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1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.复习课教学设计一、学情分析:本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级上册第九单元,也是最后一个单元。主要围绕“School subjects”这个话题展开讨论,并懂得询问和回答最喜欢的学科和喜欢的原因,以及星期的表达。学生经过三年的学习和一段时间的复习,具备一定的听、说、读、写的基础。对于特殊疑问句的句型和相关的形容词及日期的表达已经有所了解,通过本单元的复习使学生能够在生活中和考试中更加熟练地运用目标语言。二、教材分析:Unit 9 以“School subject”为话题,选材于学生的日常生活,十分符合学生实际。通过讨论学习

2、,能够提高他们的学习兴趣。本单元内容有:用英语询问和回答最喜欢的学科和喜欢的原因, 并学会用 fun, interesting, cool, difficult, free 等形容词来表达自己喜欢某个学科的原因。学会新词汇和用特殊疑问句 Whats your favorite subject. Why do you like.?等句型来进行口语交际。讨论课程表的安排,星期几,几点上什么课等。学生学会星期的表达并结合学科的表达进一步提高口语交际能力,并过渡到阅读理解和书面表达,培养其阅读和写作的能力。三、 总体设计思路: 本堂课教学围绕学科和星期的表达为主线,通过学生自主学习和小组合作学习等方式

3、,在完成教师的提问、练习题的引导下完成本单元的内容复习和掌握。四、教学目标:(一 )语言知识目标1. 词汇:favorite, subject, science, P.E. Music, math, Chinese, geography, history, why, because, Monday, Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, for sure, free, cool, useful, from, from.to., lesson, hour.2. 句型:Whats your favorite subject?Why do you

4、 like.?(二 )能力目标:1. 掌握特殊疑问句的句型特点。2. 学会用特殊疑问句提问和回答。3、提高对本课知识的理解和在考试中的运用能力。(三 )情感目标:让学生讨论自己最喜欢的学科,培养他们对学习的兴趣,感受学习的成就感。五、学习策略:1. 自学策略:调动已有的知识,根据情境推测所表达的意思,能自己总结归纳学过的知识。 2. 合作学习策略:能参与小组讨论,表达自己的观点,学会与他人合作学习。六、教学过程:Step 1、 Review听写 Unit 8 的重点词句(抽查 10 个词、两个句)Step 2、复习表示科目的词1、Guessing and expressing :Lead in

5、 with an interesting question: What subjects do you know?(Purpose 通过一个有趣的问题引起学生的兴趣,同时可以帮助回忆过去学过词句。)2、Ask two students to write down the words about subject on the blackboard.other students write down their answers on their newspapers.Then T checks and gives their points.3、Students read out the words

6、 following T.Then reading together.Step 3、复习一周七天的词(以问题:What day is it today? 为引导,用与 step 2 相同的方式进行复习。 )Step 4、复习本单元其他重点词:1、Ask two students to translate the words on the blackboard.other students write down on their answers their newspapers.Then T checks and gives their points.2、T explains the diffi

7、cult words and phrases by some example sentences.Step 5、复习重点句子和对话1、Ask two students to translate the key sentences on the blackboard.other students write down their answers on their newspapers.Then T checks and gives their points.2、T explains the difficult sentences by some examples.3、Ss look at the

8、 pictures and sentences on screen,and make dialogues with T and group members.Step 6、Do exercise on newspaper(英语周报)T invites some Ss to present their answers on blackboard, the others write down their answers on their newspapers.Then T checks and gives their points. Step 7、Summary1、T invites some Ss to summary the knowledge ponts,such as 1、表示科目的词有:.,2、表示星期几的词有:.3、.2、T complements their summaries if necessary.Step 8、Homework1、记忆本单元单词,准备听写。2、完成周报上练习题



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