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1、商务,谈判,Business Negotiation,北美区分享课程2015/5/20,成交!,如何让客户在谈判中有赢的感觉?如何处理客户对价格和质量的异议?一个项目/订单没有谈下来的情况有哪些?,北美分享内容的三个重点,第一 如何让客户在谈判中有“赢”的 感觉?,案例模拟,价格谈判中的注意点:,第三 如何处理对待“极品”客户?,“难伺候”的客户主要有哪些类型?,业务报价USD300。他就是要USD200。 姿态:要么接受目标价,要么别谈了。Suggestion: 赞美、赞美还是赞美。 消除敌意,软化其情绪,降低其防备心理。 等其防火墙有了缝隙后,再去给一些信息和观点,或许其就能作出一些认真和

2、公平性的思考和决定。,1). 如何应对侵略性强的客户:,如何赞美?,您是我从业几年来见过的最厉害的谈判高手! 贵司有您这样的采购经理实在是一种幸运。 很欣赏您对这个订单/项目的认真与慎重。 很理解您为控制成本而做的努力。总之要试着从多角度去肯定/夸奖对方。 但也不能言过其实,让对方反感。,此类客户在意的什么? 是否有人在听他的抱怨/是否给他面子/是否对他尊重。 哪怕你说的是对的,他是错的,但他也会固执已见.Suggestion: 软化其态度,消减客户的脾气,不要做过多的解释。 让客户找不到进一步出气的理由。要耐心/细心的去倾听,时不时提供认可/肯定: “是的。您说得对,确实是我们没有做好. 我

3、们在此方面一定会改进,同时会跟进汇报给您我们的改进结果。” 注意:千万不不要硬碰硬,插嘴反驳,或做过多的解释/抵触。,2). 如何应对抱怨类客户:,特点: 没有礼貌,说话挖苦,眼睛长在脑门上。Suggestion:维持和谐,没有必要去回击/或以同样的方式对待他。 让客户感到你很尊重他。他喜欢自己感觉良好那就成全他。 明确自己的目的, 目的是跟客户做生意,赚他的钱。不需要去改变他或被他的姿态所影响。 进一步展示自己的善意/修养/气度。,3). 如何应对不礼貌/傲慢类客户:,不要被客户拖着走。不要客户不动,我们就不动。而是应该自己去掌控谈判的节奏,把客户带动到谈判的氛围里来。Suggestion:

4、 要分析无进展的原因。摸清背后真实原因。 及时/积极主动/打电话沟通。 解决客户的顾虑。 帮客户作订单管理计划:一个订单可能交期1个月,海运清关加起来1个半月,相当于从他确认订单到收到货需要2个半月的时间,加强客户的紧迫感。,4). 如何应对很拖的客户:,谈判,1.不要把责任推给工厂 2.买家的日常工作 3.当客户比较同行的价格的时候,如何应对 4.当客户比较同行的质量的时候,如何应对 5.谈判的一点与多点,Dont shift responsibility to factories,不要把责任推给工厂,How to do?,Investigation Apology suggestion,不

5、要随意诋毁同行,诋毁同行的反效果,Your quote is 30% HIGHER than others, it is ridiculous!,Sales: are you sure? The exactly same item?Client: Yep, I can show you the photos and spec.Sales: Oh, photos cannot tell us the story. Please come here, let me show you the sample.(I picked up the sample and presented to )Sales

6、: Actually, we us li-ion battery with 2000mah. And the solar panel has the German technology. And please check this color box. 5 layers corrugated color box, could pass the drop test and protect the solar lights inside. ER Would you like to evaluate our samples first?,Client: Yes, pls send 2 pcs to

7、our head quarters. I have to check. But the price, too expensive.Answer: I see. I thing we could do some updates. Pls give me some time with our engineer team and think whether we could save the cost.Client: Yeah.Answer: I am sure our price is moderate. I am an honest guy.Client: LaughingAnswer: do

8、you want to check the testing report? I could show you now or email you.,1. show your strength 2. let customer know the price structure Tips. Praise your customer before showing your idea,How to do? Show the differences,Buyers working time breakdown,买家日常工作的分解,Query as quality inferior to others,客户质疑

9、产品品质不如同行 Customer: I already checked with other suppliers and thought their quality far better than yours.,回答1:Lots of our current customers love the quality of our products.回答2: Thats impossible, why did you say that.回答3:Our company is one of the top 3 suppliers in this area.,案例一:,Answer: Thanks a

10、lot for your valuable information. Could you please advise me which part of this item is better than ours? I will ask our engineering team to update it as soon as possible to our engineering department.Customer: They use mail order box for package to avoid the damage in delivery. It is very critical

11、 for me.Answer: You are so professional on this! We are also considering providing our customers mail order box. At the moment, we are evaluating the pricing and sampling with our package manufacturers. And I think we could give you an updated offers with mail order box for your review soon.,案例二:,谈判

12、中的一点与多点,Dont dig one point all the time.For example: a price negotiation, you offer $3.5, customers target $2/pc, how to proceed? If you keep bargain, may be the best price would be around $3. And it is still not available to attract customer to place order immediately.,Try several pints,分散客户的注意力 掌握

13、主动权 随时切换话题,If you quoted $3.5 and he said too high, you should observe his feeling to guess the complaint is real or not! List A List B Product functions Price Payment term MOQ Sample Quality Packaging Logo,摘要,Skills To Deal With Cheap Copy Competition 如何在外贸谈判中应对同行以次充好 Each Project Should be Tailord

14、er 为每个客户量身定做方案 Concession in Negotiation 妥协的艺术 Skills to break ice during negotiation 打破僵局的技巧 Three Options to lose opportunities 一个项目没有拿下的三种情况 Tug-of-War & Let-it-be 谈判中的“拔河”与“顺水推舟”,Skills To Deal With Cheap Copy Competition 如何在外贸谈判中应对同行以次充好,砍价,对比,面对以次充好,1. 不要攻击你的竞争对手 2. 只需要展示你的优势 (以退为进) 3. 让客户自己想

15、4. 调整修改你的方案 (只要客户愿意谈,就有机会) 5. 千万不要随意降价 6. 提供样品给客户评估,Each Project Should be Tailorder 为每个客户量身定做方案,Examples for Purchasing Preference,A: I like iPhone A: I need double blister A: It is far exceed my target price A: The most important issue is the function A:I could accept plastic boday to reduce the c

16、ost A: Drop-test is necessary,B: I prefer Samsung B: White box is ok B: If you reduce 5%, I will place the order B: The priority is price for promotion B: No, plastic parts will look cheap B: No need for drop-test,Sound out 项目开始 Suggestions adjustment 调整修改方案,磨合 Reach a consensus on some points 基本点达成一致 Begin deeper negotiation 深入讨论,


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