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1、Unit Three,Text AMarriage Across the Nations,Words and Phrases,增强了我们的关系 盛衰;浮沉 热衷于 种族问题 种族仇恨,enhance our relationship ups and downs be involved with racial issue racial hatred,对不抱丝毫幻想 相互信任和尊重 性格差异 期待;指望 结果为,have no illusions about mutual trust and respect personality conflict in the expectation that

2、work out,处于萌芽状态的关系 暂时,一度 拿开玩笑 女婿, 养子 跟没有关系,budding relationship for a time joke about son-in-law have nothing to do with,表面上, 外表上 最差的一面 公民身份 始终,从开始一直 离婚率 举的例子,on the surface at ones worst citizenship status all along divorce rate give examples of,Sentences,相互信任和尊重是我们俩永不枯竭的力量源泉。 The continual source

3、of our strength was our mutual trust and respect. (L10) 我们俩一起经历了许许多多的事情。 Weve been through so much together. (L39),回心转意是永远不会太迟的。 Its never too late to change your mind. (L65) 很难想象生活在一个没有电话、没有汽车的地方会是个什么样子。 Its hard to imagine living in a place where there are no telephones or cars. 我知道自己能力有限。 I have

4、no illusions about my ability.,今晚不会下雪。 Theres no expectation of snow tonight. 我祝贺他的成功。 I gave him my congratulations on his success. 她对新工作有些保留看法。 She had some reservations about her new job.,她对现代音乐怀有偏见。 She has a prejudice against modern music. 有迹象表明形势可能会发生好转。 There are indications that the situatio

5、n may be improving. 如果你有困难,就马上告诉我们。 Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.,事情的结局相当不错。 Things worked out quite well. 她一直对我很好。 She was kind to me all along. 亡羊补牢未为晚也。 It is never too late to mend.,L2,up and down adv. 上下地, 到处, 前前后后, 来来往往 ups and downs n. 盛衰, 沉浮,ups and downs,There have been ma

6、ny ups and downs in their marriage, but they still love each other. As a great statesman, Churchill also had his ups and downs in his political career,他经历了两国关系史上的圆缺阴晴 He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries.,L6 compromise,双方都决心要得到各自所要求的东西,似乎没有妥协的可能性 Bo

7、th sides are determined to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility of compromise. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.,他的要价超出我愿意付的数额,结果我们达成妥协, 商定了一个居中的价格。 He asked more than I was willing to pay, so we compromised on a price in _.between,L8 subtle,Prejudice can take subtl

8、er forms than this. 偏见可能表现得比这更隐晦。 诡计 A subtle plan 他要贿赂我们的企图并不隐密. His attempt to offer us a _ was not exactly subtle. bribe,L9 illusion,太阳似乎是在围绕地球旋转,然而那只是一种错觉。 The sun appears to go round the Earth, but that is only an illusion. 我们都误以为这个国家经济状况良好, 但是实际上它正处于严重的困难之中。 We are all under the illusion that

9、the country is doing well economically, but in fact it is in serious difficulty.,be under an / the illusion that 虽然他在欺骗她,但她仍误以为他是诚实的. She is under the illusion that he is honest though he is cheating her.,L9, L10,(喻) 人生中有许多意想不到的事情。 Life holds many surprises for us. 我喜欢她,我希望她也喜欢我 I like her, and I ho

10、pe the feeling is mutual.,V. + time (L13),beat time buy time do time gain time,打拍子 (用拖延等手法)赢得时间 坐牢, 服刑 (钟表)走得快,争取时间,go with the times have a good time have a thin time keep time,随大流; 随波逐流 尽情愉快地玩; 玩得愉快 过没有钱的日子 (钟表)走得准,V. + time (L13),It will last sb.s time. lose time murder time take ones time,够某人用一辈

11、子。 (钟表)走得慢;浪费时间 浪费时间 慢慢来,从容不迫,kill time pass the time of day wait ones time,消磨时间 寒喧,打招呼 等待时机,L13 overlook,她没有计较他的无礼,并尽量装作没事的样子。 She overlooked his _ and tried to pretend nothing had happened. offensiveness, 她的卧室有几扇对着湖面的大窗子。 Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a lake.,overlook etc.(L13),overloo

12、k vt. not to notice; miss 忽略;看漏(指由于匆忙、粗心大意,虽看见了某事物,却忽略了其细节) These little details are easily overlooked. ignore vt. to take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to 疏忽;不理睬(常指闭上双眼,故意不睬) She saw him coming but she ignored him.,disregard vt. to pay no attention to; treat as unimportant or unworthy of no

13、tice 不理;不顾,漠视(常指经过考虑后仍对某事不予理睬) She completely disregarded all our objections.,neglect vt. to give too little attention or care to 忽视;忽略(普通用语,指对自己的职责义务、家庭或其它应该细心照料的事,没有给以应有的注意) neglect ones meals and sleep 废寝忘食neglect ones duties 玩忽职守 neglect ones appearance 不修边幅,L14 L17,我一向喜欢他的电影, 但是最近的一部并不像我期望的那样好。

14、 I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didnt come up to (or: live up to) my expectations. 历尽千辛万苦 go through hardships,L19 L22,初露头角的作家 a budding writer 我一直怀疑她在撒谎。 I suspected all along that she was lying.,supportive (L22),supportive adj. +of apprec giving (additional) encouragement, help, etc

15、., esp. to sb who is in a difficult position 支持的,支援的 Mary was so supportive when my husband died.,supportable adj. usu. in negatives fml bearable -opposite insupportable 承受得了的;受得住的 Such rudeness is scarcely supportable,supporting adj.supporting actor/part/role:a small part in a play or film 配角,Exerc

16、ise: supportive,1. His family was very _ of his attempts to be a painter. 2. He played a _ role in the film. 3. The climate is hardly _.,supportive,supporting,supportable,她建议他们不要接受他的解释。 She _ them not to accept his explanation. 后来,他们听说他已经离开了这个国家。 _ they heard that he had left the country.,counseled,Subsequently,counsel (L24),



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