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1、缺血性脑血管病的治疗,背景,人类致死最常见的三种病因 一、心血管疾病 二、脑血管疾病(北美第三;国内第二) 三、癌 肿,背景,致残率最高:脑血管疾病 对社会和家庭造成的危害:致残大于致死,脑血管病的流行病学,中国:2005年神经病学分会资料患者:700万每年死亡:150万残疾:2/3 2020年:增加一倍。,脑血管病的流行病学,美国: 每年有25万50万病人 美国: 共300万(American Heart Association),脑血管病的流行病学,世界卫生组织MONICA计划的调查结果表明,中风平均发病率为东方高于西方,东欧高于西欧,中国和日本等亚洲国家脑血管发病率位于世界较前位。,脑血

2、管疾病的分类,一、缺血性脑血管:75-85% 二、出血性脑血管病:脑出血:10-15%自发性蛛网膜下腔出血:5-9%,天津市脑血管病流行病学,缺血性脑血管年发病率:年发病率:150-200人/10万天 津 市: 15000-20000人,天津市脑血管病流行病学,天津中医药大学第一附属医院 2006年脑血管病3500名住院针灸康复病人的流行病学调查显示,男性患者约为女性患者的两倍,并呈现明显的年轻化趋势 10年前,该院没有40岁以下的脑血管病患者,50岁以下的患者极少,患者多为60岁以上的老年人 60岁以下的中年人占全部脑血管病人的1/3,50岁以下的患者占全部脑血管病人的11%,不足40岁的患

3、者占总患病人数的2% 脑梗塞占全部病例的92%,脑出血患者仅占8%,如何防治,一、内科二、 外科,如何防治,内科防治,防治现状,一级预防 :对已有脑血管病危险因素的高危人群预防血管病的发生 高血压 饮酒 妊娠和避孕药 吸烟 饱和脂肪酸 心血管病 糖尿病 血脂异常 放射性物质,防治现状,二级预防:指对已发生脑血管病的病人预防脑血管病的复发。在脑血管病的预防中,尤其是二级预防中,抗血小板药物扮演着重要的角色。,防治现状,卒中单元(stroke unit)、溶栓治疗、抗血小板药物和抗凝治疗 美国神经科协会(AAN)和美国卒中协会(ASA)卒中指南联合编写委员会于2002年8月出版了急性缺血性卒中抗凝

4、及抗血小板药物指南。,防治结果,美国:缺血性脑血管病的发生率维持在稳定水平。 凌锋:脑中风是世界上最重要的致死性疾病之一,但一直缺乏有效的防治措施。,神经外科的探索,理论基础:缺血性脑血管病与动脉狭窄,缺血性脑血管病与颈动脉狭窄,1900年认识到缺血性脑血管病与动脉粥样硬化有一定关系 1951年Fisher对缺血性脑血管病与动脉粥样硬化和狭窄的关系进行了详细的论述。,如何防治缺血性脑血病?,我国急性脑梗死病人中 颅内动脉狭窄者占34 颅外血管狭窄者占22。,如何防治缺血性脑血病?,在2002年2月召开的第27届国际卒中会议上,德国海登堡大学研究了192例颅内血管狭窄的病人,平均随访47个月,其

5、中73例有缺血症状(42.44%)。 提示:及时有效地治疗动脉狭窄可以预防缺血性脑血病,如何防治,防治脑血管狭窄,心血管疾病的历程,药物 手术 介入 2007年9月在奥地利维也纳召开的欧洲心脏病年会上,全球药物洗脱支架的患者以达到800万。,神经外科的探索,一、 Carotid endarterectomyCEA (1990s),CEA,早在20世纪50年代,欧美国家就开始尝试通过CEA来预防和降低急性脑缺血事件的发生。20世纪90年代,一系列针对CEA疗效的多中心、前瞻性随机对照临床试验的结果相继发表,证实CEA对于重度颈动脉狭窄,以及症状性中度颈动脉狭窄的疗效明显优于单纯药物治疗,从而奠定

6、了CEA在颈动脉狭窄治疗及缺血性卒中预防中的地位。目前美国年均施行CEA手术已达125 000例。,CEA的有效性应建立在CEA围手术期低风险率基础上,因此美国心脏学会(AHA)和美国卒中学会(ASA)针对各医疗机构普遍开展CEA的现状,制定了CEA手术操作的准入标准:对于症状性颈动脉狭窄患者,围手术期卒中及死亡事件的总发生率应6%,无症状患者围手术期卒中及死亡事件的总发生率应 3%,否则CEA手术的益处将被抵消。,North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators(NASCET). N Engl J Me

7、d. 1991 Aug,Beneficial effect of carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with high-grade carotid stenosis. North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators.,BACKGROUND,Without strong evidence of benefit, the use of carotid endarterectomy for prophylaxis against stroke ros

8、e dramatically until the mid-1980s, then declined. Our investigation sought to determine whether carotid endarterectomy reduces the risk of stroke among patients with a recent adverse (120d)cerebrovascular event and ipsilateral carotid stenosis.,methods,1、a randomized trial at 50 clinical centers th

9、roughout the United States and Canada2、in patients in two predetermined strata based on the severity of carotid stenosis-30 to 69 percent and 70 to 99 percent.,methods,1、659 patients 2、 a hemispheric or retinal transient ischemic attack or a nondisabling stroke within the 120 days 3、 70to 99 percent

10、 4、optimal medical care5、examined by neurologists 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after entry and then every 4 months. 6、End points were assessed by blinded, independent case review. No patient was lost to follow-up.,Results (70-99%),50 clinical centers throughout the United States and Canada surgical pat

11、ients medical patients n 328 3311 9 262 2.5 13.1 1:the cumulative risk of any ipsilateral stroke 2:a major or fatal ipsilateral stroke,Results (50%),surgical patients medical patients 14.9% 18.7%the cumulative risk of any ipsilateral stroke no diffrence1998,Results (50-69%),surgical patients medical

12、 patients 15.7 22.2the cumulative risk of any ipsilateral stroke 1998,CONCLUSIONS,一、 highly beneficial to patients: 1、recent hemispheric and retinal transient ischemic attacks or nondisabling strokes 2、 ipsilateral high-grade stenosis (70 to 99 percent) of the internal carotid artery.二、 beneficial t

13、o patientsstenosis (50 to 69 percent),European Carotid Surgery Trial(ECST) Lancet. 1991 Jun,interim results for symptomatic patients with severe (70-99%) stenosisEuropean Carotid Surgery Trialists Collaborative Group.,Patients,1、The European multicentre trial 2、patients with a carotid territory non-

14、 disabling ischaemic stroke, transient ischaemic attack, or retinal infarct3、a stenotic lesion in the relevant (ipsilateral) carotid artery.,moderate (30-69%) stenosis,1、10 years 2518 patients have been randomised(1981-1991)2、 the mean follow-up is now almost 3 years among the 2200 thus far availabl

15、e for analysis of the incidence of strokes that lasted more than 7 days3、For the patients with “moderate“ (30-69%) stenosis on their prerandomisation angiogram the balance of surgical risk and eventual benefit remains uncertain, and full recruitment continues,mild (29%) stenosis,374 patients :1、there was little 3-year risk of ipsilateral ischaemic stroke2、even in the absence of surgery, so any 3-year benefits of surgery were small, and were outweighed by its early risks.,severe(70-99%) stenosis,778 patients 7.5% had a stroke (or died) within 30 days of surgery,


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