行, 你需要 把本国的 货币兑换成所去国家的货币。你可以到 银行或一家旅行社去兑换货币。无论你 走到哪里,兑换货币使你接触到国际融 资活动。5.Finance means the circulation of funds. It includes all economic operations directly related to the currency, the credit, and the circulation of money, for example, the issuance and withdrawal of currency, collecting deposits and granting loans, buying and selling of gold and silver, foreign exchange,


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