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1、小学英语面试教案小学英语面试教案小学英语面试教案: Story Time Step 1: warming upBefore the class, let play a game. There are several cards in my hand, and I will invite some students come here and act them. Other students can guess them and write it on the notebook. The more the better. The winner will get 5 points. Who can

2、 help me? S1, please. Great, you can do an great actor. Now, change your notebook to your partner. Learn and check. Go swimming, go on a picnic, pick apples, make a snowman.OK, who is the winner? Well done, you have 5 points. And I will give S1 5 points, too. Thanks for act.Now, look at the screen,

3、whats this? Yes, Its a season turntable. Wow, Its work. What season is it when the turntable stop? Guess. Spring ? Summer ? Oh, Its stop. What season is it? Who can tell me? Hands up! Great, S2. Right, winter. Can you use the hole sentence? It is. Yes, It is winter. Do you like winter? Oh, yes. Why?

4、 Use “I like winter because.” well done, you like winner because you like winter vocation.Step 2: presentationOK, I know some of your favorite season. Do you know which season Robin likes? Lets listen the tape together, and answer the question. OK, who can tell me. Do you know which season Robin lik

5、es? S3. He said “Robin like spring” Who can help him? S4, please. Great! You have a gift for language. We need use “likes” in this sentences. In this passage, we know, Robin likes spring, summer, autumn and winter. Robin likes all the four seasons.Now, we have four pictures and four sentences on the

6、 blackboard. Read it carefully, and match. Prefect. The first picture match: I like summer. The second picture match: I want to.The third picture match: I like spring. The last picture match: I like winter.Why does Robin like spring? Why does robin like winter? How many “fall” can you find? Please r

7、ead the passage, and underline the answer. OK, who want to try? Yes, Robin likes spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Any volunteer? Good. He likes winter because he can play in the snow. Last question, how many “fall” can you find? Yes, four falls. Who can tell me, what the lase f

8、all means? S5? Dont worry. Just try. Wonderful. It is mean autumn.Step 3 : Consolidation1. Make dialogue about season and show itAll of you have a good job, now, please make a dialogue with your partner. Use the sentences “ Which season do you like best? Why? ”. And write down your partners answer.

9、Finish it? Who can show your dialogue? Group 1, please. Great. They like autumn because Its beautiful. Any volunteer? How about group 2? Well done. They like summer because they can swim.Pay attention to the screen. There are so many beautiful natural picture. Do you like it? But some of it are abou

10、t this question in your group. Who can tell me what should we do to protect the natural in daily life? Group 2? Well, we need on duty to the natural. How about Group 3? Good , we need to throw the rubbish in the trash. Excellent! Group 4 said, we can make a poster of protect the nature and public it

11、 on our school website. Thats a good idea.Step 4: Summary & HomeworkSo much for today. What you have learnt today? Oh, we need to protect the nature. It is very nice for you. Any volunteer? “fall” is mean: autumn. Great. We can use the new sentences.After class, we have a task. Finish the poster of

12、protect the nature and show it next class.Class is over, see you.Blackboard design小学英语面试教案:My Birthday Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Yes, I am great. Thank you! I hope all of you can be happy in our English class. Before we start our new lesson, lets sing the apple song we have learned l

13、ast week. Okay, ready. Go. Apple round, apple red, apple juicy, apple sweet, apple I love you, apple sweet I love to eat. Oh, Wonderful, you did a great job.(lead-in)Now lets have a short review. Last week, we learned a new topic, do you still remember? Right, we talked about birthday last week. And

14、 we also have learned some months. January, February, and May etc.Everybody, do you like to celebrate your birthday? Yes, of course, everyone likes it. Why? Who can tell me the reason? Okay, the tall boy in black coat. Whats your answer? You can get presents. Well done! Please have your seat. But we

15、 must tell others when is our birthday. So they can celebrate it for me. Do you think so?(presentation)Now boys and girls, Close your book. We will listen to the tape together. While you are listening, try to answer the question on the screen.1)When is the National Day?2)When is Zhang Pengs birthday

16、?3)When is Johns birthday?Can you hear it? Okay, I will make it louder. What about now? Fine. Now lets start.You have listened to the tape. Can you tell me whats the answer for question ? Any volunteers? Good, that girl please. October fist. Well done. You are so clever. Please sit down. So our National Day is October first. Boys and girls, please look at the card in my hand. And read after me. First, first, first. Wonderful. Now the first row. Everybody. Please read this wo



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