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1、The brain stem,山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 李振华,The brain,Telencephalon 端脑 Diencephalon间脑 Cerebellum 小脑 Brain stem 脑干,The brain stem 脑干,Consists of Midbrain 中脑 Pons 脑桥Medulla oblongata延髓,Medulla oblongata延髓,Ventral surface Pyramid锥体: contain pyramidal tract (corticospinal tract) Decussation of pyramid锥体交叉: formed

2、by crossing fibers of corticospinal tract Olive橄榄: produced by underlying inferior olivary nucleus Anterolateral sulcus前外侧沟: rootlets of hypoglossal nerve emerge from it Retroolivary sulcus橄榄后沟: rootlets of glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves emerge from it,Medulla oblongata 延髓,Dorsal surfa

3、ce Lower portion Gracile tubercle薄束结节: produced by underlying gracile nucleus Cuneate tubercle楔束结节: marks the site of cuneate nucleus Inferior cerebellar peduncle 小脑下脚 Obex 闩 Upper portion: forms the lower half of rhomboid fossa,Pons 脑桥,Ventral surface Basilar part 基底部 Basilar sulcus 基底沟 Bulbopontin

4、e sulcus 延髓脑桥沟: from medial to lateral, the abducent, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves appear Middle cerebellar peduncle 小脑中脚 Trigeminal nerve 三叉神经 Pontocerebellar trigone 脑桥小脑三角: the junction of medulla, pons and cerebellum,Pons 脑桥,Dorsal surface Superior cerebellar peduncle 小脑上脚 Superior medull

5、ary velum 前髓帆 Trochlear nerve 滑车神经,Midbrain 中脑,Ventral surface Crus cerebri 大脑脚底 Interpeduncular fossa 脚间窝 oculomotor nerves emerge from medial of crus cerebri Posterior perforated substance 后穿质,Midbrain中脑,Dorsal surface Superior colliculus 上丘constitute centers for visual reflexes Inferior colliculu

6、s 下丘associated with auditory pathway Brachium of superior colliculi 上丘臂 Brachium of inferior colliculi 下丘臂,Fourth ventricle 第四脑室,Position Situated ventral to cerebellum, and dorsal to pons and cranial half of medulla,Central canal fourth ventricle mesencephalic aqueductthird ventricle,Boundaries Inf

7、erolateral: gracile and cuneate tubercles, inferior cerebellar peduncle Superolateral: superior cerebellar peduncle Lateral recess,Features Median sulcus 正中沟 Sulcus limitans 界沟 Vestibular area前庭区 overlies vestibular nuclei Acoustic tubercle听结节overlying dorsal cochlear nucleus Medial eminence 内侧隆起Str

8、iae medullares 髓纹,Facial colliculus面神经丘: overlies nucleus of abducent n. and genu of facial nerve Hypoglossal triangle 舌下神经三角: verlying hypoglossal nucleus Vagal triangle迷走神经三角: overlies dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve Funiculus separans分隔索 Area postrema 最后区 Locus ceruleus 蓝斑,Roof Anterior part: forme

9、d by superior cerebellar peduncle and superior medullary velum Posterior part: formed by inferior medullary velum and choroid plexus of fourth ventricle Three apertures Median aperture of fourth ventricle 第四脑室正中孔 Two lateral apertures of fourth ventricle 第四脑室外侧孔,Tela choroidea and choroid plexus 脉络丛

10、和脉络组织,Internal structures,Gray matter Cranial nerve nuclei Relay nuclei,General somatic motor nuclei 一般躯体运动核,Nucleus of oculomotor n.动眼神经核 Nucleus of trochlear n. 滑车神经核 Nucleus of abducent n. 展神经核 Nucleus of hypoglossal n.舌下神经核,General somatic motor nuclei,Special visceral motor nuclei 特殊内脏运动核,Motor

11、 nucleus of trigeminal n. 三叉神经运动核 Nucleus of facial n. 面神经核 Nucleus ambiguus 疑核 Accessory nucleus 副神经核,Special visceral motor nuclei,General visceral motor nuclei 一般内脏运动核,Accessory oculomotor nucleus 动眼神经副核 Superior salivatory nucleus 上泌涎核 Inferior salivertory nucleus 下泌涎核 Dorsal nucleus of vagus n.

12、 迷走神经背核,General visceral motor nuclei,Visceral sensory nuclei ( general and special ),Nucleus of solitary tract 孤束核,Visceral sensory nuclei ( general and special ),General somatic sensory nuclei,Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal n. 三叉神经中脑核 Pontine nucleus of trigeminal n. 三叉神经脑桥核 Spinal nucleus of

13、 trigeminal n. 三叉神经脊束核,General somatic sensory nuclei,Special somatic sensory nuclei,Cochlear nuclei 蜗神经核Vestibular nuclei 前庭神经核,Special somatic sensory nuclei,Gracile nucleus 薄束核 Cuneate nucleus 楔束核 Inferior olivary nucleus 下橄榄核 Superior olivery nucleus 上橄榄核 Pontine nucleus 脑桥核 Nucleus of inferior

14、colliculus下丘核 Gray matter layers of superior colliculus 上丘灰质层 Red nucleus 红核 Substantia nigra 黑质 Pretectal area 顶盖前区,Relay nuclei 传导中继核,Non-cranial nerve nuclei,White matter,Ascending tracts Medial lemniscus 内侧丘系 Spinal lemniscus脊髓丘系 Trigeminal lemniscus 三叉丘系 Lateral lemniscus外侧丘系,Medial lemniscus 内

15、侧丘系,Spinal lemniscus 脊髓丘系,Trigeminal lemniscus 三叉丘系,Descending tracts,Corticospinal tract 皮质脊髓束 Rubrospinal tract 红核脊髓束 Tectospinal tract 顶盖脊髓束 Vestibulospinal tract 前庭脊髓束 Reticulospinal tract 网状脊髓束,Lateral lemniscus 外侧丘系,Reticular formation of brain stem,Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS)

16、 上行网状激动系统 Motor central and vital centres Reticulospinal tract Cardiovascular center and respiratory center Serotonergic rapheal nuclei,The characters of internal structure of brain stem,Medulla oblongata,Lower part (closed part) Two decussations Decussations of medial lemniscus Decussations of pyramid,Medulla oblongata,



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