外研版八年级英语下册M2 Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. (共32张)

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1、Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.,Module 2 Experiences,目录,contents,课前预习,课堂导学,课文理解,课堂小测,课后作业,课前预习,目录,contents,课堂导学,目录,contents,1.Mike Robinson is a fifteen-year-old American boy.罗宾逊迈克是一个15岁的美国男孩。 fifteen-year-old 是复合形容词,其构成为“数词-名词单数-形容词”,意为“的”。如: a 10-metre-wide river 一条10米宽的河 2.one of the biggest

2、and busiest cities in Africa.非洲最大最繁忙的城市之一 one of意为“之一”,后面可接复数名词(前面必须有限定词),复数代词的宾格形式,形容词的最高级+名词的复数。在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。,如: One of_ is from America.我的一个同学来自美国。 One of the apples _(have) gone bad.有一个苹果坏了。 Kobe Bryant is _ in the world.科比布莱恩特是世界上最伟大的篮球运动员之一。 3.move to someplace意为“搬到某地”,当地点为副词时,省略介词to。 mov

3、e to Beijing 搬到北京 move here 搬到这里,my classmates,has,one of the greatest basketball players,4.They have been to many interesting places.他们去过很多有趣的地方。 (1)have been to意为“去过某地”(人现在已经回来了)。 (2)have gone to意为“去了某地”(人可能已经到了那里,也可能还在路上,但不在说话的地方)。 Have you ever _to Beijing? 你曾经去过北京吗? Yes.I think its a beautiful

4、city.是的。我认为它是一个美丽的城市。,been,Where is Ann?安在哪里? She has _to Beijing.她去北京了。 5.This language is different from English in many ways, and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.这门语言和英语有很多不同的地方,而且他们发现很难拼读这些单词。 (1)be different from意为“与不同”。其反义词组为:_与一样。,gone,the same as,(2)find it+形容词+to do句型中,it

5、是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。 如: I find it boring_ all the time.我发现一直看电视很无聊。,to watch TV,课文理解,目录,contents,一、根据课文内容,完成下列思维导图,然后口头复述课文。,1,2,3,4,5,6,Cairo, Egypt,many interesting places,learn Arabic,to America,二、请认真阅读课本Act.2短文,完成下列题目。 ( )1.When did Mike and Clare move to Cairo? A.Last year. B.Two years ago. C.

6、Three years ago. D.This year. ( )2.Which country havent they been to? A.Germany. B.France. C.India. D.China. ( )3.How many languages have they learnt? A.Five. B.Four. C.Three. D.Two.,B,C,B,( )4.What does the phrase “count down” mean? A.数数 B.顺时针数 C.计数 D.倒计时 ( )5.Whats the best title for this passage?

7、 A.The Robinsons have been to Egypt. B.The experiences of the Robinsons around the world. C.The Robinsons will move to the US. D.Mike and Clare have been to many interesting places.,D,B,三、请根据课本Act.2短文,完成下列短文填空。 Mike Robinson,a 1._ American boy,now stays in 2._with his family.Their moved here 3._ yea

8、rs ago.Because his father,Peter, works for a big company and the company has 4._him to work in different countries.They have been to many interesting places, such as the Pyramids, the Nile River and the palaces and 5._of ancient kings and queens.,fifteen-year-old/15-year-old,Egypt,two/2,towers,sent,

9、Mike and his sister Clare have learnt to speak 6._ , French, Chinese and Arabic.They thinks it is really 7._ .The Robinsons are 8._back to the US.Mike and Clare are 9._and they are 10._ down the days.,Germany,fun,moving,happy,counting,课堂小测,目录,contents,4,一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空。 1.Have you ever hea

10、rd of the _(塔)of London? 2.I havent been to _(法国). 3.Long long ago,there was a king and a _(王后) living in a beautiful castle. 4.Beethoven was born in G_ . 5.We can see the Pyramids in E_ . 6.Does she have much e_of teaching?,tower,France,queen,ermany,gypt,xperience,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.In _ , people sp

11、eak _ (France). 2.So far we _(learn) about 1,000 English words. 3.I learned _(swim) at the age of five. 4.I found it interesting _(play) with my friends. 5.China send many people _(work) in Africa every year.,France,have learned,swimming,to play,to work,French,三、单项填空。 ( )1.The Robinsons live in a_ b

12、uilding in our city. A.200-meter-high B.200-meters-high C.200 meter high D.200 meters high ( )2.Have you got any pieces of paper? Yes, I_. A.have got B.have C.had one D.did ( )3.Have you ever_ to a foreigner? A.speak B.spoke C.spoken D.to speak,A,B,C,( )4.Hi, Frank.Have you changed a lot? No, we hav

13、e stayed the same_ many ways instead. A.for B.at C.on D.in ( )5.Our country_ a lot so far. Yes.I hope it will be even_. A.has changed; well B.changed; good C.has changed; better D.changed; better,D,C,课后作业,目录,contents,5,一、单项填空。 ( )1.My two sons_ each other. A.is different from B.is different of C.are

14、 different from D.are different of ( )2.So far he_ 20 books. A.have written B.has written C.wrote D.writes ( )3.Its one of_ that Ive ever seen. A.the most interesting movies B.the most interesting movie C.most interesting movies D.most interesting movie,C,B,A,( )4.Have you ever entered the football

15、competition? _ . A.Yes, I am B.Yes, I have C.No, I dont D.No, I didnt ( )5.I havent seen Jane for a long time.Where is she? She_ to New York. A.went B.goes C.has gone D.will go,B,C,二、句型转换,每空一词。 1.They went there by boat .(对画线部分提问) _ _they _there? 2.My bag isnt the same as my sisters.(改为同义句) My bag is _ _my sisters. 3.Jim is a boy.He is ten years old.(改为同义句) Jim is a _ boy.,


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