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1、昆山开发区高级中学2017 届高三英语一轮复习导学案1 M9U2 单词(默写版)主备人:陈燕政治 n_ adj_ 联想 v_ n_ 非正式的,副职的adj_ 扁平的 adj_ 公寓 _n_ 神圣的 adj_ 害怕的 adj_ 偷窃 n_偷 v_ sp_ pp_ 分歧,摩擦n_ 自治的,自主的adj_ 无技巧的,笨拙的adj_ 任命,委派v_ n_ 稳步的,持续的adj_ 评价,评估v_ n_ 鼓舞 v_ 灵感 n_ 风流韵事,公共事务n_ 被控犯有。罪 _/_ 判处某人死刑_ 代表 _ 装潢 v_ n_ 芬芳的 adj_ 平民 n_ 明显的,显而易见的adj_ 在。 。方面,从。 。方面来说

2、_ 管理,调节v_ n_ 重度,强度v_ 帮助,援助v_ n_ 助手 n_ 易碎的,脆弱的adj_ 管家,乘务员n_ 部分地,局部地adv_ 修理,解决v_ 分离 n_ 王室的 adj_ 上部的,上边的adj_ 昆山开发区高级中学2017 届高三英语一轮复习导学案2 M9U2Reading 主备人:陈燕一词汇拓展1.政治 n_ adj_ 2.神圣的 adj_害怕的 adj_ 3.偷窃 n_偷 v_ sp_ pp_ 4.任命,委派v_ n_ 5.评价,评估v_ n_ 6.鼓舞 v_灵感 n_ 7.被控犯有。罪 _/_ 8.装潢 v_ n_ 9.管理,调节v_ n_ 10.帮助,援助v_ n_ 助

3、手 n_ 二重点词组1.把。 。转交给_ 2对。 。有影响_ 3.取得进步_ 三重点句型1.The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, as is the marathon .罗马字母表是希腊人的发明。马拉松也是如此。The beginning of the story is excellent,_(结尾也是 ) 2.The Acropolis is no different. 我们的家庭和一般家庭没有什么不同_ 3.In a gesture to help preserve history, the Greek government appointed

4、a committee in 1975 to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis. 为了其帮助保存历史的意愿,希腊政府于1975 年任命了一个委员会来负责卫城的全面恢复工作句中 gesture“姿态,表示”的意思John invited his new colleagues to the caf _( 以示善意 ) 他们任命 Daniel 为委员会主席。_ M9U2P昆山开发区高级中学2017 届高三英语一轮复习导学案3 主备人:陈燕一 重点单词1,。生存幸存v_ n_ 幸存者 n_ 2.认出,识别v_ n_ 3,责任 n_ adj_ 二

5、重点词组4.文化遗产 _ 5.与。 。相等 _ 6.增加 _ 三句型转换1.Her remarks made a difference to his behavior. Her remarks_ his behavior. 2.They made many advances in mathematics. They _mathematics. 3.The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, and so is the marathon. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, _is the marathon. 4

6、.He has nothing to do with this matter. He isn t_ with this matter. _ to this matter. 5.She ignored him on purpose. She ignored him_. 6.The team has been training to make preparations for the big game. The team has been training _the big game. 7.He was accused of murder. He _murder. 8.Mr. White can

7、t be here, so his wife will accept the prize instead of him. Mr. White can t be here, so his wife will accept the prize _ him. 9.Lucy closely takes after her sister. Lucy closely _ her sister. 10. China is home to panda. Panda _China. 11. Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in S

8、pain. _their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. 昆山开发区高级中学2017 届高三英语一轮复习导学案4 12. This hotel was anything but cheap. This hotel was _ cheap. 13. It is obvious that he didn t recognize you just now. It is _that he didn t recognize you just now. 14. The driver is to blame for the accident

9、. The driver_ the accident. 15. She is due to make a speech on genetic engineering. She is due to _a speech on genetic engineering. 16. She was delivered of a healthy baby. She _a healthy baby. 17. People there manage to live in comfort by doing business. People there manage to live_ by doing business. 18. Tom is as capable as Mary. Tom _Mary in ability. 19. This is the only way that leads to the bus station. This is the only wa


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