八年级英语上学期unit 2课件

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1、Whats the matter with him ? He has a sore throat.Whats the matter with him? He has a sore back.,Whats the matter with him ? He has a stomachache.Whats the matter with her ? She has a headache.,Whats the matter with him(or her) ? He/She _.,Pairwork:,Advice : what should they do ?,A:Whats the matter w

2、ith you ? B:I have a stomachache. A:You should_.,lie down and rest.,B: Thats a good idea.,A:Whats the matter with you ? B:I have a toothache. A:You should _ .,see a dentist.,Whats the matter with him ? He has a sore throat. He should _ .,Whats the matter with her ? She has a fever. She should _.,dri

3、nk hot tea with honey,drink lots of water.,illness,advice,hot tea with honey,toothache,see a dentist,stomachache,lie down and rest,fever,drink lots of water,Listen and fill Conversation 1 Girl 1 :_? Girl 2 : I have a fever. Girl 1 : Yes,you dont look well. You should_. Girl 2 : Yes, youre right.,Wha

4、ts the matter,drink lots of water,Conversation 2 Girl 1 : Whats the matter ? Girl 2 : I_. Girl 1 : You should drink some hot tea with honey Girl 2 : That _a good idea.,have a sore throat,sounds like,Conversation 3 Girl : Whats the matter ? Boy : I have a stomachache. Girl : Thats too bad.You should

5、_. And dont eat anything for two hours. Boy : I guess I should.,lie down and rest,Conversation 4 Girl : Whats the matter ? Boy : Oh,I have a toothache. Girl : _see a dentist Boy : I guess I should.,You should,A: Whats the matter? B: Im not feeling well. I have a _. A: When did it start? B: About _ a

6、go. A: Oh, thats too bad.You should _ . B: Yes,I think so. A : I hope you feel better soon.,Pairwork,cold,3 days,lie down and rest,A: Whats the matter? B: Im not feeling well. I have a _. A: When did it start? B: About _ ago. A: Oh, thats too bad.You should _ . B: Yes,I think so. A : I hope you feel

7、 better soon.,Pairwork,Game time,Example,Explanation,1.You should lie down and rest.你应该躺下休息。情态动词“should”的用法“should”在课文中表示“应该、必须”用 于表示忠告、建议等。eg: 你应该喝加蜂蜜的热水。You should drink hot tea with honey. 他应该多喝水。He should drink lots of water.,Explanation,与情态动词“can”一样,如果是否定句,在should后面加上not;如果是疑问句,把should放在主语前,sho

8、uld没有人称的变化。Eg: You should see a dentist.should + not =shouldnt “不应该.”Eg:You shouldnt drink hot coffee.,Explanation,2.lie down and restlie down 躺下,如不要躺在地上Dont lie down on the ground.与down有关的词组sit down 坐下come down 下来get down 下车write down 写下,记下,Explanation,3.hot tea with honey加蜜热茶hot 形容词,热的,with 介词,意思是

9、“ 有,用,同,由于,和一致,赞成,关于。此句中是“有,带有”的意思. 如:有四个口袋的外套,Explanation,4.I m not feeling well.我感到不舒服,也可 说 成I dont feel well,类似的答语还有: I feel terrible.我感到不舒服 I feel ill.我感觉生病了 Feel 在句中是系动词,意为“觉得,感觉”,Exercises in class :,1.躺下并且休息 2.喝热蜂蜜茶 3.嗓子疼 4.发烧 5.喝大量水 6.看牙医,1.lie down and rest 2.drink hot tea with honey 3.have

10、 a sore throat 4.have a fever 5.drink lots of water 6.see a dentist,Exercises in class :,1.我感觉不舒服。我感冒了。2.它什么时候开始的?3那太糟糕了。4.我认为这样。 5.我希望你很快好起来。,1.Im not feeling well.I have a coldWhen did it start ?Thats too badI think so I hope you feel better soon.,Section B,Period 3,Inquire,Whats the matter with y

11、ou ? Whats wrong with you ? Whats the trouble with you ? Illness I have a cold I have a fever I have a sore throat,Feeling I am not feeling well I dont feel very well. I hope you feel better soon. Problem I am tired . I am hungry. Advice You should lie down and rest You should not eat too much You h

12、ad better see a doctor.,C,d,a,d,c,b,listening,go to bed early,go that party tonight,stressed out,listen to music,study tonight,thirsty,have a drink,eat any more dumplings,hungry,eat an apple,play soccer,Listen and fill in the blanks Conservation 1 Mom:_,Gina ? Gina: Im tired. Mom:Well,you should go

13、to bed early. Gina: That _a good idea. Mom:You certainly _go to that party tonight. Gina:I guess youre right.,Whats the matter,sounds like,shouldnt,Conservation 2 Bill: Whats the matter,Tony ? Tony: Im_. Bill:You should _. Tony: That sounds like a good idea. Bill:And relax, you shouldnt study tonigh

14、t. tonight. Tony:Okay. I think Ill stop.,stressed out,listen to some music,Conservation 3 Mary: Whats the matter,Julie ? Julie : Im_ Mary :You should _ Julie : I guess youre right. Mary :And you shouldnt eat any more dumplings,thirsty.,have a drink.,Conservation 4 Dad: Whats the matter,Alan ? Alan :

15、 Im _. Dad :You should _ Alan : Thats a good idea. Dad : You _play soccer before dinner.,hungry,eat an apple.,shouldnt,Period 4,3a Reading,a balance of yin and yang,the Chinese way,yin foods,yang foods,beef,a balance of yin and yang,a balanced diet,to be healthy,a traditional Chinese doctor,Read the article and fill in the form,weak and often tired,



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