外研版七年级英语下册Revision module A

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1、Revision module,A,Vocabulary,参考 答案: 选择往右走, 对应口令为: ready cheap piano kite tennis across else nobody hundred by fly,迷宫规则: 选择一条能从入 口到达正圆心的 路线,选手每进 入一个关口,需 根据关口的首字 母说出对应的单 词拼写口令才能 进入下一关。用 时最短者为胜。,r,s,c,l,p,k,t,a,w,b,f,o,e,n,h,m,i,monitor 0 7,term 0 2,tourist 1 6,past 0 9,turn 2 7,high 0 1,opposite 3 7,q

2、uestion 1 7,church 0 6,come true 1 8,妇女节 0 3,任何人 0 4,在之上 0 5,结束 1 0,著名的 1 1,越过 2 1,museum 3 1,nobody 1 4,light 2 0,机器 1 3,需要 1 9,forward 2 8,just like 1 2,litter 4 0,第二 1 5,海滩 2 2,camp 2 6,start 2 9,board 3 0,野餐 3 2,照相机 3 5,thousand 3 6,airport 3 4,crayon 3 3,游戏建议:每题出现的间隔时间仅为5秒,教师可以为学生指定对应的编号,出现对应编号

3、时,该生应立即在5秒之内答出所见词语对应的英语或汉语, 对挑战失败者可略施“惩罚”。,Are you winners?,9. Write down as many words as you can.,crayon dictionary tape chalk ruler paper book pencil pen computer,school station shop theatre park cinema bank hospital post office,market clothes shop store mall,basketball cycling football swimming

4、table tennis skating tennis volleyball,apple noodles orange rice cake dumpling vegetablecandygrapepork,1.You can check your _ on that computer. 2. Lets have a _today. I want to eat in the park. 3. My mum wants a new _. 4. In the future _ will do a lot of work. 5. You can buy food at the _. 6. You ca

5、n take the _ to the National Stadium.,email,picnic,T-shirt,robots,supermarket,underground,10. Complete the sentences.,email T-shirt picnic robot supermarket underground,Grammar and speaking,表达打算或计划要做某事,可以用一般 将来时态:be going to +动词原形结构。 Im going to check my email this evening. Theyre going to have a pi

6、cnic tomorrow. She is going to see her uncle at once.,一般将来时(1):be going to,be动词随主语而变,否定句在be动词后加not,疑问句则直接将be动词提前至句首。 They arent going to have a party. Is David going to see a film? Yes, he is.,现在进行时表将来,表示位移的部分动词:come/go/fly/leave/ move等可以用现在进行时表将来的动作,My parents are going shopping soon. 我父母马上要去购物。 Ma

7、 Xiaotiao is flying to Hongkong next Week.下周马小跳要乘飞机去香港。 Mr King is leaving for USA. tomorrow. 金先生明天动身去美国。,直击中考,There_an interesting cartoon onCCTV-6 at seven thirty this evening.(河南)A.is going to have B. is going to beC.will have D. will to be,解析: 此题考查一般将来时的用法和there be 结构。题中at seven thirty this even

8、ing (今晚7:30)为将来时间,同时属于there be 结构,所以选B.,一般将来时态(2):will,描述未来的事情或表达对将来的预测也 可以使用一般将来时:will+动词原形。 There will be a computer on every desk in the future. People will live on the moon one day.,其否定句直接在will后加not,可缩写成 wont。疑问句直接将will移至句首。 Students wont use books in the future. Will there be schools? No, there

9、 wont.,直击中考,I think the students_at home on Computers in 2020.(梧州) A.studied B. will study C. study D. studies,解析: 从句中时间in 2020可知此题考查一般 将来时的用法:表达对未来事情的预测 A为一般过去时态,C、D为一般现在 时态,所以选B.,Make a questionnaire about weekend plans. Write questions with the words in the box.Use be going to.,what / do why / do

10、 where / do who / with when / go,- Why are you going to have it? - Because I like music.,- Where are you going to have it ? - Im going to have it at the club.,- Who are you going to have it with? - Im going to have it with Lisa.,- When are you going have it? - Im going to have it on Sunday.,2. Ask a

11、nd answer the questions in Activity 1. -What are you going to do this weekend? -Im going to have a piano lesson.,Why are you going to have it? Where are you going to have it ? Who are you going to have it with? When are you going have it?,Im going to have it at the club.,Because I like music.,Im goi

12、ng to have it with Lisa.,Im going to have it on Sunday.,- Why is he/she going to have it ? - Where is he/she going to have it ? - Who is he/she going to have it with? - When is he/she going to have it ?,3. Talk about the first partners answers with a different partner.- Whats he/she going to do this

13、 weekend?- Hes/Shes going to have a piano lesson.,1. Robots will do easy jobs.,No, they wont. Because they will do more difficult jobs.,2. Flying will be expensive.,Yes, it will. Because the fuel will be more and more expensive.,4. Work in pairs. Talk about the opinions and give your reasons. - The

14、air will be clean. - Yes, it will. / No, it wont. Because ,3. People will have short holidays.4. Robots and machines will do interestingjobs.5.There will be cold winds.,No, they wont. Because working hours will be shorter in the future, people will have long holidays.,No, they wont. Because they wil

15、l do all the heavy and boring jobs. People will do the interesting jobs.,No, there wont. Because the global climate is becoming warmer and warmer.,1.I_(be)tired, I_(go) to bedearly tonight. 2.Marys birthday is next Monday, hermother_(give)her a present. 3.Its very cold these days. It _soon. 4.-_you_(be)here this Saturday?-No. I_(visit) my teacher. 5.It_(rain)heavily outside now.You must stay at home.,



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