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1、China,10经管实验(1)班盛宇东,In English,china means porcelain or ceramic,The origin of porcelain,The invention of china made a great contribution to the world civilization.,In the neolithic age, since the invention of fire, our ancestors began manufacturing various daily-use ceramics, this is the origin of t

2、he ceramic art,The Development of Porcelain,Around the 16th century BC in Shang Dynasty, the early Chinese porcelain developed. As it was still rough on the firing process, it can be only called Proto-celadon(原始青瓷).,Proto-celadon,Qin and han Dynasty,Ceramic widely used in construction, such as the q

3、in dynasty of AFangGong and han dynasty of WeiYangGong At that time, The most famous is the terra-cotta warriors,the terra-cotta warriors,Sui Dynasty,celadon,white,Tang Dynasty,Ceramic production went into mature stage, china times began The most famous were Yue Kiln celadon and Punishment kiln whit

4、e porcelain and Tri-colored glazed pottery,Tri-colored glazed pottery,Song Dynasty,Painted porcelain,Qing Dynasty,Ceramics,“Ceramic Road“ began in the late Tang Dynasty, it is the main artery of the sea between exchanges of Chinese and foreign Medieval . The reason of the name “Ceramic Road“ mainly

5、due to the porcelain trade-based nature, some people named this sea trade route as the “Marine Silk Road.“ Chinas china scattered along this route like the shining pearl and lighted the whole of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Arab . “Ceramic Road“ brought to China a great commercial wealth, but also opened the door for the colonial plunder. “陶瓷之路”发端于唐代中后期,是中世纪中外交往的海上大动脉.之所以命名为“陶瓷之路”,主要是因为以瓷器贸易为主的性质,也有人将这条海上商路称为“海上丝绸之路”。 在这条商路沿岸洒落的中国瓷片象闪闪明珠,照亮着整个东南亚、非洲大地和阿拉伯世界。 “陶瓷之路”则给中国带来了巨大的商业财富,同时也为殖民掠夺打开了方便之门。,thank you !,



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