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1、结构化学(一)structure chemistry,绪 论,About subject content,History of quantum mechanics,A. About subject content,量子力学(或波动力学),是从大量实践中总结出来的研究微观体系的科学理论。,微观世界的量子性,微粒运动规律的统计性,能够正确反映微粒运动的统计规律, 并能提供微观粒子的运动定律。,化学的规律是有的,那就是量子力学。所有化学现象都是原子核和外围电子的重新排列和组合。,李远哲,大学化学Vol.2.No.5,B. History of quantum mechanics,量子力学:,求解一个

2、不可貌相的简单方程式:,H = E ,看似简单,但要理解H、E 和 的物理意义,则要涉及数学、物理和化学的深奥知识。,运用数学的多少是一门科学成熟的程度的标志。,马克思,任何能思考量子力学而又没有被搞得头晕目眩的人都没有真正理解量子力学“Anyone who has not been shocked by quantum physics has not understood it.“ - Niels Bohr,量子力学是演绎法最成功的实例,Heisenberg、Schrdinger、Dirac、Born等于19251926创建 30年代初由von Neumann完成形式理论体系,量子力学的建立

3、未依据任何实验事实或经验规律。它用少数几条基本假定作为公理,由此出发,通过严格的逻辑演绎,迅速地建成一个自洽、完备、严密的理论体系,birthday of quantum mechanics,14 December 1900,Planck (age 42) suggests that radiation is quantized E = hn h = 6.626x10-34 Js,Max Planck (1858-1947)Nobel Prize 1918,Status of physics,1897 Thompson (age 41) Nobel Prize 1906 measures th

4、e electron“plum pudding“ model 1905 Einstein (age 26) proposes the photon1911 Rutherford (age 40) infers the nucleus,Albert Einstein (1879-1955)Nobel Prize 1921,old quantum theory,1913, Bohr (age 28) constructs a theory of atom1921 Bohr Institute opened in Copenhagen (Denmark) It became a leading ce

5、nter for quantum physics (Pauli, Heisenberg, Dirac, ),Niels Bohr (1885-1962) Nobel Prize 1922,matrix formulation of quantum mechanics,1925 at Gttingen (Germany) M. Born (age 43) W. Heisenberg (age 23) P. Jordan (age 22),Max Born (1882-1970) Nobel Prize 1954,Werner Heisenberg(1901-1976) Nobel Prize 1

6、932,1927年Heitler和London用变分法求解了氢分子的波函数和分子能量,并预测了其键长,首次在形式理论的水平上解释了化学键本质,开创了量子化学分支学科,wavefunction formulation of quantum mechanics,1923 De Broglie (age 31) matter has wave properties,Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) Nobel Prize 1929,1926 Schrdinger (age 39) Schrdinger equation,Erwin Schrdinger (1887-1961)

7、 Nobel Prize 1933,1925 Pauli (age 25) Pauli exclusion principle,Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) Nobel Prize 1945,1928 Dirac (age 26)Dirac equation (quantum+relativity),Paul Dirac (1902-1984) Nobel Prize 1933,1927 Solvay Conference,Held in Belgium, the conference was attended by the worlds most notable ph

8、ysicists to discuss the newly formulated quantum theory.,量子力学奠基人之一的 Dirac 在 1929说:,“The fundamental laws necessary for the mathematical treatment of large parts of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus fully known, and the difficulty lies only in the fact that application of these laws leads t

9、o equations that are too complex to be solved“,因处理实际分子在数学上的困难。Dirac本人对量子力学在化学上的应用前景十分悲观,1952年H. Schull等三人用手摇计算机花两年才完成一个N2分子的从头算. 有人断言:用尽世界上的纸张恐亦无法完成一个Fe原子的计算.,50年代末,大型计算机的浮点运算速度为0.01Mflops,仅及PIII 的 1/5000 !,1954年以来,有六届诺贝尔化学奖得主共八人属理论化学领域。其中六位是物理学家,一位是数学家。仅有一位(福井谦一)是从化工改行的化学家。化学界应为此感到羞愧。并表明:学科间并无不可逾越的

10、鸿沟,“卅年前,如果说并非大多数化学家,那末至少是有许多化学家嘲笑量子化学研究,认为这些工作对化学用处不大,甚至几乎完全无用。现在的情况却是完全两样了。当90年代行将结束之际,我们看到化学理论和计算研究的巨大进展,导致整个化学正在经历一场革命性的变化。Kohn和Pople是其中的两位最优秀代表” “这项突破被广泛地公认为近一、二十年来化学学科中最重要的成果之一”,John Poples Contributions,John Pople has developed quantum chemistry into a tool that can be used by the general chem

11、ist and has thereby brought chemistry into a new era where experiment and theory can work together in the exploration of the properties of molecular systems. Chemistry is no longer a purely experimental science.,瑞典皇家科学院颁奖文件评价:,对1998 年诺贝尔化学奖 划 时 代 的 评 价,瑞典皇家科学院的评价空前之高。公告称:,“ 量子化学已发展成为广大化学家都能使用的工具,将化学

12、带入一个新时代 实验与理论能携手协力揭示分子体系的性质。化学不再是一门纯实验科学了”,经历近80年,量子力学经受物质世界不同领域 (原子、分子、各种凝聚态、基本粒子、宇宙物质等) 实验事实的检验,其正确性无一例外。任何唯象理论无法与之同日而语,1986:李远哲:“ 在十五年前,如果理论结果与实验有矛盾,那么经常证明是理论结果错了。但是最近十年则相反,常常是实验错了。量子力学有些结果是实验工作者事先未想到的,或者是难以实现的”,电子自旋磁矩的理论值和实验值精确符合到12位有效数字,H2分子的解离能理论计算值 36117.4cm-1 实验值 36113.40.3cm-1 改进实验手段后测得 361

13、17.31.0cm-1,量子化学,用量子力学的理论方法来研究化学问题,从而产生了一个边缘学科量子化学,是根据化学的特有规律,用量子力学方法研究和近似 处理原子、分子中原子核与原子核、原子核与电子、 电子与电子之间的复杂的多体相互作用,寻求化学变 化机制的学科。,applications of quantum mechanics,It was applied to atoms, molecules, and solids. It solved with ease the problem of helium It was used to explain chemical bonding It re

14、solved various questions: structure of stars, nature of superconductors, : Even today it is being applied to new problems.,Quantum mechanics has been tremendously successful !,Applications of Quantum Chemistry,The equilibrium structures of molecules; transition states and reaction paths. Molecular p

15、roperties: Electrical, Magnetic, Optical, etc. Spectroscopy, from NMR to X-ray. Reaction mechanisms in chemistry and bio-chemistry. Intermolecular interactions giving potentials which may be used to study macromolecules, solvent effects, crystal packing, etc.,一些化合物红外光谱计算结果(从头算法,6-31G(d) ),反应途径及过渡态计算,基元反应:,反应物,配合物 1,过渡态,配合物 2,产物,鞍点,势能面和反应途径,势能面无法实验测定。由量子化学计算给出,鞍点,T (ABC),The energy surface (in two dimensions) for a hypothetical chemical reaction from one equilibrium over a barrier (transition state) to the second equilibrium,反应物 F- + CH3Cl,能量极小点 1 F-CH3Cl,过渡态 ( F-CH3Cl )-,能量极小点 2 FCH3Cl-,



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