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1、李阳疯狂英语口语突破-突破语法00:-1.00Were sick of boring grammar!Grammar is just like a bottomless sea. 00:-1.50 我们厌倦了枯燥的语法!语法如浩瀚的海洋,00:-2.00You are simply turned offonce you read a grammar book! 00:-2.50 一拿起语法书,学习英语的兴趣荡然无存!00:-3.00We are sick of those sentences fabricated for grammar teaching. 00:-3.50 我们厌倦了专门为语

2、法造出来的句子!00:-4.00Once we leave the school,those lfeless sentences become sheer rubbish. 00:-4.50 一离开教室那此句子就变成了垃圾,显得苍白无力00:-5.00Li Yang Crazy English gives you a brand new concept; 00:-5.50 李阳疯狂英语给你一个全新的概念;00:-6.00Conquer English grammar through practical and beautiful sentences! 00:-6.50 用最实用的句子、最精彩的

3、对话全面突破语法难点00:-7.00Each grammar point is given vibrant,exciting dialogues or sentences 00:-7.50 每条语法配数个生动、有趣的对话或句子!00:-8.00Just practice crazily and blurt it out!Throw away your boring grammar books! 00:-8.50 疯狂操练,脱口而出!抛开无聊的语法书本,00:-9.00Forget about those dull grammar explanations! 00:-9.50 摆脱乏味的语法解释

4、,00:10.00Put aside those sentences that even foreigners wonder at! 00:10.50 抛弃那此连外国人都不懂的句子!00:11.00Grammar is no more than speaking! 00:11.50 学语法就是这么简单扼要!只不过是说说而已!00:12.00We are both grammar experts and communication kings! 00:12.50 我们既是语法专家,更是沟通高手!00:13.00 第一章动词时态00:14.00I love grammar.I hated gram

5、mar before I will be a grammar master. 00:15.00I thought I would never learn grammar well. 00:16.00Im working on my grammar now.I was struggling with my grammar . 00:17.00I will be speaking with perfect grammar. 00:18.00Ive studied grammar for ten years. 00:19.00I had forgotten all the grammar I lea

6、rned for exams. 00:20.00Ive been studying grammar for ten years, 00:21.00but I still cant speak English. 00:22.001 、一般现在时-表示现在的特征或经常性动作00:23.00Top 1: I like English very much. 00:23.50 我非常喜欢英语。00:24.00Top 2: Im Chinese.Im from Beijing. 00:24.50 我是中国人,我来自北京00:25.00Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay he

7、re. 00:25.50 我希望你在这里过得愉快00:26.001.A:Whats wrong with you?You look terrible. 00:26.50 你怎么了?看上去脸色很差。00:27.00B:I have a serious problem. I need your advice and support. 00:27.50 我碰到了大问题。我需要你的忠告和支持。00:28.002.A:My boss is in a bad mood today. 00:28.50 我老板今天情绪不佳。00:29.00B: Really? My boss is in a bad mood

8、 every day! 00:29.50 真的吗?我老板每天情绪都不好。00:30.003.A:How do I look? 00:30.50 我看起来怎么样?00:31.00B:Fantastic! 00:31.50 太棒了!00:32.00 【额外奉献】00:33.00(1)It is very hot today. 00:33.50 今天很热。00:34.00(2)You look nice in that dress. 00:34.50 你穿那条裙子很漂亮。00:35.00(3)My mother gets up very early every morning. 00:35.50 我

9、妈妈每天都很早起床。00:36.00(4)I dont know much about China, but I want to know more. 00:36.50 我不太了解中国,但我想知道更多。00:37.00(5)I really like Chinese food. 00:37.50 我真的很喜欢中国食物。00:38.00(6)Im crazy about learning English. 00:38.50 我非常热爱学英语00:39.00(7)I work for an international company. 00:39.50 我在一家国际公司工作。00:40.00(8)

10、Jim learns quickly.Jims brother Bob learns very slowly. 00:40.50 吉姆学东西很快。吉姆的弟弟鲍勃学东西很慢。00:41.00(9)The bus runs every 10 minutes. 00:41.50 这路公共汽车每10 分钟开一班。00:42.00(10)Im not interested in sports. 00:42.50 我对运动不感兴趣。00:43.00(11)Does she enjoy her job? 00:43.50 她喜欢她的工作吗?00:44.00 (Do you enjoy your job? D

11、o they enjoy their job? )00:45.00(12)Do you know how late the store is open? 00:45.50 你知道这店开到几点钟吗00:46.00 特别奉献:三最短文突破第三人称单数00:47.00A Very Outgoing Person 00:47.50 一个开朗外向的人00:48.00(1) Alice is a very outgoing person. 00:48.50(1) 爱丽丝是个非常外向的人。00:49.00She spends a lot of time with her friends. 00:49.50

12、很多时间她和她的朋友们一起共度。00:50.00She goes to parties.She goes to movies.And she goes to nightclubs. 00:50.50 她去聚会,去电影院,她还去夜总会。00:51.00She takes a Crazy English class every weekend. 00:51.50 每个周末她去参加疯狂英语的课程。00:52.00She knows everyone in her class.Shes very popular. 00:52.50 她认识班里的每个人,她很受欢迎。00:53.00(2) She als

13、o likes sports very much. 00:53.50(2) 她也很喜欢运动。00:54.00She plays basketball.She plays baseball. 00:54.50 她打篮球、打棒球、00:55.00She plays volleyball.And she also plays golf. 00:55.50 打排球,她还打高尔夫球。00:56.00Shes very athletic and she loves being outside. 00:56.50 她很喜欢运动,而且热爱户外生活。00:57.00(3) Alice doesnt stay h

14、ome alone very often. 00:57.50(3 )爱丽丝很少一个人呆在家里。00:58.00She doesnt read many books. 00:58.50 她不怎么读书,00:59.00She doesnt watch TV.She doesnt listen to music. 00:59.50 不看电视,不听音乐,-1:00.00And she doesnt talk on the phone.Shes very active. -1:-0.50 也不用电话跟人聊天。她很活跃。-1:-1.00She doesnt like to waste her time i

15、nside. -1:-1.50 她不喜欢把时间浪费在室内。-1:-2.00(4) As you can see,Alice is a very outgoing person. -1:-2.50(4) 你可以看出,爱丽丝是个非常开朗外向的人。-1:-3.00Shes energetic and healthy.She has a lot of friends. -1:-3.50 她精力充沛、身体健康。她有很多朋友。-1:-4.00I enjoy her company very much.Everyone loves Alice. -1:-4.50 我喜欢跟她在一起。人人都喜欢爱丽丝。-1:-5.00 再奉送给大家另一篇短文这里面既有第三人称单数也有其他人称,操练时一定要注意其中的区别:-1:-6.00(1) My sister and I are very different.Im a teacher.Shes a doctor. -1:-6.50(1) 我姐姐和我是两个完全不同的人。我是个老师她是个医生。-1:-7.00I live in Guangzhou.She lives in Shanghai. -1:-8.00I have a small



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